Gordon Wallis on LinkedIn: THE WAY OF THE SIMPLETON - the Matrix adept’s thinking process when… (2024)

Gordon Wallis

Licensed Massage Therapist - semi retired

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THE WAY OF THE SIMPLETON - the Matrix adept’s thinking process when dealing with an Upper Trapezious trigger point.—————————————————————————————————“What is simple is simply seen … And what is simple is rarely understood.” - from the 1970s TV series Kung Fu.—————————————————————————————————I determined the trigger point to be on either the Bladder meridian or the Large Intestine meridian. My first attempt to eliminate the trigger point was the simplest of all procedures. I call it SAME LONGITUDE SAME LATITUDE. You stimulate the exact same spot on the other side of the spine. But that didn’t work.Next I tried stimulating the Lung Meridian becasue it can clear both the opposite side Large Intestine meridian and Bladder meridian of trigger points(based on I Ching and Meridian based acupuncture methods). But that didn’t work either.So then I tried stimulating the trigger pointed meridian itself. THE SICK MERIDIAN FIXES ITSELF. And that did work. https://lnkd.in/gXVHa9AaIf people really knew how simple it was to eliminate myofascial trigger points. They wouldn’t do it any other way. https://lnkd.in/gJ2qD7N2

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Simplicity can be deceiving and most often than not the "intelligent" fellow rebels it.

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  • Gordon Wallis

    Licensed Massage Therapist - semi retired

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    TESTIMONIAL TUESDAY even though it’s really Wednesday FIBROMYALGIA —————————————————————————————————For fifteen years I have suffered with chronic muscle pain to the point I couldn't stand or walk very long. I used to be very active walking, biking, swimming, cross-country skiing and martial arts.Due to a fall while cross country skiing I started on a downward cycle with pain keeping me from sleeping and doing the things I normally do. I spent my children's inhertance going to MD's, chiropractors, herbalists, Eastern medicine, massage therapy, physical therapy and trying anything and everything people recommended. I kept getting worse. Then a friend treated me to a massage at Allure Spa. I met Gordon and told him my tale of woe and he gave me trigger point treatment. I had heard of it but had never tried it. I have now had six treatments with Gordon and my whole body is so much better. I can move with more ease and definitely less pain. I was diagnosed with Fibromylagia and Gordon has helped me. Check him out. He has helped me and hopefully he can help you. Thanks, Gordon—————————————————————————————————This client I met while working in a the spa. I didn’t take treatment notes or document anything. But I remember her very clearly. She is the perfect victom of this mindset, “TRIGGER POINTS ARE NOT IMPORTANT.” It comes in many guises. Wheather it be they are only symptomatic of an underlying issue(they keep coming back), or that they don’t exist at all.She went though all kinds of therapies and treatments from different professions. No one mentioned the word “trigger point” to her.She had, 100 trigger points or more on her body. Just guessing. Like I said, I did not take treatment notes. But she had a painful trigger point just about every two or three inches on her body. Trauma from the skiing accident. Muscle damage on a cellular level. Had she been treated properly after her accident. I doubt she would ever have developed this fibromyalgia. I was able too, after six treatments reduce her pain by 50%. Just a guess. But she was able to cut her meds in half. So that is a good guess. There are many people walking around in pain right now simply because of trigger points. Many of them not so far gone that they can’t get total relief. The Matrix therapy has the best chance of helping these people. When I was working on her, I was not at the level of proficiency I am now. I think I could have helped her a lot more.But here is the thing. And other therapists and providers don’t get this or know this. IF YOU AKNOWLEDGE THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE WITH 1 NAGGING TRIGGER POINT. WHY CAN’T THERE BE OTHERS OUT THERE WITH 50 OR MORE NAGGING TRIGGER POINTS? If you don’t know who they are. Here is a clue. THEY ALL HAVE THE DIAGNOSIS OF fibromyalgia.An example of what I’m talking about: https://lnkd.in/gVfZAH4mhttps://lnkd.in/gZA6GDPm

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  • Gordon Wallis

    Licensed Massage Therapist - semi retired

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    SUFFICIENTLY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY IS INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM MAGIC - Arther C. Clarke—————————————————————————————————Who needs a physical location for such a treatment. You can literally set up a booth at your nearest street corner and treat every human being which walks in front of your street corner kiosk! You can make a billion dollars in a year! You can not possibly get closer to the practice of mysticism if you tried. Of what i saw in the video! This technique violates every single biological and physiological principle discovered over the past 2 thousand years! Wizards would be the term i would use for these practicioners of such techniques.————————————————————————————————-STUFF OF WIZARDRYhttps://lnkd.in/gzaa6ph4https://lnkd.in/gPWAwceVhttps://lnkd.in/gKCkW6vY—————————————————————————————————A closely related post - https://lnkd.in/gScU9Up2

