BUFFALO SUNDAY MORNING NEWS: OIAE 1901. DUNKIRK DONE UP, was eloa throughout, and was filled DECORATION DAY with brilliant fielding by both Ihim. Wagner's error, a tingle by Altrock and WITS. ADDITION Jmet(6wn Woo lt Firit Gimt Alter TENNIS AT MEDINA. Fine New Courts Being laid Out, and Boom forth Sport It Expected.
double by Hannon and Bonner gsve the MORRIS STABLE WINS NATIONAL local, tha lead In I ha tilth, and Staf Judge Joiomo Fisher Had Pitched ford's hit for two haaaa lied tha srove In I ha aavenlh. Flournoy dropped Mad tho mr laon'a fly In the inth and singles by Carr and Schaub scored tha winning run. Hargrove's fielding waa excellent. o-on ALB, (Hptclal iXtaaieh te the aunday Mews.) JAMESTOWN, May ll-Ths baseball O'Loughlln had aeveral rloaa decisions AT CORNELL 0 Huge Crowds Expected to Wit ness the Triangular Boat Raca on That Date. SttiX) seawft.wea opened here this afternoon.
and there waa Inla of kicking on both VALllAHt.K) ethlbliton natntltisa, (Special Dispatch to the Sunday News.) MEDINA, May 11. The finest ground! that tha Medina Tennia Club ever had arc being fitted up on a plot of land which wag formerly an orchard on Genesee street owned by hns; wrist iwt, tor sal, rwit tt sides. The atiendanca wai large, balof A Air V.llltllltl. News when 1000 people aaw Jamestown defeat Dunkirk by a score of 11 to I. can you offer.
cloaa to WOO. The arora: HBLP WAMTKO-FKMALa 'ANTED Otrl for general houaawatii-all cunvaitiences; guod hum- Norwood sva, myllif wom-n and malda. I HO Pearl Cantral liureau. pjl'tju UrAMTICO Ofwtd girl for general hmti. work, small family; no 1 1IU A.B.R.B.H.P.O.A.E.
Tho Celeron grounds are In msgn in I-I STRIKE I'll GAIT, T6ok the Worcester Ou.fl! Decisively Into Camp by Su psrior Stick Work. FIELDED WELL, BESIDES. It Was Day of Glory for Pitcher Charley Hastings The Team AII Changed Around. Rich Event at Morris Park Was Run Off in tho Mud Before Big Crowd; CUNARD CAME IN AHEAD. Lie Dully In good rnn-m iarmln Hum.
litis tent abspe. and both laamt pltyed fairly Wctaon F. Barry, a member of the club, good judge jeromej ruiner and given for two aeaaons' us at least to tha club. The club la removing an hull print, t'htbot a r. moved fnnn pile tted the nrtt nan and a Dgna piayea prior to the7 game.
Jamestown nlavs at Dunkirk tomor Osnesee to lnem St. bnardera. tl Hoyl at, balwaan ttl" h'-n-rldgs and Auburn ave. I.uj of the center trees, leaving a fringe of shade all around and the center Is be ITHACA CREW IS STRONG. row.
In today's gam Comfort had, the ing graded for several dirt-courts. ft IVANTED-hlrl' for general houaework; three adults; apply evsnins'. hla mercy. The score: The club1 naa a full memoersnip, H.n.m nrM-aenrioge au myl7tr limited to 20, with C. N.
Hood, president: M. W. Chltds, vice-president; F. The Two Made a Dunkirk .......0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 4 Jamestown 0 0 1 0 0 4 13 I Year. Old Stallion Brave Race of It U'ANTKU Oood girl tor ganernl noun, work; Iws In family.
3t lodge at. C. Habco*ck. aecretary and treasurer, TORONTO. Tlannon, I.
Ilonner, tb Brown, r. Madison, a. a Hargrove, c. Carr. lb fichatb, jb Toft, Altrock, Totnii PROVIDENCE.
Wallera, r. Wanner, a Flournoy, l.f Cnsaldy. Stafford, e. Henry. 8h Oonnor, 2b MrAuley, c.
Braun, Batteries Eggebrecht and tniu-ott, A.l Batoball Crow it Rounding Into Shape Again for the Princeton Gams--Track Team at Work. 114 1 1 I 0 0 1 10 4 11 ft 0 0 17 10 1 12 11 1 0 1 I ft 1 10 JO 14 I.R.B.H.P.O.A.E. 14 110 11112 0 2 1 0 1 ft 2 13 ft 0 0 1111 ft 1 1 ft 9 lilt 0 1110 0 0 ft 1 1 IS 29 14 I with Edward Emerson director of play and general manager of the games. The ANTED Bcrublilrjg girls, at Hotel and the Favorite Took the Money. quoia.
Apply buuaeaeeper, myiitr members expect to get to work as soon aa the courts are In shape and get in form for a aeaaon of hard play. Several local matches will be arranged and local Comfort and Keller. D. SOMETHING ABOUT CYCLER NELSON. I.iOR BALK-Ahnwosnw, eounl.r., sltelv-.
mg, Males, tea and 0" cans, oil tanks, imftee mills, peanut warmers, milk or lmond tlutk.ra, a full lln of candy Jsra, u-sys, eaks sunds snd rovers, sotla gla.iie, bottles, spoont. stoiils, chairs, tsMea, Ice bases; anything In any line to fit store, restaurant er stand. A. Dutch, S4 gtneca si. spll CiOUA fountains, eto.i we are manufac-turers of all styles and kinds of soda water apparatuses; special bargalna to Offer In new and second-hand apparatus; also manufacturer! of cofTr and tea urns snd reataurant supplies.
