Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

PAOE EIGHT 'THE EVENING OBSERVER, DUNKTRK-FREDONTA, N. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1947 CLUBS. SOCIETIES Women's Alliance Mrs. Walter Gabriel of the faculty of the Brocton Central school spoke Tuesday evening at an open meeting of the Women's Al- iince of Adam's Memorial church Mrs. Gabriel reviewed a number of books which she considers rf value in helping to understand individuals and minority groups told of her recent visit to England and stressed the fine spirit and morale which prevail there in spite of hardships followinp the war.

The meeting was opened oy Miss Josephine Clark, president of the Alliance. Mrs. Lawrence Schauffler, vice-president, introduced the speaker. Coffee was served by Mrs. Harry Peters and 'Mrs.

John Britz. Mother's Club The members of St. John's Mother's club of the Episcopal church will meet at 2:30 o'clock in the Quild house on Thursday afternoon. Cub Pack 72 The executive committee of Cub Pack 72 will hold a meeting at 7:30 o'clock on evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Philip Evans of Harrysbourg. Dunkirk Garden Club The Dunkirk Garden club members met on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sieberen Van der Meulen in Dove street. The president of the club, Mrs. John Staehle, presided at the business session after which there was a general discussion regarding the needs and various projects concerning gardens in the city.

Mrs. Staehle gave EXTRA Comfort you can ask for no less! You get i and more in CARTER'S SHIRT BRIEFS TRIGS BRIEFS SHIRTS 89c 75c Permanently soft elasticity! All seams carefully finished! Built to eliminate chafing, binding! Men want COMFORT ABOVE ALL ELSE in underwear--knowing this, CARTER spared no expense in achieving it--building it into finest fabrics with best- possible washability! SIDEYS knows a quality product tvhen it sees it that's why you'll find CARTER'S TRIGS here! CONCIALID SPRINOf DO TNI TRICK u. s. Poi. THI IILT THAT STRITCHIS COMPORT Here's the belt for the modern Cleverly concealed springs make it lively your own skin 'and nearly as comfortable.

It's never too loose never too tight it with waist action. In fine selection of choice $1i50 a talk on, "Delphinium." Monday, April 28, the members will meet at the home of Mrs. Edward Madigan of Swan street. Bowline Team The women's bowling team, called the "Gigly Gooks." of the American Locomotive "company, held a banquet at the White Inn re- BETTY AMTT Miss Betty Ann Scott was cently. Following dinner the mem- crowned queen of Arbutus Tri- bers spent the evening No 89 Daughters of the Their next meeting will be at 7 ta and officers were o'clock on Thursday evening at the Main Bowling academy.

B. P. W. Club Members of the Dunkirk-Fredonia Business and Professional Women's club were guests of the Jamestown club at a meeting held in the social rooms of the Presbyterian church at Jamestown, Tuesday evening. Dinner was served at candle-lighted tables centered with flowers.

Miss Helen Vimmerstedt, president of the Jamestown club, introduced Mrs. Monica Tucker, president of the Dunkirk-Fredonia club, Miss Gertrude Wade, president-elect of Jamestown and Miss Marjorie Buckley, president-elect of Dunkirk. Mrs. Dorothy Titchener of Binghamton, second vice- president and membership chairman, spoke on "Know Your Federation" giving the history of the club from its beginning in New York City, in May, 1918. Mrs.

Leona Willsey, district director of Binghamton attended. Group singing was directed by Eva Gorenson. Kumjoynus Club Fifty members of the Dunkirk Methodist Kumjoynais club attended the tureen dinner meeting held in the church parlors on Tuesday evening. The Rev. Sherman H.

Epler presented an illustrated talk on "Miracles for which exposed methods of fradu- lent mediums done through clever magic tricks. Motion pictures in technicolor cf Dunkirk's first post war Memorial day, the eighth district, American Legion parade and Dun. kirk to Dunkerque day were shown. Mr. and Mrs.

William Block and Mr. Mrs. Herbert Salisbury oC Washington avenue will be in charge of the program for the next meeting on May 12. A. A.

