Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (2024)

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Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (1)

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad. Flavorful herbs and potatoes are roasted, combined with crunchy veggies and a mouth-watering herb ranch sauce for a potato salad that is out of this world!

Potato Salad is a Summertime Staple

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (2)

Potato salad is a Summer BBQ staple. It’s one of our favorites and we have made it so many different ways. But roasting the potatoes is really a game-changer.

Instant Pot 10-Minute Potato Salad

Texas-Style Potato Salad

How to Cook Potatoes in Your Instant Pot

Roast Potatoes with Herbs for Flavor

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (3)

Potatoes are cut in quarters, drizzled with olive oil, fresh herbs, sea salt and peppers.

Roasting Potatoes Gives Them a Crunchy Outside

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (4)

Roasting the potatoes gives them a crunchy outer surface, while infusing them with all of the flavors of the herbs! You roast the potatoes at a high heat (400-degrees) which crisps the outside and locks in the moisture inside the potatoes.

Customize the Flavors of Your Roasted Potato Salad

You can add any herbs that you want to really customize your potato salad. We used fresh thyme, dill and oregano.

Add Crunchy Vegetables to Your Roasted Potato Salad

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (5)

Once the potatoes are roasted, put them in a large bowl and add fresh veggies. We added half a red onion and 3 large radishes. Another ingredient that would be so good and a crunch would be fresh celery.

Creamy Ranch Sauce Compliments the Herb Roasted Potatoes

The creamy ranch sauce is full of ranch flavor and really compliments the roasted potatoes. To make the sauce we added mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard, fresh dill, grated Parmesan cheese and salt and pepper.

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (6)

Add Eggs to the Top of the Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad

We also added eggs. For some reason potato salad just doesn’t seem right without hard-boiled eggs. We cooked them in our Instant Pot and it’s so fast! We sprinkled the salad with sliced eggs, sliced radishes and fresh herbs.

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad Recipe

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (7)

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Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad. Flavorful herbs and potatoes are roasted, combined with crunchy veggies and a mouth-watering herbed ranch sauce for a potato salad that is out of this world!



KeywordBBQ salad, BBQ Side Dish, herbed potato salad, potato salad, ranch potato salad, Roasted Potato Salad, summer salad

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 20 minutes

Servings 8


  • 2pounds potatoes (russet, red or other)
  • 2T.olive oil
  • 2cloves garlic
  • salt and pepper to taste (sea salt)
  • 2 T.fresh thyme, chopped (or other herbs)


  • 1/4cupmayonnaise
  • 1/2cup sour cream
  • 3T.yellow mustard
  • 3T.fresh chives or green onions, chopped
  • 1/2medium red onion, minced
  • 1T. fresh thyme, chopped (or other herbs)
  • 2T.fresh baby dill, chopped
  • 2large radishes, chopped thinly


  • 4eggshard-boiled and sliced
  • 2largeradishes, sliced thinly
  • dill and chives to sprinkle on top
  • 1/4cup grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Set oven to 400-degrees. Line a baking sheet with tin foil.

  2. Chop potatoes into 2-inch squares or quarter baby potatoes

  3. Add potatoes to baking sheet, drizzle olive oil, fresh herbs and salt and pepper on potatoes and mix to coat the potatoes.

  4. Bake potatoes for 20-25 minutes, or until the potatoes are cooked thoroughly — skins should be crispy.

  5. While potatoes are cooking, make dressing. In a small bowl, combine mayo, sour creammustard, , herbs, onion, Parmesan cheese, radishes and salt and pepper. Mix well.

  6. When potatoes are done, take them out of the oven and let cool. In a large bowl, add potatoes and dressing and mix to coat the potatoes. Put mixture in serving dish and sprinkle with toppings. Serve.

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad is Even Better the Next Day

We made this salad for our Fourth of July BBQ and it was a hit! There were a few left-overs and I am happy to report that the salad is even better the next day. It’s definitely our favorite potato salad!

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (8)

What Type of Potatoes Do You Put in a Potato Salad?

We used red and petite gold potatoes in this salad. I bought two packages of the baby potatoes. But you can also use the full-sized potatoes. Just cut them into 2-inch squares. The smaller you slice the potatoes the more surface area they have to absorb the olive oil and herbs while they roast!

Why Would You Roast Potatoes for a Potato Salad?

Roasting potatoes at a high temperature give the potatoes a crispy outer layer, while locking in the moisture of the potato. Also drizzling potatoes with olive oil, herbs and salt and pepper infuses the potatoes with fresh flavor!

What Do You Serve with Potato Salad?

We love good old-fashioned burgers with our potato salad. For our BBQ we made Jalapeno Popper Burgers which were really fun to create. We had a little bit of a learning curve since we had never made them before so I am modifying the recipe with a few changes and then I will post it. The poppers had a cream cheese, jalapeno filling which was amazing. We tried making them with beef, ground turkey and vegan filling. Each of the proteins cooked differently but it was interesting to see how each one grilled. We also served the yummiest mushroom, swiss spinach salad with a homemade poppy seed dressing. This one is a family recipe and I will post that too!

What Other Salads are Easy to Make for a Summer Barbeque?

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (9)

Healthy Layered Cobb Salad Recipe

Cobb salad is a classic. You can add almost anything you like. I love the way it looks with the different sections of ingredients. And the balsamic vinaigrette is easy to make!

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (10)

Greek Cobb Salad with Zesty Chicken

This Greek spin on the classic Cobb salad is so good! I added zesty chicken to turn this dish into a main dish. The cucumbers, Greek olives and feta cheese are so good along with a Tzatziki sauce.

Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (11)

Summertime Pasta Salad

This pasta salad is one of our favorites. The cheese, pasta, veggies and Italian dressing are SO good!

What salads do YOU love to make in the Summer?

Share them with us in the comments!


Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (12)
Roasted Herb Ranch Potato Salad - Summer Dinner Recipe (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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