O. A. Ray Mfg. ll Niagara St. mh23lf ALL kinds kindling, shavings, aecond-hand lumbar, buartuil etc.
Janlnsa, Broadway and Melt Line; 'phone. myluf UARNEI9 atoekniTtsalarauick. Tall or address W7 Virginia sb ,1" U'AKTKD-Cnlnftetent glel for t'nernl housework; family of two. Ill Norm players will compete in aeveral of the (By Associated Pr.it.) NEW YORK, May a drli 'ANTED flTrl or for general housework: no washing; prominent events during the summer, RESULTS TEBTERDAT. fco(yl7, Worcotr Toronto Providence I.
good wagea; references required. Wra. (Special Dltpatch to the Sunday Newt.) ITHACA, May It. Ithaca people are beginning to make preparatlona to care for the big crowd that la expected in Ithaca Memorial Day, the occasion o' the triangular boat race between Pent Ktrawn, lilt weat utlca at. Mtii He 10 a World Beater, and Duer sling rain and a track that waa knee deep in mud.
there was a large crowd on hand at Morris Park today to witness I. Hartford Z. 5 TANTKIV-Glrl with experience at a.i PECK AND GELSTON TRIPLE WINNERS. Tot nil 1 fountain. Address Fountain, N- the running of the rich National Stal ltu Two out when winning run was STANDING OF THE CLUBS.
Wat Got to Do Somelhing i' Fast to Win. (Spsclak Dltpatch to the Sunday Newt.) lion race, third on the programme. The favorite, Oreen B. Morris' 1-year-old fANTED Immediately, two oompetent PC. scored.
Innings: fw.ri'ciubi.: dining room airhv who have had hotel TipR BALE Bods fountains; we sr manuracturers of all klnda and ttyli-a sylvanla, Columbia and ihe Princeton-Cornell track meet and the final contest to determine the baseball championship in the Interscholastlc Cunard, coupled with Golden Cottage, etpertenev; guod wages, Address M. Score They Were the High Ml .660 .600 News omc. myistt at to I in the betting, won ridden, out from Carroll an outsider, by one or the Highest grades: owing to tne late-neas of seaaon have exceptional bar-ralna to offer In new and second-hand Toonto I 1.0 ft 0 1 0 0 1- Providence I 0 ft ft 2 9 ft ft- Earned runs. Toronto 1, Providence iiM.hn hlta. Rannon.
Bonner. Wal- BOSTON, May 18. John A. Nelson, who Is soon to race Ray Duer In Buf League of New York State. The capac PI'd.
20 17 19 1 16 16 19 17 Lost 12 Pair for tho Third Time Won. 13 11 11 5 6 .7 in 7ANTED Ladles avery where, addreaa envelone at home avenlnaa: week length. Providence Toronto Syracuse Hartford Worcestjr Buffnlo Montreal falo, completed hla first year as a pro fountains; why not buy from ua direct and save per cent agent's eommlaalon. Call and Inapeet our gnwia. George A.
Hay lty of the few hotels will be overtaxed and a committee Is endeavoring to se Whist Ci'ubTournrment. .400 ters 2). Wagner. Stafford, Henry: home ly easily earned: any quantity furnlahed; send sddreaaed envelope: particulars. fessional bicycle rider on May 13.
He Thirteen 2-year-olds faced the starter In the National Stallion, Cunard and Golden Cottage closing favorites, while 3 runS. Bonner; stolen oases, urown iz. Mfg. 1490 Niagara st mylMt Manager. Department 10S.
Box MOO, 1'hlla- rode his first professional race at Cln .353 cure rooms at private dwellings so far as possible. The recent destruction of delphla. FOR BALKCofTee urnt hotel and res-tsuranCeupplles George A. Ray the Clinton House has lessened the hotel TANTED Olrl for general housework; clnnatl, May 13, 1900, and since that event has won 39 of 48 motor-paced bicycle races. The greatest previous VV una Niagara at myia: acrs 93.au; no washing.
4el Auniira and restaurant accommodations to great degree, Schaub. Flournoy, Cassldy; sacrifice hlta. Toft; double plays. Bonner (unassisted); Bonner to Madison to Cnrr; Wagner to Cassldy; first base on balls, off Braun 4. off Altrock struck out.
by Altrock left on bases. Toronto Providence 9: time. 2 hours: umpire. O'Loughlln; attendance. 4700.
vt. 1 mylMf 1M)R BALE National esah register and upright piano. Apply Bouth Divi year a record was sz wins in i races oy Tom Linton In Europe. For the third time In succession In the present whist tournament of the Buffalo Whist- and Chess Club, Messrs. Peck and Oelston won the high score honors at last Friday night's play.
Three-time winners' at this game are about aa seldom encountered as straight flushes in another -game. The score follows: 'ANTED Five experienced milliners. hiring une, Saturday, the Murpny stable Blanch Herrman and Dean Swift were the best supported of the-others. On the first break they were sent off to a start. McDowell, Cunard, Firing Line and Carroll D.
alternated In the lead at different parts of the Journey and through the last furlong Cunard. McDowell and Carroll D. ran neck and neck. Nearlng the wire at once, at MS William st-- WW sion au Jimmy Michael once won 13 out or 14 races In one year in America, but Nel ARK chanco: Urars orrhoHitrion. nmiir WANTED Womad for general work.
West Kagle st Weat Karie latent hnprtvemmi, etuhtoom rollers, fine mtnlc; very ctieap If sold ttt INTED-Sewlni once. iecK i neater care. inn The boat race la the most important event to take place. The big observation train on which practically all seats have been sold will presenr a spectacle. is now 4 bat the raca will be rowed two miles farther up the lake than two years This will afford- a course along which the view will be In no way obstructed and the train will be within a few feet of the for, at pnee, 234 Alien Burns turned the Pan-Am.
'team upalde down and Inside out yester-day, but In thla Inverted and exposed, condition they seemed to think that they belonged at the head of the procession Instead of the foot; if the way they played can be taken ee such an Indication. Sullivan, the recent acquisition from Providence, waa stationed at third, and guarded the red lamp bag with credit, be. aides doing hla thare-wlih the bat. Alherton saved the dayacveral llmesat short, beginning proreedlnga In the first Innfpg with a fine atop of a stinger from Shannon bat. He was all over the Infield and strayed out Into the pasture 1 once or twice with good resulta.
He also got hla bat behind Ihree aafe ones. And then there was Charley Hastings, St (JODA fountalna, all kinds; long time pay. jPeck and Gelston plus iHughey and plus 1 Sears and Boehm plus i Moore and Chase plus Chandler and Chandler plus 1 O'Connor on Cunard drew away and 2 won ridden out by a length. Carroll D. 2 beatlna.
