The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

1' STEAM. PUMPS. IMPORTANT TO TANNERS. We manufacture the best and cheapert. STEAM PUMP In the world for your use.

JUST THE THING. U. Refer by J. permission to Newton Falls, Ohio. C.

KREaL GRETZINGER, Fairdeld, West Va. HANGER, Girard, Obio. and over a 110 others. This is also used by Locomotives, Saw Mille, C. Will not get out of repair.

Send for Circular to J. B. SHERRIFF Water street. jan'0-8mM Pia PA. FURNITURE.

REMOVAL. For the purpose of extending my business, and offering to friends and patrons proper accommodations, I have removed my Furniture Depot to Nos. 14 and 16 Prospect (Stere lately occupied by Jacob Wansor) with' stock 'ir- of fine coulbed Furnitare in the city, I can and facilities for manufactare, and a will make it profitable for buyers to call and see me N. jAnAly OYSTERS. OYSTERS.

OYSTERS, As the season has, now opened, we offer to the trade, IN CANS AND TUBS, The old reliable brand of C. S. MALTBY'S' BALTIMORE OYSTERS 'Don't forgot to call upon J. Il. A.

S. GORIAM. AGENTS, 106 Superior street. BAp6 Gen. Pass'r Agent, Toledo.

CITY NOTICE. NOTICE -Notice TO is WHOM bereby IT given MAY that the CON- following resolution was adopied by the City Council of the city of Cleveland, January 20, 1874. Resolved, That the City Clerk causo noticeto be given by publication in the Cleveland Herald for torce weeks, that this Council is asked to make the grant for, and give its consent to, the use and pation for a street railroad, of th.t part of Broadway, north of the south end of Central Market. that part of Ontario street eouth of Monumental Para, the carriage way around the southwest part of raid Park, and Superior street between said Part and Water street, 80 that passengere may bo conveyed in the game curs, between the southerly limits of the city on Broadway and Water etreot, via said route; and that the Council invite proposals to be until 12 o'clock, or Thureday, the 12'h day ct Februreceived at the office of the Board of Improsemoute, ary, 1874, for conveying paemengers on maid pro. posed etreet railroad, and the same be repoated to this Counci: for its action.

THEO. VOGES, City Clerk. FAST TIME From Cleveland, to the River VIA WABASH The Pactfir Express leaving Cleveland at 7:30 p. with Pullman Palace Sleeping Carsfor st. Louis, arrives at St.

Louis, Quincy and other Western cities via this route, from 2 to 5. hours in unvance of all competing lines. Passengers going to Missouri, Kansas, Texas and other Western states should note this fact and purchase Tickets Tickets can be 'obtained at the Union Office, 184 Bank street and at the Depot, Cleveland. 0. GEO.

I. BURROWS, Gen'l Sup't, Lafayette. W. L. MALCOLM, Cleveland.

Jan. 21, 1974. OITY NOTICES. NO that the following IS resolution was HEREBY adopted by the City Council of the City of Cleveland, Jan uary 27th, 1871: Resolved, That in the opicion of this Council, (two- thirds of all the members concurring) it is deemed necessary to grade, pave, drain and improve Jennings avenue, between Scranton avenue and a point oue hundred and fifty feet south of the south line of Crown street, to conform to the established grade of said street, in accordance with the plans and proflee on ille in ofico of City Civil Engineer. The time within which claims for damages may be fled, expires on the 27th day of February, 1874.

jap29 2w THEO. VOGES, City Gerk. IS HEREBY NO given that the following resolution was adopted by the City Councll of we city of Cleveland, Januiry 27th, 1873: "Resolved, That in the opinion of this Council, (two-thirds of all the members concurring,) it is deemed necossary to grade, macadamiz, gravel improve Chestnut Ridge street, from Lorain etrect to the southerly limits of the city, to conform the cotablished grade of said strect, in accordanco with the plans and protiles on ale in the oflice of the City Civil Engincer. The time within which claima for damages may be tea expires on the 2itn day of February, 1874. jan29 2w THEO.

VOGES. City Clerk. IS HEREBY NOT that the following resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Cleveland, Janu ary $7th, "RESOLVED, 1874. That in the opinion of this Council, (two-thirds of all the members concurring.) it is deemed necessary to grade, drain and improve Gidavenue, from Euclid avenue to superior street, to conform to the established grade of said strect, in accordance with the plans and profiles on ale in the office of City Civil Engineer." Tho time within which claims for damages may be fled expires on the 27th day of February 1874. jan2)-2w THEO.

VOGES, City Clerk. NOTE following NOTICE IS resolution HEREBY was adopted GIVEN by THAT the City Council of the City of Cleveland, January 27th, 1874: Resolved, That In the opinion of this Coancil (two-thirds of all the members concurring) it is deumed neccasary to grade, drain and improve Burton street, between point nineteen hundred and sixty-eight1(1969) feet south of Lorain street and Clark avenue to conforin to the established grade of said street in accordance with the plans and profiles on file in the office of the City Civil Engineer. be fled expires on the 27th day of February, 1674. The time me within which claims for damages may 14029-2w THEO. VOGES.

City Clerk. NOTICE following NOTICE resolution IS was HEREBY adopted GIVEN by that the City Council of the City of Cleveland, January 21th, 1874: Reeolved, That in the opinion of this Council (two-thirds of all the members concurring), it 18 deemed neceegary to grade, drain and improve Frank street, (formerly Cherry street) between Doan aud Newburgh sireet, so-calied, to conform to the es tabliahed grade of said street, in accordance with the plans and profiles on Ale in the otlice of the City Civil Engineer. The time within which claims for damages may be filed expires on the day of February, 1874. Jan29 Ow THEO. VOGES.

City Clerk. OFFICE OF TALI CITY CIVIL ENGINEER, No. 7 City ball, CLEVELAND, Jan, 27, 1874 TOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CON The Board of Improvements have prepared and on file in their office for the examination and inspection of all parties interested therein! plans and specifications for a sub-main sower In Alabama street, from St. Clair atreet to Superior streot; thence westerly in Superior street to Nevada street, with branches east and west in Superior street; betwoen P'erry etrect and Sterling avenue; alea branches in' Delaware, Alabama, Minnesota and Nevada streete, between Superior street and Payne avenue, and Olivor streat between Payue avenue and Euclid avenuo said sub-main and branch being in Sewerage Diatrict No. 2 8g duecribed by ordinance raseed May 23.

1860. Of the above named sowers, the Board propose the immediate construction of main sewer in Alabama and Superior strects, and the branches cast and west In Superior atree', botween Perry street and Sterling avenue. The Board will hear a lintoroated parties at their office, February 9.b, 1874, at 8 o'clcoz p. m. By order of the Board CHAS.

I. STRONG, Civil Engineer. PARDON NOTICE. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.Notice hereby givon that an application will be made to the Governor of ohio, for the pardon of William Allen, who was convicted of the crime of borso stealing at the November term. 1866, of the Court of Common Pleas of County, Ohio, and sentetced to tho S.ate Penitentiary for tho torm of ten pears.

Cec16-9w ATTACUMENT. Sberburne Noonan, Before John P. Green, VS. J. P.

of Cleveland W. B. Higby. Defendant. Cuyaboga Ohio.

ON THE 1873, 21th said DAY Justice OF lesuod an DECEM- order attachment in the above action for the sum of thirty four dollars SHERBURNE NOONAN. Cleveland. January 30, 1874. CARAMELS. HOLLIS, Fur AN argument in favor of liberal appro-1 SHERIFFS SALE.

THE STATE OF OHIO, County, 88. PURSUANT TO Fieria Facias. THE irened COMMAND the Superior Court of Cleveland, aud to me directed, in the action of Bart K. Tilden. plaintiff, Atlantic and Great Western Rallway Company, de fendant, I have levied upon one Locomo ive Engine NO.

240, A. G. W. R. R.and one Tender 10g and Tender said for sale at public auction, at the Round to and shall offer the said Engine House of.

The Atlantic and Great Western Hallway Company, located between Scranton avenue and Central Way, in the city of Cleveland, County and State aforesaid, on Saturday, the day of Jannary, A. D. 1814, between the hours of two o'clock and three o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Terms of sale cerh. PARD B.

SMITH, Sherif GILBERT SMITE, Plaintiff's jan21-10d SHEKIFE'S SALE. THE STATE OF OHIO, County, vity of Cleveland, 88. 8 'TO THE COMMAND of an order of sale, issued from the Superior Court of Cleveland, and to me directed, in the aclion of V. Fries et al. plaintif's, V8.

J. Keenan et defendants, I shall offer for tale at the eouth door of the County Court House, in the city of Cleveland. and County aforesaid, on Wednesday, the 25th day of February, 1874, between the hours of two and thee o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following scribed lance and tenements to wit: Known as sublot number sixty-nine (t 9) in the allotment of James M. Hoyt. and others of original en acre lots number one hundred seventeen (117) and others, in the city of Cleveland, Coauty of Cayahoza, and State of Ohio.

forty feet front on Williams street and 132 feet deep. Appraised at $2,800. Terms cash. PARD. SmITH.

Sheriff. J. E. INGERSOLL, Paintid's Att'y. jan26-30d SHERIFF'S SALE.