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  • Gordon Wallis

    Licensed Massage Therapist - semi retired

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    THE PROGRESSION OF MATRIX ACUPRESSURE THERAPY, often phenomenal.—————————————————————————————————"I looked this fellow up. He is a pure conman. Claiming to use ancient knowledge for instant pain relief. Obviously a paid actor on the table." "The only way to treat is to determine what channels are involved" - Ling Shu, chapter 26. 200 BCE."The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Stephen Hawking—————————————————————————————————Usually I don’t recommend follow up treatments for anything less then a 50% reduction in pain after the first treatment. But there are no absolutes in what I do. And I noticed, even though she reported only a 37.5% reduction in pain. That she was walking much better. So I suggested she come in for one more treatment the following day.Low back, left hip pain.Manual Therapy:Patient is in so much pain she has to walk in a bent forward position. It hurts so bad she can't even vacuum.Physical pain or discomfort (0-10): 8/10. Painful palpatory areas: Left lower lumbar, left sacroiliac joint, lateral left upper leg.. Modalities applied: trigger point release. Trigger points found and deactivated: RIGHT, spinalis at T4, longissimus at T12, LEFT, spinalis at L4, posterior superior iliac spine, sacroiliac joint, gluteus maximus, vastus lateralis. Post therapy response: Patient responded well. All the trigger points were downgraded in intensity except for the vastus lateralis. Although still in pain after the therapy she felt a noticeable improvement. Visually I could see that she was standing more erect. Patient mentioned that she is being set up for physical therapy. I do not recommend that at this time. Because her musculature is very tense tight and contracted. . Post physical pain or discomfort: 5/10. Length of session: 45 minutes. Performed by: Gordon Wallis, LMT.Low back left hip pain.Manual Therapy:Patient came in today doing much better. Walking in a more natural upright posture. She was very happy with the improvement from the last session. She was just a little sore in the left lower back, upper hip area.Physical pain or discomfort (1-10): 1/10Painful palpatory areas: N/A. Modalities applied: trigger point release. Trigger points found and deactivated: There was no pain on palpation. The trigger points from last session ( yesterday) were no longer there. However, when moving her hips while lying on the table, she felt an intense pain in her left upper hip low back area. After initiating a neuromuscular release for pain on movement, for that area, the pain vanished.. Post therapy response: Patient responded very well to the therapy. She had no more palpatory pain or pain on movement after the session. Patient was very happy. She needs a few more sessions in order to make sure the releases hold.. Post physical pain or discomfort: 0/10. Length of session: 15 minutes. Performed by: Gordon Wallis, LMT.PS - seven trigger points was her pain

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  • Gordon Wallis

    Licensed Massage Therapist - semi retired

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    A very nasty Supraspinatus muscle pain deactivated.A very nasty Tripple Warmer meridian pain deactivated.A very nasty Arm Outside Middle muscle chain pain deactivated.—————————————————————————————————SYNONYMS - meridian, channel, muscle chain.TRIGGER POINT DEFINTION - any painful palpatory area.————————————————————————————————-Classical I Ching Acupuncture recognizes a system of interrelated channels.The 12 Muscle Matrix is about manipulating a system of interrelated muscle chains.When one muscle is facilitated another muscle is inhibited.When one muscle chain is facilitated another muscle chain is inhibited. —————————————————————————————————STAND A POLE UNDER THE SUN AND INSTANTLY SEE IT’S SHADOW.I determined the trigger point, or painful palpatory area to be on the right Tripple Warmer channel. So based on channel relationships, I facilitated(stimulated) the left Heart and Pericardian channels in order to inhibit the right Tripple Warmer channel, immediately taking the pain out with it. https://lnkd.in/gBe3nr-3. ————————————————————————————————— TWO IMPORTANT FACTSIn the Huangdi Neijing, the seminal ancient Chinese medical text also known as the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine (Wu & Wu 1997), it is stated that the anatomy of the meridian system, the Jing Luo, was elucidated by the use of dissection, Jie Pou. The choice of the word “dissection" implies that the meridian network has a physical structure that can be seen with the naked eye." - think of Tom Meyers ANATOMY TRAINS.The radiating and/or referred symptoms deriving from myofascial trigger points are a major cause of sustained pain and dysfunction, according to Wall & Melzack(1989), the leading researchers into pain, Trigger points are indeed stated by them to be a part of all chronic pain conditions, often the major part.—————————————————————————————————Real acupressure, as in the 12 Muscle Matrix, is not energy work. It’s using a real physiology to eliminate a major cause of pain.And it does so amazingly and beautifully. https://lnkd.in/gEuWW7kz—————————————————————————————————