McDowell a short head for the -r menu, ncaering aitg. of main n. my in NATIONALJlEAGUE. RESULTS YE8TERDAT. Philadelphia 4.
Chicago ft. Other games postponed on account of rain. STANDI NO OF THE CLUBS. nlace. ITANTED At once, sewing girl lot dressmaking.
4W West Ferry st VTANTED A city of country girl for general work In village of Cattaraugus; no washing; beat wages. -Apply or J- apply at once; 11 years old. 210 For est ave. crew the entire distance. The orew that Cornell will aend into this rare la now the strongest eomblna- ClOR SALE Fifty second-band barbers' 1 chairs, from Ave to twelve dollars write to Mrs.
Howe, IM west Chippewa st, Buffalo. The gross value of this fixture was of which the winner got $11,315. The other fixtures on the card, the Ladles' stakes, was -won by Janice, owned by G. B. Summary: First race, selling, seven furlongs-Scurry.
100 (Brennan), 3 to 1 and 3 to 5, son eclipsed this record when ne took down 17 events In succession. His year of work waa cut short a month last season through a failure to secure match races from May 24 to the latter part of June. His first race waa against Arthur W. Porter at Cincinnati. His one motor went wrong In this contest and he rode without a pacing machine, being beaten by Ave laps.
The following Sunday Nelson defeated Porter badly, forcing him to quit in 17 miles. On May 24 he defeated Harry Gibson at Montreal, and scored another victory over Gibson on May 28. His first Important race waa on June 30 Boston, when he defeated Albert Champion and Burns Pierce. In this race Nelson punctured and lost a lap and a half. On July 4 Nelson defeated Caldwell at Bridgeport and broke all world's records from three to 30 mlies.
p.C. I tlon which rows on the lake. In the each; alao full line of new ones, and bar Clubs. Crouch and Lapey even M. Shire and Thornton even Neuman and Mowry minus 1 Clarkson and Smith minus 1 Potter and C.
C. Wood minus 2 Burkhart and Smallwood minus 2 Petrle and Hall minus 4 B. Shire and 4 Helnshelmer and minus 6 Total 219, average U. dally races over the regular course on bers' suppllea, Loeffer A Bikes, Is Front I Cincinnati WANTED First-class woman for general housework and plain cooking; good wages; car fare paid. Auburn arva.
who helped his own game along By drtv st, Kocnester, N. 1. INew Intra terrific three-bagger In the event, ful eighth Inning, which will go dowr down C5H0WCASES. fifty styles, new and sec- law PI'd. 21 17 21 18 22 30 22 Lost.
11 11 13 15 Won. 13 10 12 11 9 1 10 ond-hsnd. at lowest prices. Burt A won; Balloon, 103 (Wilson), 8 to ana 2 to 5, second; Historian, 3 (Hewitt), 25 to 1 and 4 to 1, third. Time, 1:32.
Ger-tiudt Elliott also the west side of the lake the second crew has beaten the first varsity several times. The eight Is strong at the finish and Invariably beats out its. opponents .450 In the test few-TrardSv In. Wv bf the .109 Jgood, work now being done' by this crew and I r.uRiun Philadelphia Into baseball history along with hla mile-high drive for a home run last sea- Slndele, 113 Seneca it. apistf WANTKD Experienced waltreaaes it kitchen beltn.j Irvingtoo Hotel, Utl rnWO turn-atlle control gates (register) ana Unatlnva' hit w.nt clear IO deeD I aaoinsron a.
Second race. Ave furlongs Lucinne, A for sale or exchange. Address Turn- neat cook. .400 1 Chicago stile. News office.
107 (Mitchell), 7 te 6 and 1 to 2, won; Gay Boy, 100 (Odom). 9 to 5 and to 6, sec ANTE kitchen girl and clean! It quite, certain that several ol the oarsmen now rowing In this shell will nlng girt Bouth- ern Hotel. utut SALE Soda fountain slab; founts. ond; Shandonfteld, 110 15 to At Philadelphia R.H.E. Day, 287 Michigan st recovered on the rebound ana no naa to tit down on the third bag and Test after he had run faster than he ever did In his life.
Charley would rather make Home runs over the fence, for then one nd to 1, third. Time, 1:00. Som be transferred to the first crew immediately after the second race Is over. The order of the men In the shell follows: Chicago 0 9 ft 0 0 0 0 00 2 Philadelphia 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 4 9 2 inclusive, lowering them so much as to cause general wonder. In July he won RANTED First-class besom ironer snd 1 two good laundresses; good wages.
Star, 41 Main at. brero, Notllmah, Valleda, Old-Pal (), White Owl and () Nuggett also ran. TTVDR 8ALE Cbesp: bar fixtures. Apply Charles Cutting, 21 Hutchinson Bids. Merrill, stroke; Kuschke, Balllnger, a-taAlatBMa-caaW4bArircultl -HatttrlesMeneffer.
Kllng and Sexton; ihe Golden Wheel six-day race and () Left at post. Lueder.hVan Alstyne, VICTORIOUS, Duggleby and McFarland. thereafter won races at aUdlatances.l; Carey was right on deck, too, -and he TOM'raciTKanon" vrANTED A girl for general work; no- washtnx or lponint. lad Smith, Beyer, bow; Smith, coxswain. TEFRIGERATOHS, Second-hand and on all sorts of tracks and against all The track candidates are now at work Fulton st ik ahopworn.
249 Elm st 10tl longs Cunard, 122 (O'Connor), to 6 and 1 to 2, won; Carroll 107 60 to ATIONAL cash registers, second-hand. for the Mott Haven meet, which takes place next Saturday. Trainer Moakley. 1 snd 20 to 1, second; McDowell), 112 tV ANTED Girl with wheel, to deliver; ti not under 16. Professional Deveioa- at prices guaranteea tne lowest: nail (Henry), 15 to 1 and to 1, third.
Time, 36k Ashland corner Ferry. woods at one-naif price. 10 East Eagle at, Buffalo School Athletes Again is giving considerable attention to Freshman Sears, who Is expected to se 1:01. Saturday. Enrlght, Firing Line, opposite iroquois, aptii AMERICAN J.E AGUE.