THE STATE OF Curaboga County, 88. PURSUANT Fieria 10 Faciss. THE iseued COMMAND from the Court of Common Pleas of said County, and to mne directed, ia the action of Villiam K. Smith, plaintiff. and William Hiter and others.

delendante. I did. on the 29th day of January, 1874, levy upon the following described lande and tenements and shall offer the same tor sale at public auction, at the south door of the County Court House, in the city of Cleveland, County aforesaid, on Saturday, the 28tb day of February, A. D. 1814, between the hours of two o'clock and thr.

o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Said premises are deecribed as tollows Situate in the city of Cleve and, Coauty of Cuzaand State of Ohio, and known as being part of lots two hundred and nine (209) and two huudrea and ten (210) in Benedict and Koot's allotment, and bounded as fol owe Beginning at a point on Bridge street and ninety-two (9)) feet easterly from the corner of Taylor and Bridge streets, la lot pumber 209; thence east along Bridge street thirty-two (32) fret; thence north aud parallel with Taylor et eet across said lots numbers 209 and :10 to the north cf lot 210; twence west along the north line of lot 212 thirty-two (32) feet to a vuint ninety. two (92) feet east from Taylor street: thence south acro 8 said lots 209 and 210 parallel with Taylor street to the place of begicning. Appraised at $1,000 00. Terms of sale cash.

PARD. B. SMITH, Sheriff. WM. K.

SMITH, Attorney. 13n24-30d MASTER'S SALE. PURSUANT TO the command of a decretal order of sale 186ued from the Superior Court of CIt velanc, in the County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, on the 21et day wherein of George Roth et al. are plaintids and Louis Becker January, A. D.

1874, in a certain action et. are defendants, and directed and delivered to me, I shall offer for sale at pablic auction, at the south door of the County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio, on the 20 day of Marco A. D. 1874, the between afterthe hours of two and thee o'clock in noon of said day, the following described lands and tenements to wit: Situate in the city of Cleveland, County of Cuzaboga aad state of Ohio, and koown James me eublot number 123 of the subdivieion of M. Hoyt and Colgate Hoyt or part of original lot No.

84. Said lot No. 123 is 30 feet front on Leyden street and runs 122 feet in depth to an alley. Appraised at $500. 'Tering HENRY of sale C.

WRITE, Master Commissioner. HEESENMUELLER KELLY, Plaintiff Atty's. January 1874. jan29td ASSIGNEE'S DALE, ON THE 2d DAY OF March, 1074, in pursuance or an order of the Probate Court of Cuyahoga County, the undereigned win proceed to sell the asdeis and edecte of the late Arms of Loreer Meyer and Loeect, Meyer at public auction and to the highest bidder. Said assets consists of a large assortment of Shoddy Cloth and Paper.

and merchardizo. able real estate, eaid real estate to be sold hetween the hours of 10 o'clock a w. and 12 m. o'clock of said day, al the door of the Court douse, and the sale of paid persoral property to commence at 2 o'clock m. of said day, on the premises, coruer of Mill and Bitchco*ck streets, city of Cleveland, and to continue until completed For terms and conditions of Bale enquire of the Aesignce.

8. SLOSS, dec37-4w $35 Saperior street. Abraham Schwarz, P.aintitf, In Superior Coart VS. Cleveland, Ohio. Jacob Hiller, Defendant.

THIE sued in WILL raid Court TAKE notice that he has been by Abraham Schrit for the enm of dve hundred and four dollars ank seventy-Ave cents (501 75) on an accoant: or goods sold and del vered, with interest thercon from February 14th, 1873; that an attachment was leaved in said case to the Sheritt of said Court against the lands, goods and chattels of defondant, and in pursuance of eaid order of attachment: eaid Sheriff took possession of the leasehold interest of defendant in the premises occupied Dy bam, all the goods and cha'tele in big saloon; also eublot No 24 in the south half of fublot No 23 in Willicut Mcrate's subdivision of the west part of eublot nine in Bomfora's subdivision of original one hundred acre lots 331 and 832 and part of 100 acre lot 329 in the township of Newburgh now city of Cleveland. County of cuyaboga, State of Ohio. That said defendant is notided to appear and answer to the said suit on or before the third Saturday after eix weeks from the date of thie lication, or judgment wul be taken against bim. SLADE KLINE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Cleve'and.

Ohio, Jan. 2d. 1874. claims against it are requested to present them for payment. jan7-awW THOMAS ELWOOD.

ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. A hereby given that on NOTICE. th3 3d day of -NOTICE Jauuary, IS A. D. 1874, the undersigned was daly appointed As.

eignee of the property and eftects of Rosenbiat and David Rosenblat, lately doing basiness in the City of Cleveland, Obiv, under the firm name of S. Hosenblat Bro. AD persoze having claims against eaid Simon and David or said 8. are required to present the fame duly verified to the eaid A eelgnee for allowance, at 103 Water street, Cleveland. 0.

THEODORE HARRIS. Cleveland, 0. Jan 7. 1874. 1409-3w NOTICE, NOTICE.

-NOA ticeis hereby given that the underaigued bae been duly appointed and qualified as Administrator of the catate of Paul McGuire, late of the city of Cleveland, Obio. Ail persons Indebted to the edtate will please settle the game, and those having LEGAL NOTICE. Frank Paler, plaintid, V8. In the Superior Frank Dworchak, Wentworth Re- Ucort of Clevevis and V. T.

Fleishman, deferd- land, Oblo. ant. FRANK State of DWORCHAK, Minnesota, and OF ST. Wentworth PAUL, Revis, whose place of residence is to the plaintiff unknown, will take notice that Frank Paler, of the eald city of Cleveland, did, on the 26th day of De cember, 1873, file his petition in the said Superior Court againet the ta'd rank Dworchak, Wentworth Kevie add V. T.

Fielebman, defendante, eetting up that said Dworchak, on the 15th cay of July, 1870, commenced a certain civil suitin the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga county against this plaintiff; that exid Dworchak filed his fidavit for an order in said action for the arrest of this plaintiff, and the said Dworchak, with the defendants Hevis and Fleiehman, entered' into an undertaking therefor and procured an order of arrest to issue, and at the request of said Dworchsk and by virtue of said order of arrest this plaintitt was arrested and held in custody until he gave bail for his release; that said order of atreet was afterward by enid Court vacated and the eald order was wrongfally and maliciously and without probable cause obtained by said Dworchak; that plaintid was damaged by reason of the the premises in the sum of $500,00, and praying for jadgment against said defendante for said sum on said undertaking. Said Dworchak 18 also notified that on raid 26th of December an order of attach. ment was issued againat bim in said action, and the said Frank Dworchak and Wentworth Revie are notified that they are required to appear and anewer esid petition 'on or before the 23th day of March, A. D. 1574.

HEISLEY REISLEY. Attorreys for Plaintia. Cleveland. Jan: 29, 1874. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.

HEREBY given that the undersigned, E. Heseenmuel ler. bas been duly appointed end qualifed Assignee of the estate of Conrad of Cleveland, Obio. All persona holding claims against said C. B.

Krause, are hereby required to present their claims within six monthe atter the pub ication of this notice, and all persons who are indebted to said C. B. Krause, are also hereby required to pay the same promptly to the undersigned. E. L.

HESSENMUELLER. Cleveland, 0. Dec. 27, 1873, NOTICE, A tice INISTRATOR'S given bat the NOTICE. undersigned -NO- has been duly appointed and qualified as Administrator of the estate of Thomas McClane, late of the City of Cleveland, onlo, deceased.

All persons indebted te the catate will pleago settle the same, and those having claims against it are requested to present them for payment. ALEXANDER McCLANE. Cleveland. Dec. 27, 1873.

dec27 LEGAL NOTICE. The State of Ohio, In the Court of Common Cuyahoga Pleas. E. Koippenberg, H. Beckman an I Hesenmueller, plaintiffe, against Notice.

Edson Bradley, Wm. E. Bradley and E. F. Church defendants.

ley SON and BRADLEY. harob, WM. non-residents E. of BRAD- the State of Ohio, partner: under the firm namo of Edson Bradley Co, will take notice that on the 26tb day of December, 1873, the above named plaintif's fled their petition it said Court of Common Pleas, the object and prayer of which petition is to recover a jadgment against said defendants for the sum of 3449 19.100, with laterest from October 1673: also for the am of $454 32-100, with interest from October 13, 1873, and also for the sum of $836 11-100, with interest from October 22, 1873, due to them from said defendants upon account. The plaintiffs have eaused orders of attachment to be issued against said detendants in said action to the Sheriff of Cayahoga county, State of Ohio, upon which the property of said defendants has been attached.

Said defendants are required to answer said petition on or before the third Saturday after six weeks from the date of this notice. HESSENMUELLER KELLEY SO A THE PLAIN DEALER 313 Cleveland Plain Dealer IS DAILY, 47: AND 'WEEKLY. 1 4 AND IS ONE OF THE Best Mediums for? Advertising IN NORTHERN OHIO: THE DAILY PLAIN DEALER US ISSUED EACH EVENING AT I o'clook and at 3 o'clock, 14 time to catch all the trains, so that it is distributed in all the neighboring towns to Cleveland on the atternoon of publication, as well as delivered at the houses of the citizens of Cleveland. THE TRI-WEEKLY PLAIN DEALER IS PUBLISHED EVERY Monday, Wednesday and Friday, And is sent te all the towns along the railroads in Northern Oblo, and delivered by carriers to overy part of the city. The Weekly Plain Dealer Is, Printed every Monday Night and malled on Tuesday morning, all subscribers get their papers on Wednesday, ate of publication.