    • Gordon Wallis on LinkedIn: THE WAY OF THE SIMPLETON - the Matrix adept’s thinking process when… (18)
    • Gordon Wallis on LinkedIn: THE WAY OF THE SIMPLETON - the Matrix adept’s thinking process when… (19)



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  • Gordon Wallis

    Licensed Massage Therapist - semi retired

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    I RECIEVE SO MANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS BECAUSE OTHER THERAPISTS THINK THAT I AM DOING THE SAME TRIGGER POINT THERAPY THEY DO OR KNOW ABOUT. but I am not: https://lnkd.in/gv5pDndc—————————————————————“I'm blown away by how ignorant this person is and how he must be misleading his patients. The best trigger point scientists in the world only got rid of 1/3 after 12weeks and this shonk is telling people he gets rid of trigger points so they don't come back.” Well the trigger points come back. But each session there is less and less. The first session there is 36 trigger points. The second session there is 38 trigger points. The third session there is 8 trigger points. The forth session there is 3 trigger points. In very short order. Within four or five short sessions there are no trigger points. The therapist who commented above in no way is be able to eliminate 36 trigger points in one session. He has no way to understand. No frame of reference.——————————————————————Then when I show them a video of my trigger point work in order to show them that what I do is different. I get something like this.Its basic MFR/STR/TPR with a neurodynamic slider added in....all put together with distraction techniques and use of guiding the patient to a situation where they identify their pain and become less afraid of it by using the pain and the patient's awareness of it to make them perceive it as less of a threat. Again, an age-old "smoke adn mirrors" technique used by chiropractors decades ago to demonstrate a "magical" technique to restoring strength and reducing pain-ie. the chiro who would have a booth and patients would be asked to hold out their arms. The chiro would push down and the painful arm would be weaker (no surprise). Then they would slap the person on the deltoid and muddle around the UFT and posterior deltoid for 30 secs then retest....and VOILA! They arm would be strong and pain reduced again. What happened? The slap initiated a neural reaction to the pain of the slap, producing dynorphines and adrenalin, thereby overriding the pain and producing an increase motor nerve response, increasing strength. All temporary, all smoke and mirrors and all done to sell patients on services they didn't need.————————————————————https://lnkd.in/grK3G-gthttps://lnkd.in/gmtEqcyNhttps://lnkd.in/g3fweYBW————————————————————The people that I have been fortunate to have been able to help. Always ask me the same question. HOW COME NOBODY ELSE KNOWS THIS? @Gordon Wallis that's too bad ... such an obviously sucessful treatment method should be used by 100,000s of practitioners and could be used to revolutionize the world... let us know when the randomized control trials and comparison to placebo start ... you should be submitting articles to all the journals————————————————————Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized.In the first, it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident.

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  • Gordon Wallis

    Licensed Massage Therapist - semi retired

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    42.8% improvement. NOT GOOD ENOUGH .. the trigger points are symptomatic—————————————————————————————————"Sometimes, the greatest truths are hidden in plain sight." - Ralph Waldo Emerson—————————————————————————————————Any other therapy on the planet, as far as I know, would consider a 42.8% reduction in pain on the first treatment exceptional and recomend further treatment.Although that is a noticeable and welcome improvement. It’s not good enough for the Matrix practioner to recomend any further treatment.The reason being is becaue after palpating the entire body and eliminating 25 trigger points. An improvement of less then 50% indicates that the trigger points are symptomatic of an underlying pathology that can not be address by Matrix therapy.Now that’s not to say that the patient can’t come back for symptomatic relief. Because the Matrix will definitely get them out of flare up mode. But it is unlikely that the Matrix will bring about a resolution to their pain problem. The patient with less then a 50% reduction in pain after the first treatment might be recommended to come back one more time if the pain stays away for a day or more. But otherwise, only when needed for symptomatic relief. And their referring physician is notified of my opinion. The Matrix is a very differnt kind of trigger point therapy. With it one expects nearly 100% relief on the first treatment.Right shoulder, low back painManual Therapy:His low back was very painful when waking this morning. An 8/10. Although better now, it's still at a 7/10Physical pain or discomfort (0-10): 7/10.Myofascial painManual Therapy:Painful palpatory areas: n/a. Modalities applied: trigger point release. Trigger points found and deactivated: RIGHT, upper trapezius, levator scapulae, supraspinatus, cervical erector at C5, C2, erector spinae at L2, L3, L4, lateral spinous at Li, L2, L3, L4. L5, LEFT, erector spinae at L2, L3, I4, L5, T10, T11, lateral spinous at T11, T12, L2, L3, L4, L5. Post therapy response: All the painful trigger points deactivated or were downgraded during therapy . Post physical pain or discomfort: 4/10. Post emotional pain or discomfort: n/a. Length of session: 30 minutes. Performed by: Gordon Wallis, LMT.The following is an example of what to expect after the 1st treatment if the chronic pain is primarily a result of trigger point activity, and recomended for further Matrix treatments. https://lnkd.in/gVNkycV8As a Matrix practioner I know who I can and can not help very quickly. There is no waisting of anyones time or money. And very little to no chance of, leading one on. This patient was lead on by her providers for over a year. I doubt it was on purpose. More likely incompetence. https://lnkd.in/gCSe6Qi7. REALIZE THAT SHE IS ONE OF MANY. As a Matrix practitioner, I know this to be a fact.The 12 Muscle Matrix is an exceptionally efficient and effective form of trigger point therapy. Anything else is not really trigger point therapy.