RESULTS YESTERDAY. Cleveland 9, Detroit 7. 5, Milwaukee 3. Washington ft, Philadelphia 11. Boston and Baltimore, rain.
comers. Including Jimmy Michael, whom he defeated several times, being beaten but once by the midget. Nelson won over 313,000 during his seaaon, He lost five races through accidents and lost two to Harry Elkea on cold nights. The youngster has never been a cofd. weather' rider, for he suffers inierieely from the chill atmos Blanch Herrman, Golden Cottage, Dean cure points for Cornell in the sprints.
WANTKD Lady cleared 18.30 each day it In April Introducing our electric gar terj you can do It; or we nay $73 per month Swift, Whiskey, King. Gold Seeker, Pen- rtJRNITTBB FOR BALK. Insular and Byrne of Roscrea also ran. Won the Inter-Academic Games at Syracuse. ana expenses; pampniei BKenia wanted -everywhere.
Electric Medical SALE 150 canvas cots. 1094 He Is running In excellent form at. the present time and will make his best showing in the-220 yard -eyenU Gallagher, Berry Capt. are the leaders in the long distances and in the two mile, mile and half mile Fourth race, the Ladles Stakes; one mile (Plggott), 7. 6 and 3 to 5, won; Lady of the Valley, '121 Garter Works.
83, Cincinnati, 0. Main st. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. phere. During -the last winter he rode several races tn California and on the eight-lap track at Los Angeles lowered rVJR SALE At a barratn.
nix-font nak (Mounce). 5 to 1 and 9 to 10; second; WANTED-436 Virginia st, good sewing airla at Mrs. H. MosesTDressmak. Clubs.
ST0KLEY BROKE RECORDt office table; alBO line portable office, Lavalllero. 121 (Landry), 3 to 1 and 9 to events respectively each is expected to Detroit with atore front lot Harvard Place. Won. 1 15 11 11 Chicago lng Co. lta WANTED-Chorus and ballet girls; all summer engagement; good salary "a WING to unforeseen circ*mstances get a place.
Hatlngs is not a cretain runner for the reason that he has been out of condition for some time. Baltimore am forced to sacrifice at private sale It Waa a Mighty Close Con PC. .727 .62 .47 .611 .445 .34 .310 .227 Lost. ft 7 7 10 14 11 IT PI. 22 23 17 18 IS 22 19 22 Washington my nigh-ciaas up-to-date modern turnlture.
made a great "laydown" catch of a hard and long throw from Athertoh. Mr. -vir' had to reach nearly to the right field fence for that one, but he kept his foot on the bag just the same. Broderick was stowed away In right field, where he made one nice catch, be-. aides making his feet fly after some nice two-baggers which were.
hurtled In. his direction. CTymer had a very good stick day also. Buffalo got one run In each of the first three innings and then there was nothing doing until the aeventh, when Worcester tied the score with two singles and three hard two-baggers. In the eighth the visitors got another, in which a second double by Clements was a moving factor.
Then the Bisons batted around, beginning with Broderick, who went out. A base on balls to Speer waa followed by Hasting' aujireme -effort and slngleby Clyroer, Sullivan and a double by Carey scored five tallies. That ended the run getting. For Worceater the weirdly named Un-' glsus put up a great game at third, be-. lde kicking hole In the grand Stand while running after a foul fly.
Clements is- a southpaw catcher, an unusual pecd-. llarity for the man behind the bat, lie made good. The Massachusetts outfit played snappy ball all around. The Score: elegant learner coucn, learner Turkish Address Hpectacuiar. wews omce ali'TErLady-t Join gentleman In food or -room business, at yoar home.
the only world a record he did not catcli last season, the one-mile. This stood through 500 paced races after Major Taylor put It to 1:41 2-5 In '97, when he rode Michael. Nelson cut it down to 1:37 4-5 in a Ave mile heat race against Cooper During 1901 Nelson will prob-ablv ride 80 races at the least In five months, being booked for 16 In June alone. fl. rockers, mahogany frame, leather rock-era, The Ithacans will -send 12 men to the meet.
What they accomplish on this occasion will determine what Cornell will be able to dd against Princeton here Boston Milwaukee Philadelphia Cleveland brass beds, hair mattress, box sorlnss. test, and Central Won by One Point Only Over Co'gate. velvet and Brussels carpets. 9x12 ruaa. or will rent house.
Hat or -store, or take. Interest in. Address Home Business, News office. small rugs, drapes, curtains, beautiful pic 10, third. Time, 1:45.
Anecdote, Trigger, Donna Henrietta, Princess Pepper and Mintage also ran. Fifth race, one mile McMeekln. 122 (O'Connor), 4 to 6 and out, won; Star-bright, 116 (Burns). 7 to 5 and out, second; Ben Viking, 90 (Wonderly), 8 to 1 and to f. third.
Sixth race: International Handicap, steeplechase, miles Passepartout. 133 (Hueston), 6 to 1 and 8 to 5, won; Lady Dainty. 139 (Mara), 7 to-5. and 1 to 2, Hlgbte, 142 (Dayton), 9 to 6 and 3 to 5, third. Time.
1:52. Trillion. Ochiltree and 'Zlnaibar also Fell. the 00th. It Is probable- thai the Itha, ctfns will give their competitors a harder tures.
xancy cenier taDiea, massive oax At Washington 1 R.H.E, ryANTED Lady to put top luches, od fight than the Tigers expect. However, dining set wit ft leather chairs to match these goods as good aa new: no old truck Phtladelnhia ...2 4001210 111 13 4 Washinzton ...0 OlOOfiotf call at once, day or- evening, and be con what you1 excel In; anything good: might aive vou Interest. Address Food Ex (Special Dispatch to the Sunday News.) the chances of Cornell winning the meet are regarded as rather slim at the present time. The baseball team Is once more on its Batteries Plank and- Murphy; Gear vinced or tne Dargains awaiting you. 1 Lexington ave.
IStIS change, News and Clark. SYRACUSE, May 18. Buffalo Central -High School won -the fourth At Cleveland R.H.E. feet and is doing excellent work. TO LET, ITJANTED A girl, about 18, to care for it two children; references required.