The PLAIN DEALER is the only medium by which advertisers can reach the Democratic People of Northern Ohio, and consequently is a neceselty all who wish to reach the people. Terms off Advertising Reasonable. Enquire at the PLAIN DRALER Counting Room, No. 107 Seneca street, CART 4 CLEVELAND, OHIO, ARMSTRONG GREEN, PROPRIETORS. Job Printing OF EVERY 4- NEATLY EXECUTED Co-Operative Job Office, PLAIN DEALER BUILDING, No.

107 Seneca Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Texas, May 10, 1873, mint ADMINISTRATOR'S BALE, Cleveland Plain Dealer. Travelers' Register. 1:45 P. 2.

4:00 30 P. P. M. $:15 P. N.

5 CO P. K. GEO. G. MULHERN, Sup't.

6 00 r. M. Some Newspaper Notes. the new Speaking man who was to take changes the of Newman reminds mo that Herald has not yet appeared. since young Bennett came have back bad from some Europe lively the boys times.

in The youngster has been stirring the office them up with an cophatically long pole. His first punch was aimed at Seilbamer, who got the paper into the row with the takes care Union of Square the religious inextre, department, vice who Seilbamer now has been reduced to the ranks of misceltaneous writers. Several other changes have been made in the editorial rooms, but The Connery Herald makes most changes and gains retains his position as manager. least by then of any other paper New York. The policy of the Tribune is just the reverge.

It has always aimed at putting the right man in the right place and keeping him there, and by sticking to this it has gathered into his sanctum the best organized editorial corps in tha country. By the way, the laying of the corner few stone of the new Tribune building a days ago was an event of special interest, and the appearance of the Miescs Greeley as participants in the ceremony gave great pleasure to many old friends of the paper. They performed their part with becoming modesty, but DO lack of its self-possession. small Next day the Times exhibited spite by merely announcing in half a dozen lines the laying of the corner stone of Jay Gould's new building." The Times seems to grow more stupid and abusivo every day, and is at present in great wrath over reports that it has lost power with the administration. Its diatribes no longer have the force they had during the war, on the ring, but it keeps them up in the old spirit merely from force of habit.

Before dropping the journa'istic topic I may well mention the appearance of 1hrco or four new weeklies since Now Year's. They ore of the usual kind, light and rather ephemeral, and it is if they will put any money in the pockets of the projectors. One is called the Happy Home, and is published by that Tom Scott of the weekly press, Frank Leslie. The title of another in Belles and Beaux, and 8 third is called the llumorist. The name of tho latter is but as nearly all its matter second hand it has not been received with much warmth.

The Humorist will probably go as 80 many papers of the samo kind have gone before -in oblivion. An English Tragedy. A.M. A. M.

P. M. P. M. Lake Shore M.

8., East. 11:15 2 35 10:00 do Jeferson 4:50 do West via 5:35 2:50 7:10 do Erie do Sandusky 4 40 do via do via Sandusky. 8:40 do Exprese accomodation. Columbar, Cin. Indian's.

7:55 9:30 7:25 Lake Shore Tas. 7.55 Galion 4:00 Pittsburgh do 12.20 8:30 Alliance Great 7.45 Atlantic (. Mahoning Br. $7:20 3:45 A. 9:00 Detroit ARRIVALS.

M. A. M. P. M.

P.M. Lake Shore M. Accom'p. East. 6:20 9.20 7:30 2.10 do Jeffereon do Erie West, via Accomod'n.

Sandusky $7:05 9:40 do du via Norwalk 11:05 2:15 9.50 Columbus, do, Sandusky Cin't A. India's C. $7:10 9:20 2:20 9:30 Tuscarawse Val. Accom'n. 10:15 10:15 Gallon Pittsburgh 1:50 8:40 Atlantic Aillance Great Western.

7:55 4:15 10:20 do Mahoning Branch 10:45 4:05 $7:30 Detroit 5.00 1 Trains Passengers marked and baggage conveyed to either of the run on Sundays. above trains from any part of the city at at the prices OMNI- fixed by BUS the City OFFICE. ordinance. No. 134 BANK STREET, next to Leave orders the Palace Herald and otice.

Sleeping Car Tickets over the Lake and ern Hudson Railways. River, can be procured at the Lake Shore Shore and Michigan Southern: A New York and Central Westand Toledo, Wabash and Michigan Boulbern Baggage W. L. Room, NUTT, agent. Depot.

WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ROCKY RIVER RAILROAD TIME TABLE Leave Rocky River Leave 6:30 A. Cleveland. 6:00 M. 7:30 8:30 0:80 10:30 A.

M. 11'80 12:15 P. M. 1:45 P. 2:45 P.

M. 8:45 P. 4:45 P. M. M.

1:00 P. 6:45 P. SUNDAY TIME TABLE. Leave Rocky River. Leave 9:45 4.

Cleveland. 9:00 A. 10:10 M. 11:15 1:00 P. A.

19:00 M. An English Tragedy. Ilere is a true story of low life in Eugland, which is not without its pathos as well as its horror. William Parker enlisted in the English army when ho was twentyone; he served for ten years in India and elsewhere; ho was a good soldier and a rekind, patient and pleasant man. He was, dischargod at the end of his service; his health was broken down; his wife soon died, and he was left with his two children.

He was devotedly attached to them, and there never wag a kinder, or 8 better father. Times grew hard with him, his bad health prevented him from getting work, and last November he found himself owing C2 10g. for rent, and not penny in the world. His landlady, herself a very poor woman, Wag very kind to his children, ant fed them out of her own, fcanty means; but her husband at last said that he could not allow her to keep them any longer. She told Parker this sad news with a heavy heart.

He received it quietly he went to the room where the two children were in bed; he took them in his arms, one at time, cut their throats, allowed the blood to drain into a bucket, replaced them in bed, and walked to the police station where he gave himself up for the murder of his two children. He appeared to be very ill, but was perfectly calm and collected, although he seemed to be in a very distressed state of mind. Thero was not a particle of food in the room, and there was every indication of extreme poverty. Yesterday, at the old Bailey, Parker was tried for the murder of his two children, and was of course convicted. A feeble attempt was mado to show that be was insane, but it failed.

Ho was sentenced to London Cor. Graphic. JEWELERS. BALL, BLACK and 567 BROADWAY, NOW York will continuo the solo of their Immense Stock of SILVERWARE, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS during the Summer Months. All goods will be sold WITHOUT RESERVE, at a Great Redoetion.

to CLOSE THE BUSINESS INSURANCE STATEMENT. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR PUBLICATION, To be published at least once a vear In every connty where thero is an Agency. STATE OF OHIO, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, COLUMBUS, Jannary 24tb, 1871 WHEREAS, The COMMERCE INSURANCE COMPANY, located at Albany, in the State of New York, has fled in this office a sworn Statement, by the proper oflcere thereof, showing its condition and basinces, and has complied in all respects, with the laws of this State relating to Fire lusarance Companies, incorporated by other States of the United States. Now, therefore, in pursurance of law, William F. Church, Superintendent of Insurance for the State of Ohio, do hereby certify that said company is authorized to traneact its appropriate business of Fire Insurance ir.

this State, in accordance with law, during the current year. The condition and bustness of said company at the date of such statement (December 31st, 1873) is shown as follows: Amount of actual paid up Capital $200,000 Aggregate amount of availablo 370,608 64 Aggregate amount of Liabilities, (excopt capital.) Including 143,878 80 Amount of Income for tac preceding year in cash 217,072 83 Amount of Expenditures for the pieceding year in 232,581 85 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and caused tho Seal of my Office to be anxed, tlie day and year above written. W. F. CHURCH, Superintendent.

R. C. ROUSE. Agent at Cleveland, O. FLOUR, dC Buckwheat Flour! CHOICE FLOUR, FRESH for Sale in GROUND barrels and BUCK- bage, to suit, at Union Elevator, Merwin street.

GARDNER. BURT (LARK. Flour Rye Flour credited and uncreditable; but no editorial haustive Lake Shore and Michigan Sonth ern Railway. Eastward. Leave Arrive.

Steamboat 5:20 a Atlantic Express, 7:30 a 7:00 Toledo Buffalo 11:15 Day 2:35 2:10 Jefferson 4:50 20 Special N. Y. 17:30 a Westward. Leave, Arrive. Chicago Accommodation, via a Special via New York Express, $8:00 a pm Weste: Express, via NorSandusky Accommodation.

$4:40 pm Pacific Express, dally, via 7:30 7:05 Cleveland Accommodation, via 11:05 a except Sundays. except Mondays. Atlantic Express makes direct connection with trains for Jamestown and Oll City. Special Chicago Express and Western Er press make direct connections with trains for Detroit and Jackson. Special Chicago Express makes direct connections with trains for Homer, Albion and Eaton Rapide.