V. W. Club A regular monthly meeting of the Dunkirk-Fredonia branch of the American Association of University Women will be held at the home of Mrs. Paul Weiler of 68 West Fourth street at 2:30 p. m.

on Saturday. The Social Studies Workshop group will present, Dr. Esther Chang of the Newton Memorial hospital will talk on health conditions in China. Eastern Star, and officers were installed at an open meeting held at the Masonic temple on Saturday evening, April 12. The new queen entered the room through an arch of white snapdragons held by girls.

the altar. Miss Ann Barries of Pet- CITY and VICINITY --Roojn for rent. 49 W. Courtney. Phone -6900.

--Columbia Metal Venetian blinds. McMachan's. --Chrysler 1934 4-door sedan for sale. 64 W. Doughty St.

--Plenty of high quality white enamel. McMachans. --Birge, Strahan and Unitized wallpapers. McMachans. --Boy percale shirts 'sizes 8 to 14 at the Jack Jill Shop.

--For sale, parlor suite, bed, chests, baby buggy. 428 Robin. --Floor scrubbers and polishers for rent. McMachans. --For sale cheap: White kitchen gas stove.

Phone 800F21 after 6. --Paste and smoothing brushes, wallpaper paste, wall size. Mon- BUSY DAY Masonic hall. Fredonia Grange No. 1 will roe s.

--Wanted The Fredonia firemen closed a busy day Tuesday evening at 7:45 o'clock when "they responded to a still alarm from Anthony Battaglia's home in Gushing street where a grass lire was threatening the buildings. At 6:30 o'clock, a general alarm called the entire department to 407 Chestnut street, where lire started around the chimney, was breaking through the roof. Seen by one of the household before it got much start, the blaze was controlled with damage estimated at $25 to $35. residence is the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Durr and Mr. serve dinner in Grange hall from 5 to 7 o'clock in celebration of the J9th anniversary of its organization and completion. 61 extensive improvements to the hall. The Family Life Study club will meet at 8 o'clock at the home of Harry Rosselot, Temple street. The Creative Arts workship of the A.

A. U. W. will meet at 7:30 o'clock in the basem*nt art rooms of State Teachers college. news complete! Bead the OBSERVER.

Of 833 bills introduced in UM i947 West Virginia legislature, 183 were passed and made law. Only one bill vetoed by the governor. Alaska ti larger than, the three largest states combined: California. Texas- and Montana. GIRL WANTED Inquire at VALONE DRY CLEANING CO.

319 Main St. to and Mrs. Vernon Werkan, who rent, unfurnished: bought the property recently from Mrs. Helen Maher. These two fires made four calls in all during the day answered by the Fredonia firemen, the others being a grass fire near upper Seymour street and a fire in the garage at Baptist parsonage, East Main street.

PERSONALS George Puder of Temple street is ill at his home. Mrs. Martha Tilly of Lincoln avenue has returned home after a visit with her daughter in Buffalo. Mrs. Marion Stumpf of West Fourth street spent Tuesday in Buffalo with friends.

flat apartment. No children. OBSERVER Box 153. --Curtain rods, round solid rod, cut to your measurements. Single or double.

Monroe's. --For sale, '36 Plymouth four- door sedan, $275. Call after 4:30. 35 E. 2nd upstairs." --Genuine sheep's wool sponges for wall washing and general use, 50c to' 2.50.

Monroe's. --Kem Tone, the famous wafer mix paint in all colors. Dunkirk Hardware next Capitol Theatre. The members of the Men's club --Dex ready pasted borders for of the Presbyterian church will plain or painted walls. 36 patterns meet in Westminster hall-for sUp- to choose from.

Monroe's. cer at 6:15 o'clock. Later pictures --Wanted: Young man for steady Loblaw Gro- ceterias, 404 Central Ave. 1 EVENTS TONIGHT --Galvanized twin tubs on legs, ersburg, sang "The Lord's supply limited Dunkir Hardware AlrJert Sweet who is in the U. Mr.

and Mrs. A. J. Piazza of King street spent Tuesday in Buffalo. Prayer" accompanied by Mrs.