121 North Pearl st, annual lntor-academlc meet, at Univer Detroit 0 ft 1 2 2 0 0 17 12 Cleveland 0 ft 5 0 1 2 0 13 3 Pitcher Lyon has been discharged from the Infirmary and will be able to play sity Oval today by "one point from Cot- CTORAOE space to let: household goods II TANTED Competent girl or woman fos gate Academy. The score Was 24 to 23 Batteries Miller and McAllister; Scott MICHIGAN EASY FOR CORNELL, The Ithacana Scored in Every Inning But One, and Won by a Score of ia to 5. against the Quakers here next Satur and merchandise; cneapeet, neaest 141 Marines II general housework. Call 1 Call day. Chase demonstrated his ability in and and best-' National becurlty storage st Scoring 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ror respective Castleman made 22 of 47 rean st.
-apzitr At Chicago 1 R.H.E. the Princeton game fchd'll" is Relieved that- In bim and Lyon Cornell has a Milwaukee ft 0 1 ft 0 1 ft 1 0-3 4 3 A.B.R.1B.P.O-A. points tor Colgate. For Buffalo, Ron- I' BUFFALO. Clymer, c.
SALOON FIITtRBS. NOW'S THE TIME FOR BIKE TAGS. Thoy Are Already on Sale at 50 couDle of strong twlrlers for her i tftmcAi. ixsTRtriuirrg. 5 3 3 0 0 ley, Cochrane, Burber, Stockley, Wedell maining games.
Brewster will be the third man and will be expected to help TJAR fixtures, in oak, re a hog. I WImU .,1 1 (. .1 were the stars. Stokley broke the inter-academic reeord, Hardy the points TJEAUTIFUL Stelnway upright; must Chicago 1 0 1 ft 1 0 1 9 4 Batterles-Hawley and Leahy; Katoll and Sugden. STATE.
out In the games played away -from xj be sold to make room. 636 Main st (Special Dlspatoh to the 8unday News.) f.rtiffl in the mile 'run. The most Important contests left aplotf and ready for delivery; work- boards, coolers, pump boxes, foot rails. Salesrooms, Pearl at; the Brunswlck-Balke-Coliender ITHACA. N.
May on the schedule are those' with the Uni "DARGAINS that you can rely on wilt be Co. -ir lstut versity of Michigan. Cornell hopes to Buffalo Central won the meet last year, and by winning once more will secure permenent possession of the trophy given by Syracuse University as the em a-r louna at r. a. siaae s.
i was-ara at easily trimmed the of Michigan team at Percy Field this afternoon. The visitors put up a poor fielding game win a majority or these contests tnts apwtf DOGS FOR SAXB, season. For the past two years Mich! gan has carried off the honors. G. Stores- Money Needed to Fix-Sidepaths.
of bicycle's no longer can find any excuse for not having a sidepath tag attached to their machines. Frank Juller of the Rambler's B. who is and errors piled mountain high. Cor blem lor the inter-acaaemic cnampiou- ahtn COMBINATION music cabinet and desk, solid mahogany, elegant upright piano, used, less than three months, fully guaran 17 7 1J 27 14 nell had her share, too, but played more TJiOR SALE English maetlff puppies; singly or to close up business will sell the mother and her litter of nine puppies. ROME, May Rome defeated Blng-hamton today by timely hitting in a fast game.
1 1 was called in the eighth on account ralh. Score; R.H.E. Rome 0 0 2 ft 2 0-4 7 1 Binghamton 0 Oft ft 9 teed by maker; 3126 takes the lot 48 Lex consistently on the whole. 'Sullivan, HalJIgan, Atherton, Carey, Blerbauer, Broderick, r. f.
Speer. c. Hastings, Totals WORCESTER. Shannon, s. Rickert.
1. Unglaub, lb Smoot; c. Clements, Wrigley, 2b Sharrot, r. Magee, Klobedans A.B.R.1B.P.O. A.
E. HUMAN ington ave. 18C20 At bat the Ithacans excelled and .8 ft 1. 3 1 The points were Buffalo 24, Colgate 23. Genesee Wesleyan 20, Cortland Normal 17, Syracuse H.
8. 11 tt, St. John's Si 11, Mexico Academy 7, Auburn a mi.r Kvroruse 8. 4. Cazeno- at a great barga she la hQUe broke and a fine watch Address Bargain, Newt ntw though having less control than CXAIRVOVABT.
assisting Secretary Fisher In their dis a week ago, held down his opponents to six scattered hits. Michigan was the TO Srfl Pitchers Mains and -Wolf, At Schenectady Troy-Scbenectady via Seminary 4, Warsaw S. Ada. Cnter Thla Bead Two Crata a Wont ItUiCrACTCRIKG FCRPOSBs. 4iBiimma.rv of finals: 1 game postponed; wet grounds.
first to score, tallying three times in the first Inning. Cornell Immediately steadied and allowed two more runs. On 100-vard dash, six -heats, two semi mHE Oriental palmist, physiognomist and tribution, has placed them In at least 60 stores and is stiH on the hunt for others who are willing to take a hand In the good work. Juller can be addressed, at West Chippewa Atreet. This year a commission is given on all sales.
Going NouronUh the Turkiol Giant, At-Utia) uuca-tortiana game poai-i I finals, final heat, won by CasUeman, Col -a- astrologer, ibz msgara ax. latis poned; wet grounds. SWEENET estate will build, buildings small manufacturing purposes, adjacent power house Niagara Falls Power Tl TADAM VONDROLL the world's mil. the other hand, the home team added to its total In each inning but the seventh. Michigan's Infield was poorly cared for and Pitcher Utley was worthy of better Will Wrestle in Convention Hall This Week.
xii. est clairvoyant and- trance medium, at 148 East Eagle at; satisfaction given Norm lonawanoa. james oweeney, North Tonawanda. myltjnel7 along Main, street the tags may be COLLEGE BALL GAMES. ROCHESTER.
May 18. Colgate de on au ousiness, eic. lbtl bought at the following stores; George ..39 4 11 24 12 Total support. Score oy innings: 'Batted for Magee in ninth. Princeton, 41 feet 0 Inches; G.
Fox, Jr Princeton, second, 37 feet, 6ft inches; L. N. PlerceCOv, F. F. Rich A Co- John A.
