Planet Visible Tonight (2024)

1. Night Sky Map & Planets Visible Tonight - Time and Date

  • Sky map showing the night sky tonight from any location. What planets are visible tonight? Where is Mars, Saturn or Venus? What is the bright star in the ...

  • Choose tonight or another date and see which planets are shining in the sky above you or anywhere else.

Night Sky Map & Planets Visible Tonight - Time and Date

2. Visible planets and night sky guide for August - EarthSky

  • See when the moon will be near visible planets and bright stars. Plus this month is the 1st of 4 supermoons in a row!

  • On the morning of August 3, the thin waning crescent moon will continue to slide by Pollux and Castor, the “twin” stars of Gemini. They don’t look like identical twins. Pollux is a bit brighter and golden in color. Castor appears white. The dark portion of the moon will be glowing with earthshine. That’s reflected light from the Earth. The moon will rise about two hours before sunrise.

Visible planets and night sky guide for August - EarthSky

3. Night Sky Map & Planets Visible Tonight in Jersey City - Time and Date

Night Sky Map & Planets Visible Tonight in Jersey City - Time and Date

4. Skywatching - NASA Science

  • An app on your smartphone or computer can be a great help to discover what sights are visible tonight, and where to find them in the sky once you're outside ...

  • What to Look for in the Sky There is so much variety in the sights you can enjoy when skywatching. Many are easily observable with the unaided eye, though a pair of binoculars or a small telescope open up even more possibilities. And because what’s up in the sky changes from month to month, there’s […]

Skywatching - NASA Science

5. The brightest planets in August's night sky: How to see them (and when)

  • 1 day ago · Mars; Jupiter; Saturn. The most brilliant planet continues to wallow in the sun's bright evening glow. Venus is visible ...

  • Many of the most popular planets for skywatching begin reappearing in the night sky throughout August.

The brightest planets in August's night sky: How to see them (and when)

6. Which Planets Are Visible Tonight? | August 2024 |

  • Which planets are visible tonight? What planet can I see tonight? Our Visible Planets Calculator displays the rise and set times of the planets each night, ...

  • Order Your Almanac Today!

Which Planets Are Visible Tonight? | August 2024 |

7. Tonight | EarthSky

  • Visible planets and night sky... · Meteor shower guide 2024 · Brightest Stars

  • A daily update by email. Science news, great photos, sky alerts.

8. Current Night Sky | Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

  • During the month of August, the Red Planet, Mars, speeds past our solar system's largest planet, Jupiter, in the a.m. sky. ... visible throughout the lower 49 ...

  • August 2024What to Look for in AugustA planetary rendezvous, meteors, and a "star forge"!

9. Night sky, August 2024: What you can see tonight [maps] | Space

  • The brightest planets in... · Constellations of the Western... · Satellite Tracker

  • Find out what's up in your night sky during August 2024 and how to see it in this stargazing guide.

Night sky, August 2024: What you can see tonight [maps] | Space
Planet Visible Tonight (2024)


What was the bright line in the sky tonight? ›

If what you saw was a row of lights, or the lights were all in one line, moving in unison, odds are you saw the satellite array called Starlink, which is operated by SpaceX. You can see what it looks like in the video player above and in some of the ones below. There's an easy way to find out if you saw Starlink.

What object is in the sky tonight? ›

Sky Tonight
  • Sun. Our Star. ↗ 06:44 ↘ 20:29 ↑ -12° ☼ -26.7 ✣ 32' ...
  • Moon. Waning Crescent (1%) ↗ 05:28 ↘ 20:39 ↑ 1° ☼ -5.2 ✣ 30' ...
  • Jupiter. Outer Planet. ↗ 04:21 ↘ 16:46 ↑ 36° ☼ -2.1 ✣ 35.7" ...
  • Saturn. Outer Planet. ↗ 04:21 ↘ 09:41 ↑ 46° ☼ 0.7 ✣ 18.8" ...
  • Mars. Outer Planet. ↗ 04:21 ↘ 16:21 ↑ 40° ☼ 0.9 ✣ 5.9"

What planet is visible in the night sky? ›

What Planets Are Visible By the Naked Eye? The first step to identifying planets is to know which planets are possible to see without a telescope. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are the five brightest planets in our night sky and, therefore, observable by most people.

How to locate planets in the night sky? ›

The first thing you need to do is find the ecliptic, the imaginary line that marks the path the Sun takes across the sky. Since all of the Solar System's major planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane, the ecliptic also marks the path of the planets. You'll always find all of the planets near that line.

How rare is it to see Starlink satellites? ›

The Starlink satellite train is usually visible shortly after the satellites have been deployed when they are at their lowest orbit. Starlink satellites travel very fast and complete one orbit of Earth every 90 minutes which means you can sometimes see them within just two hours of a previous sighting.

How do I know when Starlink is coming to my area? ›

To find out if Starlink is available in your area, the most direct way is to simply go to the Starlink website and enter your address.

What is the brightest star in the sky tonight? ›

The brightest star in the night sky? You're right, it's Sirius (mag. -1.45), which coasts low above the southern horizon for most of us in the northern hemisphere during the cooler months. Sirius is so bright that it's not uncommon for people to mistake it for Jupiter (maximum mag.

Can you see Jupiter with the naked eye? ›

Ideal conditions for daytime viewing of Jupiter include a clear, haze-free sky. To the naked eye, the planet will appear as a bright pinprick of light, but a good pair of binoculars or a telescope will reveal it as a small, pale disk.

Which planet looks bright in the night sky? ›

Venus can often be seen within a few hours after sunset or before sunrise as the brightest object in the sky (other than the moon). It looks like a very bright star. Venus is the brightest planet in the Solar System.

Where is Mars in the sky right now? ›

Mars is currently in the constellation of Taurus. The current Right Ascension is 04h 29m 26s and the Declination is +21° 14' 16” .

When can I see Jupiter? ›

Jupiter is visible all year long, but it is best viewed when it is in opposition. Opposition occurs when Jupiter is on the opposite side of the sun from Earth. During opposition, Jupiter is at its closest to Earth and appears at its brightest.

What is the easiest planet to see in the night sky? ›

After the Moon, Venus is the brightest natural object in the night sky. It is both the Earth's closest neighbor in our Solar System and the planet most similar to Earth in size, gravity, and composition.

Can you see Saturn with the naked eye? ›

Saturn appears to the naked eye as a bright, yellowish-white star-like object in the night sky. It is not as bright as Jupiter or Venus, but it is still easily visible. You won't be able to see its rings or other details without using a telescope.

Why is there a bright line in the night sky? ›

The source of these lights is Starlink satellites being launched in groups, and they travel in a line – a Starlink train - until they reach their operating altitude before separating. These satellites provide internet coverage across the globe, and in most remote locations that standard Wi-Fi does not typically reach.

What is the bright white line in the sky? ›

These clouds are contrails, short for condensation trails. Water vapor is one of the byproducts of jet fuel combustion and will turn into ice crystals in the cold air at the high elevations where jet airplanes fly. Those ice crystals create a cloud (the contrail), which does not pose any public health risk.

What is the bright streak in the night sky? ›

The bright streak of light that moves very fast in the night sky is called a shooting star. Shooting stars are the rocks present in space. When they enter Earth's atmosphere, they catch fire and look bright.

What is the shining line in the sky? ›

These are the Starlink satellites launched by Elon Musk's Space-X. They are launched together and then spread out, which is why they appear to be in a line.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.