the ewnmor sension of Fredonia Normal school and Mre. tonding Bremor la studying at Chautauqua. Miss Emma Whitinore and Mias Holon Fostor, teachors in Clove of land Miss Elizabeth suosla Main schools, are the today strool. Mica Emma Whitmore who 18 a cousin of Miss Yung was wecompanied by Miss Fostor on a New England motor trip. SOCIETY NEWS Mr.
and Mrs, Milton O. and a son of Buffalo aro spending woek al Van Duron lodge. Miss Goraldino 'Scott of Pittstor, burgh, Airs. W. 1s W.
the Hoppell, guost in fa*gio of her aisstroot. Miss Emma' Mayor entertained at the Hickoryhurst community cards Tuesday night at her cottago. Mr. and Mra. John Patterson and family of Euglo stroct am staying at their summer hom*o pour.
Portland. George Macleod left Tuesday for Versailles, called by tho ilinoss of his granddaughter, Poggy Van Buron. Mrs. Milton M. Fenner entor.
tained the Tuesday contract bridge club luncheon at Van Buren lodge yestorday. Haidoe E. Moldonhauor of Miss Washington avenue has roturned aftor a vacation spont In Atlantic City and New York. There wore 75 momborg of the tho Cherry Creek Methodist schehurch who hold nic at Harrysbourg Tuosday. Clifford Briggs of Howard avonue who underwent, an operation at Brooks hospital Monday.
is rocovering satisfactorily. Mra. R. A. Olmstend, daughtor Margaret and son William of Southeru Pines, N.
are sponding some time at Van Buren lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Bremer and daughtor Ardon have roturned to Ithaca after visiting Mr.
and Mra. W. J. Bromer at G. K.
Hull, suporintendent of the Dunkirk plant of Alco Producla, who is in the hospital, la convaloscing satisfactorlly aftor an operation, A daughter was born this mornIng to Mr. and Mra. C. Lathrop P'risons of Baltimore, Md. Mra.
Parsona WALA formerly Ming Nellie Altar Gulld Dinner to to ROE- MEBEL Daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. George Niebel Married at Goshen, N. The marriago of Miss Mildred Helen Niebel, daughter of Mr. and Mire.
George Niebol of Monroe streot, to Mr. aud Mira. Herbort D. Herbert Nalhuniel Roo, son Roe of Goshon, N. took place Monday attornoon at the Mothodist Episcopal church in The church was decorated do torns, rhododondron aud pink and white gurden flowers, and thy cerlemony was performed by tho pus tor, Roy.
Edward Joseph Akorman of N. the a guosts played wore on the assembling, hallo when the bridal party appoured, played the wedding march Margarol from "Lohengrin." Miss M. Todd of Hornell, classmate of the bride at the Frodonta Normal school, sang "I Love You Truly" beforo the coremony, and Cadman's "At pawning" while the bridal party stood before the altar. brido, who wam given wore 5: marriage by white hor cotton father, not, with a short voll Sho of tulla coveriug bouquet the of face. carriod a Miss, Leola C.
Niebol of Dungarden flowors. Her white tor, kirk, maid of honor, and WAg wore pink moussoline de sole, carrylng a bouquet of vari-colored Corrit Anderson Florida, N. was best man, gardon flowers. and the ushers were Edward B. Kenneth Greene, Wullace Douglass and Irving Howell, ail of Gaynor, Goshon.
Attor the ceremony a reception held. at tho home of the was bride's Mra. H. Raymond Makuen, about 20 guests present. Attenaing from out of town wore: Mr.
and Mra. George and Miss Loota Nichoi of Nichol Dunkirk; Mrs. Edward Hoscraft, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N.
Roe, Miss Rita McCabo, liarold Roo, of Now York city; Mrs. Arnold laglund of Fredonia: Miss Murrarct M. Todd of Hornell; Mr. and Mra, William J. Roe of Florida, N.
Mr. and Mra. C. W. Shumaker, Mr.
and Mrs. Frodorick Northup, Loo Northrup, Albert and Wiliard Shumnker, Mr. and Mrs. Marry all of Middletown; Mr. and Mrs.
William D. Slivers of Kingaton, N. Mrs. Ralph W. Shepard of Elmira Mr.
and Mra. Roe aro on a motor trip through tho Adirondack region and will roside at 8 Parkway, Goshen Tho brido 18 a graduato of Dunkirk High school, Normal school and Now York university, and has been Bupervisor of muslo in tho prhlic schoolg of Goshen three yeara. The groom la a graduato of the Glashon school and tho American InHigh stituto of Banking and is associat- of od with the National Bank Ornugo county. CONDEMN LOS ANGELES AS UNFIT FOR FLIGHT navy Washington, department has condemJuly 11-(UP)The tho dirigiblo Los Angolos 83 until tor flight, Socrotary Claudo A. Swanson on announced today, Condomnation ot tho Los Angoleg leavos only 0110 dirigiblo-tho Macon--In active naval servico.
Swanson auld tho Los Angelos, commissioned In 1022, had beon found unfit tor flight by a special board of inspoction. Ho added however, that tho dirigiblo might still bo usod for experimentation around tho hangar and ninat ato- at N. whor* it la Lakohrrst, Swanson Bald the 1 OR Angelos lioned. not to bo rocommlasioned for, flight duo to doterioration of was Itertala. umm er of now $12.98 now 8.98 now 8.98 now 8.98 now 7.98 Half Sizes see you through a smart 34 comfort at a very small spotlight, along with navy and distinctive styles.
collection. jackets polka dots Towels Gossard's FOR $1.50 pool. They moas- The Foundation may be chosen betraying gayly colored that pull men. Sizes SIDEYS DUNKIRK OBSERVER, DAY, AGNES TUFVERSON SEEN BY TWO PERSONS IN CAFE Montreal, July 11-(UP) -Sourch for Miss Agnes Tutverson, who disappeared shortly her marriage Podersay, shifted to today, following reports from two west ond' rosidents that thoy. believed they had miseing woman in an Osborne 'stroet cafe.