Alinda was crowned by her mother and given the gavel by her father. Miss Cathrine Orth, Triangle deputy, presided and the following officers were installed: Drill Sheila Wheeler; musician, Dorothy Elias; historian, Maureen Coogan; marshals, Betty Lou Boiling and Georgina Costello; standard bearer, Joan Harvey; flag bearer, Patty Reed; financial Ruth Daily; corresponding secretary, Nancy Rueckert; treasurer, Emily Aular; chaplain. Jane Palmer; guardian, Janet Milligan; junior lady in waiting, Patricia senior lady in waiting, Joanne Baumgartner; daddy, Leon Scott; assistant daddies, George Wheeler, Archibald Milligan, Charles Dailey, Samuel Feldman and Albert Brinkerhoff. Supervisors, Miss'Betty Hudson, Mrs. Anna Scott, Mrs.

Emma Brinkerhoff, Mrs. Mildred Baumgartner, Mrs. Alinda Wheeler, Mrs. Nancy Milligan, Mrs. Christine Dailey.

Mrs. Helen Feldman and Mrs. Madeline, Dal- dymple. Miss Betty Brinkerhoff was installed as the new triangle deputy. Gifts were presented to the past queen and the new queen.

A dinner was served at Rusch's restaurant preceding the meeting. Approximately 250 people attended the installation meeting, including guests from Petersburg, Titusville, Sheridan, Brocton and Silver Creek. next Capitol Theatre. --Boys and girls bicycles, roller Skates and carts. Dunkirk Hardware next Capitol Theatre.

--Window shades, ready made or made to your measurements. White and colors. Monroe's. --Call 4667 for an estimate on penuine Columbia Flexible Steel Venetian blinds. McMachans.

--For sale, '33 Chevy coach, new tires, heater, motor just overhaul- per at 6:15 o'clock. Later pictures of early Dunkirk will be shown by Joseph Washington. St. Mary's Mother's club will hold a meeting at 8 o'clock in the school building. The Delta Phi Omega sorority will meet at 7:30 at the home of Miss Ruth Dailey in West Green street.

The cribbage tournament being held by the Dunkirk Aerie of Eagles in the club rooms in Central avenue will begin at 8 o'clock. The Polish Literary and Assembly Rooms Association, will hold its annual installation banquet in the clubrooms in Dom Polski hall at 8 o'clock. A family party will be held at LEEDS for jewelry Values ON CONVENIENT TERMS ed. Call 2273 or Ave. I o'clock in the church social --Garbage cans, ash cans, wash rooms by the members of St.

John's tubs and galvanized pails. Dunkirk Evangelical and Reformed church. 0 The Women's society of Chris- Mrs. Carmello Patti of 439 Main street is a patient in Brooks hospital. Miss Margaret Flanigan of Park avenue entertained a bridge club at her home on Tuesday evening.

Mrs. Robert W. Konert will entertain a bridge club at her home in Eagle street on Thursday afternoon. Miss Margaret Ware of Eagle street will leave'for Baltimore on Thursday evening, as a delegate to the Zonta district conference. Mrs.

Julia Reddy has returned to Eden after visiting at the home of Miss Esther M. Miller in King street. motor trip to Toledo, where they visited at the home of Walter Adamski and family. Mrs. James Lyon of Bataan avenue has returned from a visit in New York city and Hartford, Conn.

Mrs. George Guay of Woodrow avenue and Mrs. Mary French of Erie were the prize winners at the pinochle tournament heid by the Dunkirk Aerie of Eagles in 'their club rooms in Central avenue on Tuesday evening. Mrs: Nelson J. Pa'imer of Washington aye.nue will entertain a Hardware next Capitol Theatre.

--Whitest in white! Barreled Sunlight, Chinaline Enamel will not turn yellow. McMachans. --Special on baby dresses $1 and girls' dresses, sizes 3 to 10 regular $4.95 to $2.00. Jack Jill Shop. --Tavern dry cleaner for articles likely to be injured by washing.

1 gal. 77c, 2 gals. 1.29. Monroe's. --Lost, lady's black fabric handbag, vicinity Central Pangolin or Front St.