Special Chicago Exprose and Pacific Express make direct connections with traine for Three Rivera, Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids. Sleeping Coaches en Atlantic Exprees for New York without change. Also Drawing Room Coach tor Rochester. Drawing Room Coach on Day Express for Bufalo. Sleeping Coaches on Cincinnati Erpress tor Albany, without change.

Sleeping Coaches on Special New York Express for Rochester, without change. Also Sleeping Coach for Bufalo Drawing Room Bleeping Coaches on Pacific Express and Special Chicago Express for Chicago, Ticket Offices at 134 Bank street, Union Depot, and Atlantic Great Western Railway Depot. CHARLES PAINE, Gen'l Sup't, Cleveland. 0. F.

B. MORSE, Gen'l West' Pass't Chicago, STATIONS. Mail. 1 Fast Line. Accomo'n Leave 8:25 12:20 P.

3:30 Arrive at 9:36 1:92 4:48 10:11 2:02 5:17 Alliance 11:00 2 41 6:05 11: 8 4:10 11:40 Canton 111.50 6:55 12:13 7:16 1:31 8:17 Massillon, rial 7:00 Arrive at Akron 10:21 6:25 3:40 7:20 2:20 6:10 9:15 Harrisburg. 3:20 5:00 12:20 New York, Philadelphia 11:15 12:30 P. 7.00 00 Philadelphia. 8:13 9:10 4:30. 30 6:40 4:10 Washington.

9:00 11:10 5:45 Boston P. M. 11:20 P. 6:50 A.M Curs ran through from Cleveland to New York (vis Pittsburgh) with but one change, viz: at Pittabargh. Through Tickets can be procured at the Union Ticket 134 Bank street, at the Union Pas senger Station and at Euclid avenue Station.

Sleeping car accommodations from Pittsburgh Hast can also be secured at the latter office. By the 8:80 P. M. Accommodation Train cars run through without change from Oleveland to Caysboga Falls, A through Akron car and leaves Millereburgh. daily by the 8:25 8.

m. train for Gambier, Mont Vernon, Columbas, Cincinnati and intermediate points without change. CONNECTIONS. At Alliance with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Chicago Railway for all pointe East and West. At Pittsburgh with the Peansylvania Railroad, Alleghany Valley Railroad and Pittsburgh Connellville Railroads.

At Wheeling and Bellaire, with the Baltimore Ohio and Hempdelu Railroads. TRAINS ARRIVE AT Morning Exprees and Accommodation, 10:20 A. Now York, Washington and Wheeling Mall, 1:50 P.M.; New York and Washington Express, 8:40 P.M. JOHN THOMAS Sap't. Cleveland Pittsburgh R.

R. AND AFTER MONDAY. DEC. ON 5, 1873, Trains leave Cleveland daily, (Sundays excepted), as follows: 5 Winter Arrangement. Atlantic Great Western R.

R. In eftect Monday, Nov. 8d, 1873. FURTHER NOTION, TRAINS leave, from Depot of Atlantic and Great Western Railroad as follows 7:00 A. M.

Sleeping Coaches EXPRESS from Leavitieburg (8:15 a. m. TO NEW YORK WITHOUT CHANGE Arrives at Mcadville 11:00 a. m. (Dinner), Franklin 12:30 p.

Oil City 1:00 p. Oorry 12:30 p. 6:15 p. m. (Sapper); Corning 8:05 p.m.; Elmira 8:38 p.

Binghamton 10:58 p. arriving at New York 7:10 a.m. EXPRESS (daily 7:45 P.M. excepted.) Sleeping Coaches from Cleveland through without change. Arrives at Mordville 12:25 a.

Corry 2:17 a. 10.: 8:20 a. Cornir 10,22 8. 10:51 a. m'; Bingbimpton 12:49 p.

New York 8:25 p. Boston 5:50 a. m. 7:20 A. M.

at all way AB Stations. Ar. rives at Youngstown 10:35 a. Sharon 11:25 8.10.; Leetonia 11:25 a. New Lisbon 12:10 p.

m. COLnecta at Leavi tabarg with Mail Train No. 6 for all local points eat on main Line. 3:45 P. M.

Arriving ate all 7:55 Vienna way 7:93 D. Youngstown 7.00 p. Sharon p. Leetonia 7:50 p. New Lisbon 8:37 Mead- Connects at Leavittsburg with traio No.

8 tor ville and intermediate polota arriving at Meadvillo at 11:10 p. n1. ARRIVES AT CLEVELAND 7:5 a. 10:45 a 4.05 p. 7:30 p.

m. This is the only route by which passengers can reach Corry, Bingham ton, Hornel eville, Elmira, and points on the drie Railway without change of card, and with but one charge to Boston and New England cities. This is the only route to the OIL REGIONS without change. Through Ticke land information regarding the reate can be obtained at the Union Ticket Office, 181 Bank street, at the Depot of Atlantic Great Western R. of G.

F. Bowman, corner of Pearl and Detroit streets. purchasing through tickets via this line will be trageferred to the A. G. W.

Depot free of charge. Omnibusecs will call for passengers at points within tranefer limite, by leaving cale at the Omnibus Ottice when purchasing tickets. b. SHATTUC, Gen. Passenger Agent P.

D. COOPER, Gen'l Supt. L. FOUTH. Agent Cleveland Clevoland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis R'y.

TE "BEE AND APTER MONDAY, DEC. 15th, 1873. and until further notice, Passenger Trains will leave Cleveland and arrive at pointe named below, as No. 1. No.

3. No. 7:55 8 2:30 7:25 Crestline 12:50 11:05 8 8:05 6:15 10:45 Columbus. 2:00 9:00 1:30 a Springfeld. 3:15 2:82 a Dayton.

4:15 3:36 a 6:30 6:00 12:15 St. 8:3) a 8:40 1:50 1:45 a 4:10 4:115 a 7:45 7:30 3:00 pm Terre Haute 111:39 8 a 1:40 3 6:45 13 8 3:39 7:15 St. Louis. 7:35 7 55 Kansas .110:25 9 30 a SLEEPING CARS ON ALL MIGHT TRAINS. ALL TRAINS leavo Cloveland daily, except Sun daye, and run through to Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Louisville.

PASSENGER TRAINS returning, arrivo at land at 7:10 A. 10:15 A. 2:20 P. 9:35 Through Parlor and Sleeping Coach on No 1, for St. Lows via Indiapolis without change.

Parlor Car on No 5 for Columbus. For THROUGH TICKETS and particular information, apply at the Union Ticket Ofice, 134 Bank street, or at Ticket Office, Union Passenger Depot Cleveland. E. S. FLINT, Gen'l Sap 8: 8: 00BB, PIERSON, Gen'l General Pass.

Ticket Agent, Agent. Cleveland, O. Cincinnati, Sandusky Cleveland RAILROAD. EL The direct route to London. Columbue, Xenia, Dayton, Cincinnati, Louisville Indianopolia, Terra Haute, St.

Loris, Kansas City, and all pointe Soutb and Southweat. Oc and after this date, until further notice, Passenger Trains will run as followe: No. 5 M. Ex. No.9NtEr.

No. 9 Ac D'y cr. San. D'y ex. Sun.

San only Ly 8:00 a 5:20 5 20 Arr at 8:52 a a 7:00 6:00 6:00 Ly 8:58 6:00 Ly Green 9.03 a 7:19 pm 6:19 LY Arr at Carey 9 10:20 35 a 9 9:03 8:02 8:00 1:03 pm Arr at Findle; 11:33 a Ly 9:10 a Ly 10:21 9:05 Ly 10:59 a 4:52 LY 11:37 a 10:40 Arr Bellafantain 12:45 12.09 a Ar Bellefontain 1:15 12:10 Ly 2:85 1:45 a Arr at 8:15 pm 2:10 Arr at 4:80 pm 10,40 8 Arr at Columbus 5:35 11:40 a Arr at 4:26 3:36 a Arr at Cincinnati 6:80 6:00 a No. connects at Clyde from both East and West: at Tiffin for the Weat: at Forest for the Weet: at Beilefontaine for the West: at Springfeld with Colambas Divielon Train for London and Colambas: at Cincinnati with the Olio and abd Louisville, Cincinnati and Lexington Train for the South and West. No. 9 connecte at -Clyde for- -and from both the East and West: at Forest for the West: at Beliefon taine for both East and West: at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Missiseippi, and Lonieville line and Lexington traine for the South and West. Trains arrive: Night Express.

at 8:35 a. daily except Mondays. Sunday Accommodation from Carcy, 8.85 a. Mondays only. Mail Express at 7:00 p.

dally except Sundays. Sleeping cars attached to No. 9, and Day Cars 'to No. 5, ran through to Cincinnati Through tickets to principal points South, Southweat and West at as low rates as by any other route cAn be procured at the offices of the company in Sandusky, and at principal etations on line. Baggage checked through to principal points.