Worthlngton, J. A. Cramer, Ripper Cycle White gewlng Machine Martin. Julian's "Human Mountain," R.H.E. new amendment to the constitution Buffalo'.
1 1 1 ft 0 ft 4 -7 1 01 Cornell 08121201 312 10 which can be seen at the cigar stand. E. Mahan, Columbia, thirds leet feated Rochester University today by a score of 7 to 5. The visitors played a snappy game; Scorer 0 3 gate, six second. intra, Freeman, St.
John's, fourth, Kinney, Syracuse. Time 10 220 yard dash, three heats, two semi finals, final heat won by CasUeman, Colgate, second, Robley, Buffalo Central, third, Williams, Warsaw, fourth, Milks, Cortland. Time 24 1-6. 440 yard dash, won by Cochrane, Buffalo Central! second, Main, Genesee Wehleyan, third, Hosmer. Auburn, fourth.
Barker, Mexico Academy. Time Half-mile run Won by Burber, Buffalo neritral: second. Osterlioyt, Au Worcester ....0 0 0 0 ft Michigan 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 11 inches. W. Kiugherx will run the last mile of the T.
M. C. A. Niagara Falls-Buffalo Nouroulah. will exhibit his proportions and his wrestling abilities at Convention Hall next Tuesday night, and if he does what he thinks he cart do' he wfll Finn Chretien, G.
H. Poppenberg, The Jaynes Electrical Ramblers' Bicycle Store. Ramblers' Club. Adam Pole vault Won by: D. Horton, Batteries Chase and Whitney; Utley R.H.E.
relay race. and Blencoe. e. Rochester University 5 ft 7 The few members who were susnended throw Ed Atherton; Denny "Gallagher Colgate Hauck Sons, Weed ft Walbridge ft John C. Rowe.
The William Hengerer and the Cleveland Bicycle at tne regular meeting last Tuesday will Princeton, 10 feefc-U. mohes; G. W. Coleman, Frlnceton-aecondt 1ft feet Inches; -J, B. -Smlthf Colqnjblft and P.
A. Moore, Princeton, tied for third place at 10 feet, and divided the point Batteries Webster and Law ton; Ar oe given until the 1st of June to bay FIRST RACES AT store, other salesmen for the tags are: nold and Sterling. their dues or be expelled. James Moore 295 Connecticut; W. IS.
The Syracuse Q. A. Hughes and G. H. Crane were itunning nign jump on oy u.
wur burn; third, Lobdell, Casen6via; fourth, Uhiverslty-Tufta game waa declared off. elected to the board of directors in Dlace ATHLETIC FIELD. Heath, 370 Connecticut, Globe Cycle 110 Broadway, W. B. Lake.
90 Clinton, Earned runs Buffalo 8, Worcester 13. First base on balls Off Hastings Magee 1. Struck out By Hastings 1 (Slater, Unglaub, Sharrot), by Magee 2 (Hastings' 2). Three-base hit Hastings. Two-base.
hits Halligan, Carey, Wrigley, Clements 2, Sharrot, Magee, RIckeTt. Sacrifice hit Carey. Stolen bases Sullivan 1. Left on bases Buffalo 8, Worcester 7. Umpire Warner.
Time of game 1:60. Attendance 900. and Fetton twice each, fth4 allithjn an hour. Nouroulah Is so big that would attract attention among the freaks'at the Pan-American show. Gallagher will be the first opponent of the massive foreigner.
Denny has the dim idea that he is tricky enough to stand off the Mountain for a'pretty stiff period. Fel- tls Prlncetown, height 5 feet I B. L. M. Eai-nst and W.
Grace, Columbia, divided second and third honors Af Annaoolls. Md R.H.E. of Q. G. Allen and A.
A. Sherbarth, who resigned. Joseph Radlce, check room, Mooney Navy ft ft 1 ft ft 0 0 0 3 ft 5 Army ..0 0 2 0 ft 1 0 0 4 ft 4 Brisbane Building, M. A. Rolas, check The boys will have a few dollars to with Jumps of 6 feet 6 incnes eacn.
They Will Be Given NextThurs- room, Elllcott Square, F. B. Kuck, 123 wager on their club mate. Duer, In his Throwing the hammer won oy J. iw Raudonbush and Wearer: Army, Gra Franklin, Kuck ft Bryant, 45 Niagara, race witn Nelson.
ham and Hackett. T. R. Burton. 118 Franklin, John N.
day Duer and Nelson the Star Attraction. witt, Princeton, 15 feet Inches; H. Wright, Princeton, 130 feet, second: E. B. Bruce, Columbia, third, 103 feet I Inches.
Johnson. 36 Niagara, Weyler, Green ft ton follows Gallagher in the sacrificial procession. He is bigger than most men, but the Turk will dwarf him. Still, he has hopes. So has Ed Atherton of Por- Robinson, 82 East Genesee, Gloucester A WALK-AWAY Chryst.
Byracuse. Time, 12. One-mile nut-Won by Stokley, Buffalo Central; second, Sheldon, Boyd, Syracuse; fourth, Sanford, Caxenovla. Time, 4:47 1-5. The record In this event was formerly held by Nay-lor, Pulaski, who made It in 4:58 in 1898.
120-yard low hurdles, three heats, two semi-finals Final won by CasUeman, Colgate; second, Alnslee, Genesee Wesleyan; third, Tobey. St. Johns; fourth, Stringer, Colgate. Time, 18 sees. One-mile bicycle, two heats, final-Won by Wheeler, Cortland; second.
Hall, Past Syracuse; third. Gray, Syracuse; fourth, Zinsmelster, East Syracuse. Time: 3 minutes. Cycle 82 East Geriesee, F. J.
valen Running broad jump won oy it. tr. Breneman, Columbia, 21 feet 614 Inches; tagevllle, who made Dig Buicn Mender- tine. 178 Vermont. D.
w. smith, zoyo Rocfcs re wins another. Parksidera are confident that Ray Delaware. H. W.
Fenton ft 834 15th, FOR PRINCETON son of Rochester stand en his head at the Court Street Theater not long ago. Duer will defeat Johnny Nelson when C. W. Kennedy, second, 20 feet 9 Inches; A. L.