Reward. Phone 5463. --Lost, small male beagle hound. Reward. Call Fredonia 141-J.

R. R. Shepherd, 91 Berry Fredonia. --For sale, 1939 Mercury convertible 5 passenger coupe. Andrew Serafin, Concord road, No.

2, Fredonia. --Walvet, Cincy Absorene wallpaper cleaner. Try them on any surface that you prefer' not to wash. Monroe's. --The Avenue Shop, 313 Ceh- iral for all types and sizes of new spring and summer Suits, Dresses and Blouses.

--For sale. Speed Queen wash- ers, immediate delivery. Damon Electric Russp facing the parks, Fredonia. --Spring 1947 wallpapers, guaranteed washable, fade-tested, design-tested. Quantities of advanced designs to choose from.

Monroe's. --For Sale: dining room suite, copy Early American, ladder back chairs, large gate legged table. The Women's society tian Service of the Dunkirk Methodist church will hold a dessert party for all members and friends the church at 7:30 o'clock in the social rooms of the church. The girls' club volley ball tournament will be held at 7 o'clock in the girl's gymnasium of the Dunkirk High school. The public card party sponsored by the A.

C. E. club will be held at 8 o'clock in the Holy Trinity hall. Fredonia The Ladies' Auxiliary of Gordon Scott.post, Veterans of For- Vlan's smart, new jeweled movement wrist watch RIGHT-- Modern simplicity characterizes the fine diamond ensemble '81 eign Wars) will meet in the post rooms, Water street. The April dinner meeting of the Fredonia Chamber of Commerce will be held at 6:30 o'clock at the Inn.

The Fredonia DeMolay chapter will hold an initiation meeting in Handsome Gold Crosses for every member of the family priced at SJ50 TM up RIGHTr-Beanti- fully designed Lockets in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. $714 I lip (NLIkKaiO TO (HOW DCTMb. Dunkirk's DIAMOND Store bridge club at her home on -Thurs- sideboard. 234 Central Fre- ciay evening, ing. Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas D. O'Neil of Lambert avenue are spending a week's vacation in Washington, D. C. Mrs.

James Bialleles has returned to Buffalo after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Logano at their home in Williams street. Vincent 'D.

Smozynski arrived today from Buffalo, where he attends the Bryant and Stratton Business school, for a short stay with his wife at their home in Courtney street. Mr. Mrs. Joseph Barone, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs.

L. P. Logano at their home in Williams street, to attend the Logano-Bielot wedding on Saturday, have returned to Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs.

John C. Banks of Grant avenue and Mrs. William E. Maucher of Leming street have returned from Pittsburgh where they were called by the death of their sister. William W.

Eckert of Zebra street, who recently passed a federal civil service examination, now' employed in Washington, D. C. S. Army is at present stationed in San Francisco, Cal. His mother.

Mrs. MarV Sweet, has received word of her son's prospective furlough of 30 days, beginning May 11, which will be spent in Dunkirk. A daughter was born at the hospital Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. George Washington, 316 Swan street.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Todd of Grand Rapids, arrived today at their summer home Hanover Hill in Hanford road, Silver Creek. Mr. and Mrs.

Todd have spent the winter in Grand Rapids and will remain at Hanover Hill for the summer. Mrs. Hazel Boner of Deer street has returned from a two months vacation in Santa Monica, where she visited relatives. NEW EVERYDAY PRICES-- Pack 16c Carton $1.55 MILLER DRUGS 338 Central DUNKIRK HOME OPERATED Mrs. Harry Dethero, Mrs.

Le Roy Rymer, and. Mrs. S. B. Rymer, of Cleveland, and Mrs.

Kenneth Keyes of Warm Springs, hbve left after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Graf of Taft place. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles J. Flahaven and daughters, Mary and Patricia, returned from a four months stay in Hollywood, on Tuesday afternoon. donia. --For sale, 30 and 50 gallon electric and gas hot water heaters for immediate delivery.