Berths in the sleeping coaches can be secured in advance by telegraphing or applying to the General Ticket Agent in the Depot Building on Water hot Folion and Taw atrects. POI CITY NOTICES. ST NOTICE Loads TO Ritter, WHOM P. 8. -IT Bos worth MAY and CON- Jobo Frazee.

three disinteresled freeholders Council an of the mated corporation, assessment on the property abutting CD Arbave reported to the Ih9 llugton strect. assessment is made to pay -the damages awarded and expenses incurred in Scovil opening avenue ard ex- to tending Arlingion from Gaiden street. The maid assessment is on Ale in the office of the City All Clerk. parties having objections to said must the same in writing with the City Clerk within Ave weeks after the first publication of this Lotice. THEO.

VOGES, City Cierk. Cleveland, Jan 8. 1874. jin8 IT MAY John Frazee, P. W.

Payne and the John corporation, Lung, bave reported to the Council an eatithree dieinterested freeholders of mated assessment on the property abutting on Knclid avenue, Prospect street. Huron street, Bolivar etreet Eagle street, Sherid street, High street, Hickox Central Place, Broadway, Woodland avenue, and alley. Tho is made to pay the damages awarded and expentes incurred in opening and tendi: Sneriff street from Prospect street to Huron street. The said assessment is on file in the Mice of the City Clerk. All parties having objections to said asecesment, most ale the same in writing with the City Clerk within five we after the frat publication of this notice THEO.

VOGES, City Clerk. Cleveland. Jan. 8 1874. jang TO Warner, WHOM Jesse IT Palmer MAY and CON- Jonn CERN -W.

J. N. Frazee, three disinterested freeholders of the mated corporation, assessment on the property abutting on Senhave reported to the Coancil an estieca street, Summit street, Lake street, St. Clair street, The and asseesment Paperior is street. made 10 pay the' damages awarded aud expenses incurred in opening and ex.

tending street to the Union Passenger Depot. TLe gaid assessment is on file in the office of the City Clerk, Ail parties having objections tc said assessment. mast Ale the same in writing with the City Clerk withi: A. weeks after the first publication of this notice THEO. VOGES, City Clerk.

Cleveland, Jan 8. 1874. jan8 CITY NUTICE. TOTICE TO WHOM I'r MAY Whitaker, r. Payne and M.

Tibbitte, a three disinterested freeholders of the corportion, havereported to the Councian estimated on the property abutting on Columbus street, Brainard street, Pearl street, Monroe etreet, McLtan street, York etreet, Lorain street, C. C. 1. R. Co.

lot, an alley fronting on lot No. 87, 80 alley fronting on lot NJ. 47, Queen etrect, Emprese street, an all sy in the rear of Empress Auburn street, Barver avenue, Vega avenue, Wade avenue, Seymour avenue, Erin avenue, Walion ayenge, Clare avenue, Johneon etreet, Warden street, Kiusla street, Brighton etrett, Brooklyn stret, co*ck street, Louis street, Pleasant street, Paris surest, Khodes avenue and Pollock street. The 13 made to pay the damages awarded and costs incurred in the construction of the Was worth Run Bridge Improvement on Co lumbus 8 reet. 1 he Ba.d samont is on file in the office of the City Clerk.

All parties havibg objections to said mdet ule the tame in writing with the Vity Clerk within Ave weeks after the drst pablication of this notic THEO. VOGES, City Clerk. Cleveland. Jan. 15, 1874.

PARINERSHIP NOTICE W. Richardson, George A. Morray and Albert M. -We, the OF undersigned LIMITED parties, A PART- W. Harman, residents of Cleve' and, have this day entired into a Partnere bio, to-wit: January 7th.

1874. and we do hereby certify as followe, 10- wit: That the name of the name of the firm eball be hichardson Murray: that W. W. Hichardson and George II. Murray are general partners and idents of Cleveland, Ohio, and that Aibert M.

Harmau 18 a special parter and is aleo a resident of eveland, Ohio: that Albert M. Harman 83 8bid ALecial partner bas contributed to the common stock of said arm of kichardson Murray the sum of One Thousand ($1,000) dollars casb; that the general nature of the businees to be conducted and carried on by asia Arm la, manufacturing and dealing in butter, with the office and place of business of said arm in Cleveland, Ohio. That the partnerebip shall begin on this 7th day of Jannary, 1874, and end on the first day of May, of 1874. In testimony whereof we bave hereunto sot our hauds and seals, th 7th day of January, A. D.


HAKMAN, PEAL THE STATE OF OH10, Cuyanoga County, be. Before me, a Justice of the Peace of eaid County, pereonally aD; eared the above nared W. W. ardson, acorge Murray and Albe't M. Harman, and acknowledged the eiguing and pealing of the above Certificate o' Limited Partmerebip to be their voluntary act aLd deed, this 7th day of January, A.

D. 1874. JOHN P. GREEN, jan7-6 NW Justice of the Peace ATTACHMENT. M.

Knight, Before John P. Greeu, v9. J. P. of Cleveland ny, of Euon Valley, Law.

pa: County, Ohio. Enon Valley Coal rence County, Pa. THE 7th DAY OF order JANUARY, 1874, tad Justice Jesued an of attechmect in the anove action for the sum of seventytwo aud 60-100 (172 60-100) doliara. F. M.

KNIGAT. Cleve and, January 10th, 1871. 8w C. M. Lingrea.

Plaintia, 1 Bafore D. Stephan, against Justiceof the reace M. H. Crocker. Gao.

E. Shel- of Cleveland Towndou and Alien. under the i ship, Cuyahoga firm name of Crocker, Shelden OLio. du Allen, ONTHE Justice DAY lesued an order DECEMBER. of attachrent in the above action for the 8.

of 9300.00. The action will be heard on the 7th day of Febraary, 1571, at 9 o'clock a. m. C. M.

LINGREN, By JOHN E. CARY ard JOHN F. WEI. jan16 dw Plain it's Attorney J. L.

Jackson, Before John P. Green, J. P. againet of Cleveland Township, Eureka Lead Paint Co. Carahoga County, Ohio I DAY OF DECEMBER.

1875, Bald Juetice issued an order of At tacoment in the above action for the eum of fiftytwo and 58-100 dollars with interest from Nov. 2d, 1871. J. L. JACKSON.

Cleve'an 1, Jan 5th, 1974. Michael Howard, by his next Before G. T. Smith, friend, Edward Merkel, J. of Cleveland V8.

Townehip. CuraboCharles pa County, Obio. notice day' of January, 1814, DEFENDANT WILL TAKE Bald Juetice leeued an order of attachment in the above action for the sum of $35.50. Said case is eet for hearing February 24 1874, at 9 a. m.

GREEN BIRNEY, jan11 40d Plaintif': Att're. THE STATE OF OHIO, Cajaboga County, 88. A. Raschauer, Before Daniel Stephan, J. of 78.

Cleveland Townebip, CuraboLouisa Johnron. ga Coanty, Obio, ON THE said Jastice DAY isened OF an order DECEM- of at ber, 1878, tachment for the sum of $8 60-100, in the above ea titled case. Said is set for hearing February 1874, at 9 a. Do. j3024-3w5 A NOTICE.

A DM tice la be eby given that the undereigned has -NObeon appointed Administratrix of the eetate of the late Dr Thomas 4. Cleveland. HARRIST W. CLEVELAND. dec15 3w 329 Case avenue.

NOTICE: IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned, W. E. Sherwood, has been duly appointed and qualified Assignee of the estate of A. 0. McConnell Co, of Cleveland.

Ohio. All persons ho ding claims against said Arm are required to preeent them within six months after the publication of this notice, and all persona who are indebted to said Arm are also hereby required to pay the same to the unde reigned. SHERWOOD. W. K.

Jannary 20th. 1874. Jan21-8w NOTICE, SAMUEL R. WILGER'S ESTATE.Notice is hereby given that the subacriber bag been appointed ard qualified as Executor on the eatate of Samuel R. Wilgus, late of Cayaboga County, deceased.

JAMES CRAIG. Jannery 17th. 1874. jan19.8wM NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Rooks for subecription to the Stock of tho Cleveland and Warreneville Plank Road Company, will be open at the Town Hall, at the center of rensville, on the 28th day of February, 1874, at 10 o'clock a.



jar 19 80d NOLICE. A tice is hereby DMINISTRATOR'S given that the NOTIOE -NO has bean duly appointed and qualife1 as tor on the estate of Bernard arroli, late of the City of Cleveland, Ohio, deceased. JAMES CARROLL. Cleveland. January 201b.

1874 8w NOTIOE. ADMINISTRATOR'S THE A undersigaed hag teea duly appointed Adminfaustor of the eatate of Vaclav Vanek, deceased, late of County, Ohio. J. W. SYKORA, No 9 Public Square.

Cleveland, January 19, 1374 jan20-3wTa BUSINESS CHANGE. DIS hereby given that A the co-partnership heretofore existieg between the undersigned, and by which they have done business in their drm name of Knippenberg, Beckman was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the Arm will be continued at the same place by H. Beckman and E. Hessenmueller, who assume the liabilities and assets of tho Arm of Knippenberg, Beckman Co.

E. KNIPPENBERG, H. BECKMAN, HESSENMUELLER Cleveland. January lat. 1874.

tans NOTICE. NOTICE undersigned IS wes, HEREBY on the ist GIVEN day of THAT. Decemher, A. D. 1873.

duly arpoiuted Assignee of M. Gleveland. Obio: and the creditors of NOTICE. 117 G. TYLER AND will LYDIA take notice tv.