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  • Gordon Wallis

    Licensed Massage Therapist - semi retired

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    36 TRIGGER POINTS = 1 YEAR HEADACHE AND PAIN; and mindsets that constantly perpetuate needless pain and suffering.—————————————————————————————Gordon Wallis It matters not how many "Testimonial Advertisem*nts" or patient “success story" videos you send, they're not proof of anything other than, at best, the placebo effect. I doubt you're a "con man," you've simply tapped into another realm of ‘alternative medicine' modalities that the gullible will always swear a miraculous success from. The mind is much more powerful at relief than these gimmickry treatment's , ie placebo. If you can show me scientific proof of your treatment's effectiveness, I will be your biggest supporter. However, you cannot because there simply are none. If there was even a slight scientific measure of this practical success, you would not be the first to be bringing into light. Which medical or or scientific degree's do you possess?GordonChronic myofascial pain is a multifactors complex problem involving physical, emotional and mental components.So there are not easy hands-on techniques that can eliminate chronic pains.Pain is an output of the brain whenever it thinks that there is some threat for the body and then a complex defensive response will be activated.The nociceptive info coming from MTrPs are only an input to the brain. It is not the pain.There are emotional and mental factors that can modulate the nociceptive flow of info from the periphery to the brain (top-bottom pain modulation).Treating the MTrPs is not enough to get rid of chronic pains.The above mindsets are alive and well. Like a factory that cranks out a continuous stream of needless pain and suffering.—————————————————————————————————Neck, upper back, shoulder painManual TherapyThe shoulder pain is mostly on the right. In addition, she has suffered with a constant headache for a year. The headache is felt from the back of her neck, over the top of her head, all the way to her eyebrows.Physical pain or discomfort (0-10): 7/10.Manual Therapy:Modalities applied: trigger point release.Trigger points found and deactivated: LEFT, erector spinae T7 through L5), upper trapezius(2), occipitofrontalis(base of skull), temporalis, cervical extensor(C6), RIGHT, erector spinae(T1 through T4, T12 through L5), upper trapezius(2), cervical(C6,C2,C3,C1), right lower abdominal quadrant(2), occipitofrontalis (base of skull), temporalis.Post therapy response: The patient responded very well to therapy. All the trigger points and painful areas deactivated quickly and easily. In addition her one year headache is now gone. The patient was very happy and amazed. I feel that a very large portion of her pain is myofascial. To that extent, after a series of sessions, I'm hopeful that she will experience long term relief in the near future.Post physical pain or discomfort: 0/10.Length of session: 30 minutes. https://lnkd.in/gY-YB3zF3 sessions later: https://lnkd.in/gQTixVg2