Damon Electric Russo Fredonia. --For sale. 9 pc. walnut dining room suite, 9 12 rug, 8 ft. 3 in.

by 10 ft. 6 in. rug, coffee table, maple youth's bed, 66 Liberty Fredonia, 370-R after 4 p. m. Ton 36 Ford Truck Rebuilt Motor.

Ford Garage. Ralph B. Jones Inc. 220 Central Ave. --Buick 1941 Super sedanette, i engine completely rebuilt, tires and paint excellent.

For immediate sale $1150. Silver Creek Motors, K3 Central Silver Creek, N. --For sale, 1 horse, 12 yrs. old, I 1600, works single or double, 1 horse wagon, 1 horse drag, 1 Morgan grape hoe, 1 harness, 1 Buckeye brooder for 500 chicks, burns coal, 1 Thayer baby buggy. Frank B.

Smith," Route 39, Fredonia, phone 3-F-ll. Well Pressed Is Well Dressed We Specialize in Cleaning and Pressing We Use the Odorless Tri-Clean Methnd A I A CLEANERS PHONE 3555 Mrs. Frank N. Klocko of Eagle street 'lias returned home from a --There is a convenient to finance and and insure your new car. See us for i five weeks trip through southern msu I i I complete details! Miller Insurance California.

Society Meetings A very special meeting of the Miss Patricia Nixon who has i Ladies Auxiliary of Hose Co. 3 will been visiting her parents, Mr. nnri bp ld Wednesday evening at Mrs. Kemp Keena of Central ave- nue, Fredonia, returned to New York on Sunday evening where she has accepted a position with the Eastern Air Lines. Agency, 305 Central Ave.

Phone --For Sale: Near Light House Point, just off Route 5, 30 acres, acres grapes, 8 room house, bath, electricity, furnace, barn, basem*nt stable, hen-house, 2 cows, team, chickens, farming tools, $6,850. M. A. Hines, Silver Creek. Dr.

Ruth Ferris of West Fourth street has returned from New York city where she attended a convention. Harry N. Ceronowicz has returned to Binghamton after spending a week with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.

Vincent Ellman at their home in Hoyt street. Mr. and Mrs. A. R.

Pawlak of Genet street have returned from 7:30 at the lire ew ly-wed special: 5 room Special meeting of Citizen's-Hose home, five minute walk from City Co. No. 2 Wednesday evening, Hall. Hardwood floors, automatic April 16, at NO STREET CARS IN NEVADA Las Vegas, Nev. (UP)--A convention of travel industry officials here brought attention to the fact that there isn't a street car in the state.

Nevada still is largely frontier country and street cars have gas fired air-conditioning furnace. Furnished or unfurnished. Immediate possession. For. further information see, Dewey Carlson, West's Farm Agency, 338 Central Dunkirk.

--Eviction sale now in progress on men's and boys' trousers, sp largest cities, Reno and Las Vegas. everything wearable. Shop and --For best results advertise In I save at Main Haberdashery, Main the OBSERVES. I Eaglt Fredonii. WHEN you have special message of take her flowers because flowers say it better.

Kodak ABC Photo Lab Outfit This'compact outfit contains all you need to do your own developing and printing. You can make good prints the first time you try. See here today. KNOWLTON'S 152 East Fourth St. Dunkirk, N.

Y. EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED MONROE'S DRUG STORES 300 Central Ave. and 341 Main St. PROTECT YOUR GARMENTS FROM MOTHS! "LARVEX" With Bottle Sprayer! Mothproofs 1 Pt. $1.29 Moth Flakes and Moth Balls (Naphthalene) 20c Pkg.

"Weed No-More" Magic Weed Killer 8 Oz. Bt. Makes 8 Gals. Spray $1.00 "EXPELLO" MOTH CRYSTALS Kills Moth Worms 1 Lb. Can 69c "ELKAY'S" Cedar Chest Compound An Old Reliable 25c Box "Ridtect" With DDT Kills Flies, Mosquitoes, Etc.

35c pt. "MEDFOBD" Garment Storage Bag 60 in. 3 in. A4fe 39c "ELKAY'S" Moth Killer and Control Liquid 69c Jr b. "Magic Hoodoo' Ant Paper Ante Away 20c Sheet.

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.