L. Tyler. of the State.of Jowa, and Loan Association that of the Newburgh, Newburgh Cuyaboga county. Ohio, did; on. Homestead the tion in 20th the day Court of of Common Pleas, within and tor December, A.

D. 1673 Ale its peti-. said County, against them, S. said 'L Ruggles G. and Tylor Mary and A.

Lydia M. Ruggles, defendants, retting for the execution Tyler, and Charles of a mortgage by L. G. Tyler and and Loan Lydia M. ciation.

to on said certato Newburgh premises Homestead situate in said Township known of as part Newburgh, of aub'ot County No, end 61. State in J. Hamilton's afcresaid, subdivision bf part of original lot No. 456 88 per plat recorded in the Recorder's ofice of said rear county. from the being a northerly portion of said eublot No.

61. said lot twenty-five feet front and mortgage being given to secure the payment the of terms one thousand dollars and interest according to of that a eaid certain Charles S. referred Rugglee in and said Mary A. mortgage. Ruggles claim some lien on sud premises.

Petitioner prays that unlees the principal and interest of said bond and costs of suit be paid that said mortgage be foreclosed and said premises be sold to pay the Said G. Tyler ard Lydia M. Tyler are herebr notified to appear and answer said petition on or before the third Saturday after the 31st day of Jacusry. A. D.

1874. DENNISON, WYMAN. HAMILTON Plaintif's Attorneys. I' 3 of an order of the Probate Court of DMINISTRATOR'S SALE IN PURCayahoga danCe County. Oblo, I will offer tor tale at public 1874, at auction, 10 on o'clock Tuesday, in the forenoon, at the south the 10th day of February, door in of the common in the following described real enCourt House, an undivided one-half of tale, Oblo, eituate to-wit: in the Situato County in the township East of Cujaboga, and State Cleveland, in said County, and three known as hundred, belag a part sixty-seven of original (367) and, lot bourded as follows: Northerly number by ibe centea of Saint Clair street; the easterly south by lan line of of 89 Stephen lot, and Matbews; westerly by the center of the creek erutberly by running through the lana of Zenas King, 8 and front talus on 7 said 3214-100.

faint Clair street of 498 and 8-10ths scree of land. baving age feet, and on the casterly line of 1018 and feet. Appraised forly-tive handred ($4,500) (62,000) dollars. dollars Terms of the cash day down, of sale, with interest, the payments to bo and balance in ore and two years from secured by mortgage upon the prem W. ses PAYNE, H.

Adm'nistator of Edward Grabam, deceased. December 19tn, 1873 dec19.4w MASTER'S SALE. SALE order of sale issued from TO command Ubio, in a certain case wherein Sarah I. Wade 18 the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyaboga County, to inc directed, I aball offer for sale at pablic plaintif, and James McBride et al, are defendanta, due, at the south door of the County Court House, at A. D.

Cleveland. 1874, between Ohio, the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock on the 16th day of February, a. of raid day, the following described property, to-wit: suboivision of forty ten acre four lots Nos. 123 and 124 of James in Hoyt's the CILY of Cayaboga County, Ohio, as recorded in Vol. one (1) of Maps, page 30, of the Land Records of said County.

Appraised $1 at $2,540. SAMUEL M. EDDY, Master Commissioner. WIMAN HAMILTON, Att'ye for jan13 30d ORDINANCE' Passed October 4th, 1873. HOLLAND W.

DAVIS, Mayor. Attest- W. SAFFORD, Clerk. dec27-3t. ORDINANCE -To prevent the keeping 4.

at houses of Ill-fame ORDINANCE--TO Jay out, open and widen Detroit street from the cart line of the Village of West Clevelaad to the wert line thereof. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the Village of West Cleveland. (three-fourthe of all the members concurring,) Thst Detroit street between the east line of the said Village and the weet line thereof, be laid out, opened and widened to a aniform width of seventy six (76) leet, by taking from the abutting property on each side of the aforesaid portion of Detroit street a strip or portion of land five (5) feet in width and the strip or parcel of land taken to be appropriated for etreet purposes, and when 80 taken and appropriated to be 'de and become a part Detroit street. SEC.

2. That the cost and expenses of opening and widening said rect, between the points aforesaid, shall be levied and asecssed upon all the lots and parcels of land abutting thereon. SEC. 2. That northerly and sontherly line of gaid Detroit etreet when to laid out, shall be allel with and equi-dietant from the lines of said street as they were surveyed and established, and that the Engineer of said Village place a tulicient number of monuments of said lines 80 as to deeignate and determine the game.

SEC. 4. That this ordinance Shall take effect from and after ita piseage. MASTER'S SALE. SALE decretal PURSUANT issued TO from the Sapertor command Court of Cleveland, in the Coarof Cuyabiga, and State of Ohio, on action the 5th wherein day of ty January, A.

D. 1874, in a certain Charles W. Moses is plaintit, and John to Dirmeler la shall defendant, ofer for sale at public auction, at the south and directed and delivered me, door of the County Court House, 1874, Cleveland, between Ohio, on the the hours of two and three o'clock in the after noon 10th day of February, D. ofsaid day, the following described of lands and Cleveland, tenemente to wit: Situate Tin the City County of Cuyahoga and 22) of State Barber of Ohio, and Lord's known enb88 aivision pa tof in said city. (Weet Side), described as folsublot No.

lows: Beginning on Lorain street, at the northwest corner of said lot 2:0 trence east the on weet Lorain line street of said lot 188 4-12 fect to the southeast corner of paid feet; thence southerly with lo1: feet: thence nottherly on the west line of said lot wee: parallel with Lorain etreet 189 4-19 feet to the place of beginning. Appraised at $2,700. Terma of sale C. cash. WRITE, MENKY Master Commissioner said Court.

W. S. KERRUISII and JAMES QUAYLE, Attorneys SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the Viliage of West Cleveland, Thitit elad be unlawful for any owner or occupant of any premises within said Village, to keep or suffer to be kept on said premises any house of ill-fame. SEC.

2. It shall be arlawfal for any person to reeide in a house of -fame or to visit such for: the purpose of prostitation. SEC. 3. Any person violating any provisions of this ordinance, shall be subject to prosecution fore the Police Court and on conviction thereof.

be fined in any sum not exceeaing fifty dollare or imprisonment at bard labor in the Work Hou-0, or both, at the discretion of the Court. euch imprisonment for the fret not to exceed tairty days; for the 8-cond ofense, ninety days: for the third offense, elx months, ard the fourth and each eubeequent offense, one year. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall be in forca from and SECTION 1.

Be it ordained by the Council of West Cleveland, That it shall be unlawful for any person more than seven years of age to make any indecent exposure of the body or any part thereof, publicly or where the same may be publicly seen, or to make any immodest dieplay of or bersell offengive to the vir nous eense of the pablic. or to make any eigns or gestures suggestive of lewd, lasciviou8 or li entions conduce, or as an invitation to the commiesion of each acta. SEC. Avery person who violates the provisions of this ordinance ball on conviction for the dret offense, be And in any gum not exceeding thirty dollars, end for every eubeequent offense, the sum of not less than twenty dollars nor more than forty dollare, or he imprisoned not lees than ive days nor more than forty dayr, at the discretion of the Court 3. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage.

Passed December 20, 1873. H. W. DAVIS, Mayor. after its pasrage.

Faaved December 20th, 1873. H. W. DAVIS, Mayor. CRAB.

M. SAFFORD, Clerk. dec27 3t A ORDINANCE--TO prevent- ladecent exposure of person. M. SAPPORD, Clerk.

LEGAL. NOTICE. TAMES M. SELOVER, IN THE of New York, will taxe notice that leaac heynolds, of the County of Cayabog and State of Obio, did (n 18th day of November, A. D.

1873, file his petition in the Court of Common Pleas, within and for the County of Cuyahoga. and State of Ohio, against the said James M. Selover, setting forth that the eaid James M. Belovor, is indebted to the said Reyno'ds in the sum of twenty- four hundred and twenty-Ave and 14-100 dollars upon an account for goods and money farnie led by' said Isaac Reynolds for and at the request of said James Selover, for which sum he asks judgment against said James M. Selover, with interest on $2,404 14-100 from 15th day of May, 1873, upon which petition and there with filed.

a writ of attachment has been i sned br Court. and the eaid James M. Selover 18 notided that be is required to appear and answer said petition op before the third 8atarday after the 30th day of January. 1874. Dated Dec.

1:73. ISAAC REYNOLDS, By FOSTER LAMSON, big Att'y8. de c18-6w NOTICE. In the matter of In the Court of Common Pleas, Margaret Cuyahoga County, Ohio. NTHONY M.