Van Krug, Prince Volk. 1360 Delaware. Joseph Fisher. they meet en Thursday next at the Buf 75 West Chippewa, Frank Juller, 68 ROCHESTER, May 11. Rochester took the flrat game from Hartford today.
The home team outclassed the visitors both at the stick work and falo Athletic Feld. These two riders Atherton is a clever middleweight, but he wants to look out that he doesn't get fallen on. The Tigers Defeated Columb West Chippewa. The Erie County Sidepath Commis form the star attraction of the first bi sioners need need" the'-money No legitimate hold will be barred In cycle races of -the season being promoted fielding. McPartlln -wa complete puxxle to thejruiltors, -they scoring but five hits off his delivery.
Hemming was an easy mark for the home team. The Decisively in Yesterday's Track Meet at New York. badly. The greater the sale' 'of-tags the more sidepaths it means for wheelmen. by Finn Chretien, the new lessees.
any of the three bouts, and some mighty lively proceedings are likely to result. The measurements of Nouroulah, taken. High Jump Won by Wadell, Buffalo It is not a private concern that being Many have tried to 'take from Duer hts title of Western New York champion fielding of the home team waa a feature. assisted by every sale made but the and failed and It now remains to be seen score: by Dr. of Harvard, April 10, 1901, are Interesting aa giving a good Idea of his huge bulk: work is public benefaction.
It means (By Associated Press.) A.B.RB.H.P.O.A.E. nleasure in wheeling about- the country. NEW YORK. May 18. The athletes .4 1 2 1 Oft Age, 29 years; HOT pounds; of Princeton and Columbia Universities height feet OS Inches; neck, W4; what one with national fame can do against the Farkslde rider.
Nelson and Manager Spooner are expected here tomorrow to finish op training. This will be the first match tn which either man Central; Second, Ainsiee, wenesee ot leyan; third, Harris, Syracuse; fourth, Crawford, Height, ft. i hi. Broad Jumi Won by Ainsiee, Genesee Wesleyan, distance 21 ft. 3 second, Crawford.
Casenovia, distance 19 ft 10 third. Smith. Mexico Academy, distance 1 ft 10 fourth. Wheeler, Cortland, distance 19 ft 9 In. The record In this event was formerly 19 ft.
1114 held by Wlell, Buffalo Central, In 190O. Pole vault Smith. Mexico Academy, Improving the country roads will be a long time coming and the quickest and cheapest method is in the one adopted throughout the State in building side-paths. There is no fund for the purpose chest, normal, S8; chest, expanded, 03; met today at the annual dual track and field games at Columbia Oval and the RACING IN CANADA BEGINS THIS WEEK. Woodbine Track Hag a' Groat List of Events, and Hamilton ProgramrriJ io a Fine One.
The nine-day meeting of the Ontario Jockey Club of Toronto begins May 23, with every prospect a highly successful season. That venerable fixture the Queen' Plate, probable value 11350, will be run thejrst day, and the other rfch events are the Toronto Cup, 11600 added, on the 24th, the Woodbine and Nursery stakes on the 26th, the Woodstock Stakes, 21200 added, on the 27th, the Liverpool Cup on the 29th, the Stanley Produce stakes on the 30th and the Waterloo Handicap on June 1. There are no purses poorer than 1400 and many of them -are 1500 and 3609. From Woodbine, the runnera will go to Hamilton for Ave days beginning June 4, The Walker Cup Steeplechase on June 7th promises to be one of the best events of the Hamilton, meeting it. has 1400 added to the cup.
There are no purses smaller than 1250 and a number at from 1300 to 1600. At both Toronto. th entries have been ROCHESTER. Lush, e. f.
Bean, s. s. Barclay, 1, tV Smith, 2b. O'Hagen, lb. Grey, ir.
f. 3b. Phelps, o. McPrtlin, p. "Tigers" won, scoring 04H points has taken part this season.
Each will waist; 47; hips, 51 tmgn, Knee, 16; wrist, depth of chest, 14; depth of abdomen," 12; stretch of arms, 83H; foot, 12 and the only way In which it can be ac against 39H points for Columbia. Sum. have three motor tandems manned by skillful riders and it is expected to be complished la front subscriptions' and mary: the i 'fees for licenses. No liberal a hot race. 100 yards run Won by Herbert D.
and Freeman, St, Johns, tied for first The amateurs will form a major por Mills, Princeton; H. H. Weekes. Colum tion of the programme and not a few place at 10 ft 8 third, wneeier, tort-land. 10 ft.
8 Gring, St ton, third, 20 feet 84 inches. ti Their Trlek Worked. An amusing scene was witnessed one on one of the mail boats running fro-, Calais to Dover. The sea was rather rona A young woman, pretty and nicely appeared to be suddenly taken very III wn i seasickness. She groanei in apparent agony for some little time.
At length a person who appeared to a stranger to her approached and a-k-whether she would like to take a lozw which he guaranteed would ease her -says the London Telegraph. He had tried It. he said, on people and always the most marvelous result. The yn. lady demurred a little at first, but fi" accepted the offer.
Hardly had sue lowel the losenges than the fetr was sitting up ail smiles and sandwiches of the steward. Some passenpers were so atrtilc incident that they inquired. remedy had such a wor-t-- -i and the gentlt man, who, as iK -the agent for the sale of ft- i posed of a considerable rnj of them for 10 frunos an, -the surprlj of the -9 saw the younjy lady and ht-r i-oft arm In arm. on. tho The onnLaiiu--! Jubes, New York Nr-ws.
Swoef l'ca Dy Progress In markable with Amerlcitn In helping it under vano- the oppnin he B'i'iif n-t i itmHuw are looked -for. A few un bia, H. C. Breneman, Columbia, Time 1:00 3-6. 8 9 27 17 1 A.T.R.B.H.P.O.A.E.
hearted citizen has as yet come forward with financial aid and it. has been nly by the hardest -work and the greatest economy that the Wllllamsvllle and Grand Island paths reached completion. Now that the tags have been distributed throughout the city the commlsleon' Johns, and Harris. Syracuse, tied. The knowns have been showing their 'rear 1 mile run Won by B.