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  • Gordon Wallis

    Licensed Massage Therapist - semi retired

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    26 Trigger points in 20 minutes. But it could have been faster.—————————————————————————————————"Efficiency is doing things right.” - Bruce Lee—————————————————————————————————I just came across these treatment notes, and thought them interesting. That being said, I don’t remember this patient though. But, like nearly all the patients I saw in the clinic, he was a chronic pain patient. One of the cool things about the Matrix is its speed. Twenty six trigger points found and eliminated in 20 minutes! Now consider this. This treatment was done in a medical clinic where everything had to be documented. I had to take my hands off the patient after every trigger point and write it down on paper, so I could make the treatment notes later after the session.In the spa where I worked previously. I didn’t document anything. Twenty six trigger points could have easily been found and eliminated in 12 minutes!!At any rate. This chronic pain patient experienced a 57.14% decrease in pain. I expect a 100% reduction in pain when I work on someone, if I find trigger points. Inside my head. It almost feels like a failure when there is only a 57.14% reduction in pain. My minimum standard for continiued treatment is at least a 50% reduction in pain on the 1st treatment. This patient barely met that requierment. Yet conventional trigger point therapies would barely register on the improvement scale. Since the average trigger point session eliminates 5 to 6 trigger points.THE MATRIX IS OPEERATING ON ANOTHER LEVEL. It’s like a Star Ship compared a Stage Coach.Reason for Appointment1. Mid back pain, left hip painHistory of Present TinessManual Therapy:Physical pain or discomfort (0-10): 7/10. Emotional pain or discomfort (0-10): n/a.Assessments1. Myofascial pain - M79.18 (Primary)ProceduresManual Therapy:Painful palpatory areas: n/a.Modalities applied: trigger point release, acupressure.Trigger points found and deactivated: LEFT, erector spinae(T12 through L4, Quadratus lumborum(2), spinalis(L4), gluteus minimus, piriformis, RIGHT, erector spinae(T12 through L4), lateral spinous(L1, L2).Post therapy response: The patient responds well to therapy. All the trigger points deactivated or were downgraded quickly and easily. This therapy is helpful. I'm concerned about perpetuating factors. He has a knee injury, utilizing a knee brace. And walks with a very distinct labored limp. That alone can initiate a lot of myofascial pain.Post physical pain or discomfort: 3/10.Post emotional pain or discomfort: n/a.Length of session: 20 minutes.Performed by: Gordon Wallis, LMT.

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    • Gordon Wallis on LinkedIn: THE WAY OF THE SIMPLETON - the Matrix adept’s thinking process when… (37)


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  • Gordon Wallis

    Licensed Massage Therapist - semi retired

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    I’M CONSTANTLY REMINDED that myofascial trigger points are just symptoms, and not the root cause of pain.—————————————————————————————————"Hidden truths are like whispers, only heard by those who are willing to listen." - unknown—————————————————————————————————Just yesterday I had a therapist tell me that.One thing that bothers me are these statements of absoluteness that I hear regarding the causes and treatments of pain.I have often said, and I will say it again. NOT ALL PAIN IS TRIGGER POINT PAIN. But TRIGGER POINT PAIN IS THE MOST OFTEN PAIN THAT IS NEVER DIAGNOSED. And people suffer needlessly because of it. What percentage of those suffering pain are suffering needlessly? I don’t know? But it is a HIGH PERCENTAGE.All that being said. YES SOMETIMES TRIGGER POINTS ARE ONLY SYMPTOMS.In the following case. Symptoms of a successful surgery.My visit to Allure this past Sunday (07/21/13) was unfortunately not for pleasure but to try and find some relief, I was in a great deal of pain.I've had people mention to me that Gordon Wallis gives excellent massages, so I thought I'd give him a try. To give you an idea of the type of crippling pain I was going through before Gordon magically fixed me, I think is important. In December 2011 I went through a major spinal fusion that consists of 22 screws and two metal bars aligning my spine starting from the top of my upper back (lower neck) going to the lower part of my mid-back. I've dealt with very extreme muscle spasms ever since, some which get so bad that I've been taken to the ER for treatment. In the past 19 months I've seen many doctors, physical therapists, and massage therapists who have never been able to diagnose me and then treat me so quickly. I'm in utter amazement in what Gordon was able to do in under an hour! By the next morning my bedridden/crippling pain was only a minor soreness, by Tuesday (went and had a follow up on Monday with Gordon) I was only experiencing a light tenderness, by Wednesday (today), I'm pretty much pain free! I highly encourage anyone who is going through any type of muscle pain to seek Gordon's techniques with his many years of experience. I cannot express enough in how thankful I am to have gone seen him for my first time.The patient that wrote this testimonial had only 3 trigger points by the way. Such a simple fix. Lots of post surgery pain is not scare tissue as so many believe. IT’S TRIGGER POINTS. This lady suffered chronic pain that was leftover trauma from a successful surgery. They entered her chest cavity from the left side about where the Serratus Anterior is located. https://lnkd.in/gTKMd8Gz.So yes TRIGGER POINTS CAN BE SYMPTOMS. But it doesn’t matter, because hardly anybody checks for them anyway. Check out this previous post on the subject: https://lnkd.in/gTUKZzw4

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Gordon Wallis on LinkedIn: THE WAY OF THE SIMPLETON - the Matrix adept’s thinking process when… (2024)
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