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Memoire Phonetique Master 2 Option Recherche
emmanuel poey
Revue française de pédagogie
Bilingüismo y aprendizaje en Madagascar: ¿qué plaza para la fonología?
2012 •
Nicot-Guillorel Muriel
L'influence de l'écriture sur la langue. Ph.D. dissertation, Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2009
2009 •
Yishai Neuman
"The Influence of Writing on Language The study of writing and language as semiotic codes in contact should have logically followed from the Saussurian statement: "Language and writing are two distinct systems of signs". On the same theoretical basis as that of contact linguistics, the contact between language and writing might be conducive to mutual semiotic transfer. The acquisition of writing induces a radical cognitive change and the emergence of writing within a linguistic community modifies its organisation. The greater physical force of the visual stimulus as against aural stimulus and the high prestige gained by the mastery of writing are the cognitive and social factors that favour semiotic transfer from writing to language. With regard to lexicon, a writing tradition accompanied by an orthoepy (rules of reading aloud) provides the language with words from afar in place and in time, like learned words from classical tongues and graphic loanwords between languages whose linguistic communities are not in direct contact. Graphemic words with no linguistic provenance are also vernacularised, like the lexicalisation of abbreviations. The vernacularisation of written elements enriches language. A particularly extreme case of vernacularised written sources is that of the emergence of spoken Modern Hebrew – literary non vernacular Hebrew of early 20th century being its main source. On the phonological level, orthoepy may modify phonology, as can be shown by the emergence of consonantal clusters in French and of /θ/ in author in English. On the semantic level, writing may be the source of the reorganisation of the signifiés based on spelling; numerous figures of speech are inspired by the attributes of writing. Keywords: Writing, orthoepy, semiotic transfer, lexical enrichment, morphophonology, linguistic change"
Rapport d'expertise de la méthode de lecture et écriture ALOE
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Caroline Viriot-Goeldel
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)
Creole-French co-literacy as a factor of academic success in Reunion
2021 •
Laurence Daleau Gauvin
L'écriture hébraïque en contact avec d'autres écritures. AIROE 39-40, 2007
Yishai Neuman
The Hebrew Writing System in Contact The study of Languages in Contact is synonymous with Contact Linguistics and needs today no excuse, but the study of writing systems in contact is still neglected. Given that “writing is not language” (Saussure 1916), contact linguistics and contact graphemics are not synonymous but merely private cases of contact semiotics. The history of Hebrew writing spans over three millennia. Its condition, evolution and function are often determined by contact-induced transfer and integration. A survey and analyses of graphemic contact addresses themes such as the Phoenician origin of the Hebrew alphabet with its inherent polyphony; acquisition of new Aramaic characters; archaizing usage of ancient Hebrew characters for identitarian purposes in both ancient Judea and modern Israel; appropriation of Greek alphabetic counting and its linguistic impact and contact with Jewish language purposed writing systems. All have implications for the shape and function of the Hebrew writing system, which are at times anecdotal and at times permanent. Description, analyses and critique employ notions such as xenography (foreign writing practice), graphemic transfer, (regional) Scriptura Franca (graphemic counterpart of Lingua Franca with no necessary overlap), foreign-induced graphophonemic under-differentiation, identitarian usage of writing, lexicalization of graphemic sequences, graphemic leveling, writing as language-generator agent, Jewish languages and writing systems, graphemics of Israeli Hebrew, dialectics of semiotic contact and integration. In spite of the jargon and in order to enhance accessibility, the presentation of evidence in the paper is often accompanied by tables, images and illustrations. Most of the facts displayed in the present study are known to the scholarly community and thus offer no real novelty. The angle of approach, however, is broadly semiotic rather than narrowly linguistic. This study considers writing systems as an independent (though not isolated) field of research and should thus constitute a milestone in grammatology as a scholarly discipline.
L'interdépendance entre oralité et écriture : le cas de la consonne latérale palatale dans l'acquisition phonologique de l'italien langue étrangère
2019 •
Stefano Presutti
Aujourd’hui, l’apprentissage de l’ecriture, tout comme celui d’une langue etrangere, paraissent essentiels dans le parcours de nombreux individus. Lors du processus d’apprentissage d’une L2, l’apprenant se confronte souvent a des informations a la fois phonologiques et orthographiques. Notre recherche souhaite interroger les raisons pour lesquelles, au sein des processus d’apprentissage, le rapport entre langue ecrite et langue parlee parait desequilibre. Nous avons oriente notre reflexion sur l’inconsistance de la correspondance grapheme-phoneme (CGP) de la consonne spirante laterale palatale voisee en italien. Cette these souhaite d’abord analyser les interactions entre la langue ecrite et la langue orale lors de l'evolution diachronique des societes occidentales. Nous decrirons ensuite le phoneme et les graphemes cibles d’un point de vue historique, sociolinguistique et phonosymbolique. Enfin, nous examinerons la CGP de la laterale palatale italienne a travers une tâche de di...
Ll'interdipendenza tra oralità e scrittura: il caso della laterale palatale nell'acquisizione fonologica dell'italiano L2
2019 •
Stefano Presutti
It is vital today for most people to learn a second language, acquiring both spoken and written skills. In the Second Language (L2) learning process, especially with adult students, both oral and written inputs are used. This study investigates why today in Western societies there is an incorrect balance between oral and written language, especially during the language acquisition processes. I focus particularly on inconsistent grapheme-to-phoneme correspondence (GPC) of the consonant palatal lateral approximant in Italian. In the present thesis, first I analyse the relationship between oral and¬ written language through the diachronic evolution of Western societies. Secondly, I describe the phoneme and the grapheme targets synchronically, diachronically and phono-symbolically. Finally, we examined the GPC of the Italian palatal lateral approximant with an audio-visual discrimination test in L2 context. The study urges teachers and scholars to pay more attention to the phonological ...
Portrait du développement de la compétence orthographique d'élèves créolophones scolarisés au Québec de la maternelle à la troisième année
2008 •
Carole Fleuret
Ecrire les langues bantoue
EBook 72 Schroeder Ecrire les langues bantoue
2019 •
Leila L Schroeder
This manual for orthography development for Bantu languages is a translation of the English version 2, intended for use in Francophone countries. It identifies the phonological and morphemic properties common to Bantu languages, and advises writing rule decisions based upon readability and comprehensibility factors.