Marshall, record In the note vautt was M- ft: 0 in. iio wheels to the regulars hi daily training, but whether this can be kept up when Columbia; J. Perry, Princeton, W. M. made by Harry Gardner, Syracuse, In McCoy.
Princeton, 3. Time 4:35, 3-5. the- races-are- onk remains to be seen. 440 yards run Won by H. T.
Willis, 1898 Hammer throw Won' By 'Taa; JTtiyl, Portland: econd. Dealing. Genesee Wes Manager1 Willats has been most liberal Totals 'HARTFORD. Turner, Shlndle, 3bi Shoch, 1. t.i..
Myers, 2b i-Kuhns, s- S. Massey, lb. Fleming, c. f. Bteelman, o.
r.i Hemming, p. era again appeal to the. Tor their and. are In hopes- that those who do intend to buy will- do so Princeton: O. M.
Bishop, Columbia, to the, young- riders- In the matter of prizes and In the five mile event there M. Thompson, Princeton, 3.. Time leyan; third, CasUeman, Colgate; f6urth, Stanford, St. John Distance, ,117 "feet 53 4-6 seconds. are ave.
something unusual. at once so that a runa may -oe eariy created for repairs and for, the be.glniiiing 120 yards hurdle Won by A. D. Childs, inch. Shot put Worthy Casflerrian, Colgate second.
Van Tuyl. -Cortland: third, Princeton; J. N. Carter, Princeton, W. H.
Powers, Columbia, 3. Time seconds. oi new i' ii- STANDARD WHEELING CLUB. Paint, water, soap and brooms have given the Buffalo Athletic Field grand stand a bright clean appearance that will be appreciated by its patrons on T4iuradav. Entries for all races will Woods, St.
Johns; Hardy. Buf ....27 .2 24 12 unusually numerous and of a better 2 mile run Won by R. Williams, Next regular meeting will be held falo Central. Distance, 38 feet 11 inches. B.
-Totals Rochester Hartford KHICKtKBOCKER C. The" races at Athletic Field May 23, will not prevent Warren Zurbrick and Eddie Denniston from riding the flve-mile bicycle race, on home trainers, scheduled to take place at the Knickerbocker Club's vaudeville entertainment and hop at Concert Hall, on the same evening. In addition to this race, nine other acts have been secured, headed by Vallee, the strong boy and equilibrist; Shoemaker and Sperber, in their sketch, "O'Rafferty's Lampe and Dirn-berger, comedy entertainers; Josephine Reinhardt, vocalist; Harry Llnd, club Jugglers: George Dlssette, monologulst; Bean and Menlg, comedy acrobats and barrel Jumpers; the Dandy Dudes Quartet, The annual bicycle parade will occur on Tuesday, May 21, Instead pf the 22d, as previously announced. About 100 Knickerbockers will be in line. Start will be made from Jefferson Park at P.
M. shatp. lOO TAHDS IM MKco*kD TIME. WASHINGTON, May 18-r-The feature of the annual handicap and track meeting of Gem-etown University on thv coiles-e field today was the breaking of the rf-s-ortl for l'-O-yw-l Princeton: J. P.
W. Richmond. Colurn class than ever before. 1 II 0 ft 0 0 ft ft 0 0 0 1 0-2 Tuesday evening; May 21, and all mem bers are requested to. 1 close tomorrow night and tickets will be placed on sale tomorrow at til Main bla, H.
J. Barthoiomae, Columbia Time 10:27 3-5. WILLIAMS COttltGK WON. lonoitro'g skw pitcher. Two-base hits.
Barclay. Kuhns: three- The club run for today is toiMlli -drove. All members wishing to attend will re .880 yards runWon by C. Atkins, base hits. Lush; stolen bases, Barclay, WORCESTER, May MICHIGAN (IKAT CHICAGO.
TORONTO, May 18. George Sullivan, the big pitcher from Kings Columbia: G. S. Cochran, Princeton. sultsjf Hie New England Intercolle i.rey, McPartlln; sacrifice hit, Shlndle port at tho club rooms no later than 1: P.
M. W. M. Van Clse, Columbia, 3. Tin double plays, 0'Hen to Bean (2); giate A.
A. games here today: Williams 33 1-8 points: Amherst 32, Dartmouth ton, who did so well on Wednesday Beainst the Hartford team, has been ANN ARBOR, May 18. Mtchl. iran. won the dual track meet with Chi H.
Marven and Ed Bens will leave Buffalo next week to Join the navy and 19 1-8. Bowdoin 18 1-8: Brown 16 1-: signed bv Manager Barrow, and Cooper cago on Regents' Field this afternoon by I. T. 8 1-3; U. of Maine, Wesleyan, has been farmed out to Cortland of the they will receive a great send-off from lit-an to Smith to Hagen; first on error.
Kir heater first base on balls, oft McPartun 6, off Hemming hit by pitched bill, hoch; left on bases, Rochester 5, l.itrttord time, umpire, Kinro attendance. 2). Trinity, W. P. O.
BU-ycle race to be run off later. the score of 73 1-3 to 62 j-3. PARKSIDB WHCCLIHB CLUB. the club. The club rooms have been repafnted -M 3-5.
220-yard hurdle Won by J. Davles, Princeton; J. i. -rt'-r, Prin ton. second; W.
H. Colunu third. Time 27 iwmii. 2 'O-yfird run-Yt 1 1 H. Colum-ia; li.
D. i. o-d; H. t. 1 1-4 New York State League.
KJiuUsrt KK1 CHAMPIONSHIP. refurnished and carpeted. The rooms Yd The regular meeting of the board of will be open for Inspection today, wlli LONDON, May 13. In the contest for tireotora will be held tomorrow nl'ht. im be open for all visiting wheelmen "4rr: the smafeur tennis cnampionsnip io.
7- WOK At OWblN iy IS. Harry Vardon, r-'f chamnlon beat vpn up and six te The club will be well represented In the the r.r- day, E. Miles, the present holder of de- lurinK the Fan-American. A trn1, bits bpen. added to tb W.
1 tlon I mf-'-t. ltorCD-lt the c- hip defeated J. B. Urlbble, e3;.