STODDA D. OF Alameda County, California; Asa C. Stoddard, of San Jose, Santa Clara County, California; Orville Stoddard and Merchant Stoddard, of Farminglon, lowa; Lydia Cheeney and William Cheeney, of Fort Scott. Kaneas; Abigail Ousley and Henry Ousley, formerly of Cedar Miues, Iowa, and now supposed to live in Farmington, lowa, are berehy notitied that said Margaret biocdard has aled in the Clerk's ottice of raid Court, her petition setting forth that aho is the widow of Amos A. Stocdard, late of East Cleveland, Ohio.

that she expects to be a party in an action to be commenced in some Coart of competent jariediction in the State of Oblo, relating to the distribution of the estate of said de. coden': and that the evidence of Alonzo Sprague, of Lincoln Township, Adair County, lowa, will bo necesrary to be used in said action and that to perpetuate the same his evidence will be taken at bis said reeidence in Iowa, on the 23d day of February, 1874, between the hours of eight o'clock a. and six o'clock p. and will have relation to bis acquaintance with said decedent with Ira Stoddard, son of decedent, and to the time. place, and circ*mstances of any personal interviews had by eaid Sprague with said Ira within seven years next prior to the death of decodent.

The object of said ev1dence 18 to show in euch future action that sald Ira survived said decedent. ANDREWS KAISER: Jan16-304 Attorneys for Petitioner. In the matter of In the Conrt of Common. Pleas Margaret Stoddard. Cuyahoga County, Ohio.

NTHONY MI. OF A laud, Alameda County California; Asa C. Stod. dard of San Jose, Santa Clara County. California; Orville Stoddard and Merchant Stoddard, of Farmington, lowa; Lydia Cheeney and William Cheesey, of Port cott, Kansas; Abigall Ousley and Henry Ousley, formerly of Cedar Mines.

Iowa, and now eupposed to live in Farmington, Iowa, are hereby notided that said Margaret Stoddard has Aled in the Clerk's office of said Court, her petition setting forth that be is the widow of Amos A. Stoddard, late of East Cleveland, Ohio, that she expecte to be a party in an action to be commenced in some Coart of competent jurisdiction in the State of Ohio, relating to the distribution of the estate of raid decedent, and that the evidence of James Welch will be necessary to be used in Paid action and that to perpetuate the same his evidence will be taken at the office of said Clerk, in the city of Cleveland, on the 16th cay of February, at 10 o'clock and will have relation to his acquaintance with said decedent, with Ira Stoddard, sun of decedent, and to the rime, place, and circamscances of any personal interviews had by said Welch with eaid Ira within five yeara last past. The object of said evidence is to show in such future action that eaid Ira eurvived said decedent. ANDREWS KAISER Jan' Attorneys for Petitioner, NOTICE. EGAL NOTICI A.

DAN- gler, of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, will take notice that George A. Baker, of the County of Cayahoga, in the State of Ohio, did on the 6th day of January, 1874, A his petition in the Superior Court of Cleveland, In said State of Ohio, against the said David A. Dangler and Calvin Carr, defendants, praying thet he might have a judgment against said defendants. for the sum due the said paintie from the said defendents upon their certain bond to indemnity said Baker againet his liabilities on accoant of being a holder in, and secarity for the Bedford Iron Company, and interest thereon fom Nov. 1st, 1878.

The raid plaintiff further gays that to secoro the payment of the said $2,140.25 and interest that he has caused to be attached in the hands of Tre Citizens' Saving and Loan Association of Cleveland. Ohio, eaid David A. Dangler's twenty shares of etock of tLe said Citizens' Saving and Loan Aesociation; and the said David A. Dangler 18 notifod that he is required to appear answer raid petition, on or before the third Saturday after the 26th day of February next. Cleveland, 0., January 15th, 1874.

GEORGE A. BAKER, By CADWELL MARTIN, his Attorneys. Jan 15-6wTh NOTICE. Canada, notice that E. B.

Wood, NOTICE MURRAY, of the city of Cleve'ard, County of Cuyahoga. and State of Ohio, did, on the 9th day of October, 1878, fle in the Superior Court of Cieveland, Ohio, his petition agafnet the said defendante, Thowas Marray and William V. Tousley, setting up that eald Wood, on the 9th day of September, 1873, recovered a judgment before J. P. Green, Justice of the Peace at eaid Cleveland, against said Thomas Murray for $225.62: that said judgment is wholly unpaid: that said Murray is intolvent at law and has no property in the State of Ohio out of which said judgment can be collected at law; that' on the 5th day of August, 1813, said Murray fraudulently conveyed to said Tousley sublot No.

16 in Blair's allotment of original 10 acre lots Nos. 65 and in the city, County and Etate aforesaid, for the purpose of defrauding his ere tors, and praying that said conveyance may be found irvadolent and void and the fame set aside; that said property may be sold and proceeds applied to payment of plaintiff's judgment, and for other proper reliot. And the said Thomas Murray 18 notdod that he is required to answer or demur to said petition on or before the third Saturday after the 12th day of March, 1871. HEISLEY HEISLEY, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Cleveland, Jan.

29, 1874. 6wTh DIVORCE NOTICE. George M. Woodruff, Plalatif, In the Court of ComF8. mon Pleas of Mary Ann Woodruff.

Def't. hoga County, Ohio. SAID DEFENDANT, MARY AnD Woodruf, supposed to reeide at Nilestown, Ontario, is hereby notified that eaid George M. Woodruf, on the 81st day of December. A.

D. 1673, fled in the office of the Clerk of said Court of Common Pleas, his petition against her, charging said defendant with adultery with Walter Hays and others, and prayirg to be divorced from said defendant. Said petition will be for hearing at the term of said Court, after sly weeks from and after the dats hereof. PRENTISS VORCE, Plaintife Attorneys. for Plain it.

January 10th. 1874. January 17th, 1871 jan17-30d MASTER'S SALE MAN command of an allas PURSUANT lesued Coun- TO from the Superior Court of Cleveland, in the tv of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, on the 80th del el January, A. D. 1874, in the case of V.

Fries et al. plaintiffs and D. J. Keenan et defendacta, and directed and delivered to me, I shall ofer for sale at public auction, at tbe south door of the County Court House, Cleveland. Ohio, ou the 4th day of March, D.

1874, between the hours of two and three o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the tollowing described lands and tenemente, to wit: Situate in the city of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga, and state ut Oaio, and 88 lot number Afty-nine (59; in Merchant ard subdivision of ten (1t) acre lots Nos. 117, 118 and 119, in raid city being sixti-nine and 2-12 (69 2-12) feet front on St. Clair eureet, and one hundred and thirty and 5 12 (130 5-12) feet deep as per plat, to which reference is bereby made. Appraieed at $12.500, HENRY C. WHITE, Master Commissioner.

JAMES WADE. Jr. Attorney for The Republic Life Insurance Company, Defendant. January 81, 1874. jan31-30d LEGAL NOTICE, THE STATE OF OHIO, (In the Superior Court Cugaboga County, 86.

Cleveland.1 Luke Brennan, Plaii tiff, against George Steele, John E. McMa- 5 hon and James Stee'e, partners doing business ander the Arm name and etyle of Steele hon Steele, Deit'e. STEELE AND JAMES of the city of Chicago, in the State of Lalinois, will take notice that Luke Brennan, of the Coanty of Cuyaboga, in the State of Ohto, did, on tho 26th day of November, A. D. 1878.

file his petition in the superior Court of Cleveland, in said State of Ohio, azainst the said George Stocle, John McMahon and James Steele, defendante, setting forth his causes of actions are founded upon a contract and for extra work and labor performed and mopey pended by said for and at the request of said def. udaute, and that there has been an order of attachment isened in abovo cauee for the eum of two thoueand and eighty-two and ($2,082 And 87-100) dollars and interest from October, A. 1872. Said defendante, George Steele and James Steole, are notified that they are required to answer said retition, ou or before the day of February, A. D.

1874, THOMAS GRAVES. Pit's Att'y. Dated tth day of December, A. 1878. dec6 6wSat John J.

Date and Pliny' In the Court of Common Mar indale, Plaintitle, Pleas of Cuyahoga Conn against ty, Ohio. Jay Cooke and others. AY bead, George COOKE, C. Thomas, WILLIAM Harris C. G.

MOREFrancis O. French, James A. Garland, Henry D. and Cooke, three J. W.

othere, Sexton, whose Pitt. namos Cooke, Jay Cooke, all ander the non-residents of the State of Oblo, partners are unknown, and name of Jay Cooke Co, will take notice that on the 19th day of November, A. D. 1873, the above named plaintiffs fled their perition in paid Court of Common Fleas, the object and prayer of which petition is to recover a Judgment against said defendants, for the sum of tweuty thousand three hundred and forty-oight dollars and ninetyfour cents with interest from September 14th, 1878, due to then from said defendants upon an account between the parties as banters. The plaintide have caused orders of attachment to be issued againet said defendants in paid action to the Sneritl's of Erie the and other Counties in said Sta'6, upon which property of said defendants has been attached.

Said defendants are required to anawer raid petition on CI before the day of Jannary, 1874, or said petition will be taken as con fessed and judgment rendered according to the prayer thereof. November 221, ESTEP 1873 BURKE, Atty's. deci NOTICE. STATE OF ORIO, In the Superio: Court of Cuyaboga County, Cleveland. City of Cleveland, e8.

Thomas I1. Cosby, Plaintiff, John Alexander and Noah Notice. Ellen, Defendants. 19 GIVEN TO 22d the said defendant, John Alexander, that on the was day of against November, A D. 1873, that a petition filed him and Noah Ellen by the above named plaintif, Thomas H.

Coeby, in the said Saperior Court of Cleveland, in which esid potition la set forth: Toat prior to and on the 18th day of February, 1871, the the plaintift was the owner in fee simple eatate, and eitnare in possession of the following real County of and being in the city of Cleveland, Sublot Cuzatoga, and state of Ohio, to-wit: of part ten numbered I -Are (25) cf the subdivision by James o' M. acre Hoyt lot numbered fourteen (11) made ed in the office of and Joseph P. rains and record. ty. in book numbered the Reco: cer of aboga Counvisions, at page two (2) of Maps and Subdiforty two (12) thereof.

Also sablot acre numbered thirty.ope (31) of an allotment of ten made lots by E. I. numbered Gaylord, thirty-nine Juliana and Long forty (39 and 40) Severance, said eublots and Mary H. six inchos being each thirty three feet together with mora the or Ices. buildioge front upon toereon Scovil venue, An all the thereunto belonging; he Baid real cetate was conveyed by the said plaintiff to the and said in the defendant, ead Jobn petition Alexander, to secure a debt.

the plaintiff asks that an John account be taken of his tudebtedness to the said Alexander; that the said real estate be ordered thereof to de applied sold to by the the said payuent Court of and the proceeds and the balance paid eaid indebted. also that an account be taken to the of tho said plaintifi; and fairs of the respective firms of Cosby Alexander, atpartnership Cosby Mathivet, and Cosby Ellop, in said petition. And the salu defendant, John Aloxander is also hereby notilled that he is requirea to Ale his answer to the eald petition in said Court on or before the 14th day of February, A. D. 1814.

Dated the 30th day of Decomber, A. D. 1873. BUCKINGHAM HORD, dec31-6w Attorneya for Plaintiff. MASTER'S SALE.

commana SALE order of sale from the TO Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoza County, Obto, at the euit of Jacob Mueller againet Leonhard Priging, Frederiks Prieing and others, to me directed, I edad expose for sale at pablic auction, at the south door of the Court House, in the City of Cleveland, in said County, on the 17th day of February, 1374, at 10 o'clock a. the following described premises: Pituated in the and Townebip State of of Ohio, Brooklyn, and le the County of Cuyahoga, known as being enblot 1 umber (64) in W. Burnbam'2 subdivision of part of lot number fortynine in Brooklyn township, (now in the city of Cleveland). reference as to size and boundaries being had tor corde of eaid subdivieion la the office in of the Recorder of Cuyahoga County. recorded Vol.

1, page 8, of Maps and Subdivisions, excepting therefrom that little strip off from the west side thereof deeded by J. Mueller to Ch. Winkler, and being 88 much a8 life wert of the tight fence erected on west elde of lot 51; alao that little strip from the east side of eub'ot No. 55 in said enbdivision, being to much as lies east of Paid tight fence, and whico was heretofore reserve by J. Mueller when said lot was deeded to Ch.

Winkler. Appraised at $6,350. L. W. FORD, Master Commissioner.


Cuzaboga County. ns. Imogene Terry and Nuren, whose reeiANNIE NOTT JENNIE GERNE. dences are unknown; the Trustees of Vastar College, located at Poughkeepsic. Now York; Henrietta I.

Tiech, daughter of John H. Tish, ot Milwankce, Wirconsin; John Lyon of Oswego, New York, and The Episcopal Theological Institute of Nashota, Wieronsin: You are hero by notifed that George A. Baker. one of the Execr tors of the Last Will and Testament of J. D.

Lyoyd, deceased, late of Cleveland, in said Coanty, has fAred in said Court his certain claims against said estate for the sum of $3.867.00. and for interest on $2,8100.00 Jaly 26th, 1873, and for interest on 7.00 from Dec. 18th. 1873, which claims will batter hearing in esid Court at ton o'clock a m. on 16lh day of Feb.

inary, A. D. 1874, GEORGE A. BAKER, By CADWELL MA RVIN, his Ati'ga. JaD14 4wTh A MBURGH Oar own EMBE Importatio..

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


How long does shipping from Ohio to Chicago take? ›

Two days. If you mail something from Ohio on a Monday, it should arrive at its destination in Illinois in two (2) days on Wednesday. That is regular, first class, mail.

What is Cleveland best known for? ›

Designated as a global city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network, Cleveland is home to several major cultural institutions, including the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, the Cleveland Orchestra, the Cleveland Public Library, Playhouse Square, and the Rock and Roll ...

How long will mail take to get to me? ›

How long does it take my mail and packages to get here?
Mail ClassNumber of Days
First-Class Mail1 to 5
Marketing Mail2 to 10
Periodicals2 to 9
Priority Mail1 to 3
1 more row

Why did people settle in Cleveland? ›


Cleveland was founded at the intersection of the CUYAHOGA RIVER and Lake Erie, primarily because it was thought to be an ideal location for an agricultural center.

How long does USPS take to deliver once out for delivery? ›

How long does it take after out for delivery? Once marked “Out for Delivery,” the package is usually slated to arrive on the same day, anytime from the early morning at 8 a.m. to the evening till 8 p.m. The exact timing may jive with factors like weather, traffic, and the volume of parcels aboard the delivery truck.

Does USPS deliver after 5pm? ›

All deliveries should be made by 5:00 p.m. local time Monday through Saturday. Unusual circ*mstances (such as traffic, staffing fluctuations, severe weather, natural disaster, changes in carrier route, etc.) can cause deliveries to be made after this time.

What food is big in Cleveland? ›

Signature Dishes of Cleveland
  • Kielbasa and Cabbage: This hearty dish is a staple in Cleveland, showcasing the city's love for robust flavors. ...
  • Bratwurst: Bratwurst, a German sausage, has found a second home in Cleveland. ...
  • City Chicken: Despite its name, City Chicken often contains no chicken at all.

Who is the most famous person from Cleveland, Ohio? ›

Famous People Born in Cleveland
  • Drew Carey. Drew Carey grew up in Cleveland's Old Brooklyn neighborhood with his parents and two brothers. ...
  • Halle Berry. ...
  • Tracy Chapman. ...
  • Vanessa Bayer. ...
  • Yvette Nicole Brown. ...
  • Arsenio Hall. ...
  • Phil Donahue. ...
  • Lili Reinhart.

What food is Ohio best known for? ›

Signature Dishes to Try
  • Cincinnati Chili. For a good reason, Cincinnati Chili is one of Ohio's most iconic dishes. ...
  • Buckeyes. Buckeyes are iconic treats worth trying if you are in Ohio. ...
  • Hot Browns. ...
  • Pierogi. ...
  • Goetta. ...
  • Sloppy Joe's. ...
  • Cleveland-style Pizza. ...
  • Skyline Chili.

What is the longest time for mail to arrive? ›

USPS delivery times for addresses within the U.S. vary by shipping service, from overnight with Priority Mail Express®, to over 5 days with Parcel Select Ground.

Is regular mail taking longer? ›

Last week the Postal Service submitted its performance reports for the first quarter of FY 2024 (the last three months of 2023). The reports show that the mail is in fact getting much slower nationwide and in almost every district.

How fast is regular mail? ›

Domestic USPS Delivery Times Per Service
Mail ClassEstimated Delivery TimeEstimated Cost
First class Package Service1 – 3 business days$3.80
Parcel Select2 – 8 business daysN/A
USPS Retail Ground2 – 8 business days$7.50
First-Class Mail – Letters1 – 3 business days$0.55
5 more rows

What is the nickname for Cleveland, Ohio? ›

"The Forest City" – Cleveland's oldest nickname. Introduced in the early 19th century, it refers to the forested nature of the city. "The Land" – A term originating in Cleveland-made hip-hop music in the 1990s, and became popular in the national media in the mid-2010s.

Why was Cleveland so rich? ›

With its new railroad and lake connections, a rapidly expanding iron and steel industry, and a growing population of skilled metal workers in place by 1880, Cleveland embarked upon the third phase of its economic development, a 70-year period of growth that slowed after 1920 and was harshly interrupted by the Great ...

What is the oldest city in Ohio? ›

Established in 1788, Marietta is the oldest city in the state of Ohio, and the first official American settlement territory north and west of the Ohio River. Known as the “Riverboat Town,” it is located at the confluence of the Ohio and Muskingum rivers.

How long does standard shipping take? ›

Standard shipping is any economy shipping option. With domestic US couriers, these services are delivered in 3-5 business days because they arrive via ground. For international shipments, these deliveries may take weeks to arrive.

How long does shipping take between states? ›

The normal time for regular mail to reach its ZIP to ZIP destination is about three to five days, even when sent to a different state. State-to-state mail delivery times do vary on occasion due to factors like the destination being in a rural area, and operational/functional emergencies.

How much is transport from Chicago to Ohio? ›

Chicago to Ohio bus services, operated by Flixbus USA, depart from Chicago Bus Station. Bus or fly from Chicago to Ohio? The best way to get from Chicago to Ohio is to fly which takes 4h 8m and costs $75 - $470. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs $30 - $110 and takes 7h 20m.

How long does USPS ground shipping take? ›

Save money shipping packages by ground. Low rates for packages with expected delivery in 2-5 business days5 (also the primary option for HAZMAT items that can't travel by air). Up to $100 insurance included3; you can buy additional insurance coverage up to $5,000.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.