The Montrealers, whose names wero withheld by police, claimed that woman resembling Miss Tufverson, spent the greator. part of an hour in the cafe. Sho was apparently under great strain and appeared tearful of being approched by strangers, they Following reports from Viennese police that Poderjay had ted that his bride had remained in Now York with the intention of paying a visit to Montreal and Detroit police. began search tor the missing lawyer. Until last night no trace had been found of the woman.
The West End residents are sure that the woman was Miss Tutverson. Photographs they had seen in Now York newspapers confirmed their recognition, they claim, TWO MEN AND BOY DROWNED AT ERIE TUESDAY NIGHT Empty Boat Found Drifting Near the Entrance to the Harbor by a Freighter. Erie, July 11-(UP)-A boat in which two men and a 6- year old boy went onto Lake Erie last night was recovered by the coast guard today, dissipating hope that the three might be alive. The boat was identified as that in which Join Weber, 43, Hammermill Paper company truck driver; his son, James 6, and William Kaltsmith, 38, General Electric com. pany maintenance man, left Eric late yesterday and failed to return home.
The Bethlchem freighter Lebanon, bearing ore to Eric, sighted the 16-foot outboard motor boat at the entrance to the Erie harbor. Coastguards said there was no- possibility of any of the three having reached any refuge. A storm blew up in the lake last night. STATE COMMISSION: TO ASK ICKES ABOUT BARGE CANAL FUNDS Albany, N. July 11-(UP)The special logislative barge canal survey committco will confor-1 leave soon for Washington for a enco with Secrotary of Intorior Harold Jokes, State Senator Frank 13.
Hendol, Queens Democrat, Announced today. Tho group will discuss with Ickes, Hondol said, the state's n.pplication for a fodoral grant of to financo Improvement of the bargo cannl. "We Intend to faco Socretary Ickes and nak him what happenod to the monoy," tho senator said. "This committoo has not fallen down on the Tho federal government askod us to pass tho bill accopting the $27,000,000 for the Improvement and wo did 80." There are 1,225,700 miles of motoring roads In Duropo and the Britieh Isles. Mis-Simplicity FIGURE CONTROL $5:00 $6.50 that smooths away the flesh by' means of cross straps flat the 'diaphragm and abdo-.
34 to 42. Dunkirk, N. Y. SOLT 11, 190 INTERNATIONAL CONFIDENCE RING MADE A MILLION Confessed Bunoo Steerer Testifies How Gullible Citizens Were Plucked. Now York, July 11-(UP)--Nohie John Moore, confessed bunco steerer, in testimony, today connocted William (Curly) Graham and James C.
Reno sportsmen, with an international confdence charged with reaping million' dollar. from gullible citizens. Moore described the luring of victim named Muokenhera to Reno for plucking. The Riverside bank Reno. was to be the of uioney mentioned in previous testimony transfers, he sald, because the ring could operate safely through ic.
"by paylug. 15 per cent" to the right, Before persons. the "shearing of Muckenhern, he testifled, he and his tellow bunco artists met McKay, and Graham at "The Rex," night club. Moore then preseuted his startling evidence linking Graham to the swindle. "I took Muckenhern's money," ho said, "and pretended to bet it on a horse.
Instead of that, howover, I turned the money over to Graham." Approximately $18,000 was involved in the Muckenhern trausaction, ho testified. Moore then began a detailed account of the swindling of tho late John Callahan of Rochester, who lost $141,000.. Callahan and his wife were "picked up" at Los Angeles and, with Moore, went on a tour of California. At Sacramento, Moore said, he worked the timo-worn pocketbook game, in collaboration with "Dennis Leuhy," alias for John J. Egleston, co-defendant of McKay and Graham, who is already serving time for similar swindle.
Working with "Leahy," Moore said ho set up thro usual scenorya non-existent "turf -and porsuaded the Callahang they had won $300,000 which could be lected in Reno. In Reno, Mrs. Callahan was persuaded to to Rochester and return with Eastman Kodak stock valued at nearly $150,000. While the victim was traveling, gald, ho in froquent contact with Graham, McKay and the other defendants. The Callahana sold their securitios through tho Riverside bank brought $141,000 In cash to the "Loahy's" suggestion, and onl hotel room.
"It W28 nearly all in $1,000 bills," ho said. "I took the money and went out of the hotel and found Graham Patrick Sullivan, (another deand fendant) sitting in an automobile. in the car, We drove to got the club and I gavo Graham the Then I went back and thom I had lost it all on a monoy. told horse. Leahy had made a mistake them and I would go to Now Or'ruined 118 them.
I pretended to leavo pay town, but I got off at the first station and wont back to Reno." "That night we met at the club and Graham gave 18 the money less his 5 per cent. Paddy Sullivan took a pencil and figured what onch of us had coming and we split it up," he continued. Moore said he took his share of the Callahan proceeds and handed it to Graham "to put in tho safo tor me until I left Town." "That night I lost four or five thousand dollars gambling," he said. "I had Jackie Smith turn tho travelors' chocks. Then I lost $5,000 more gambling and quit town with only $15,000 loft." PINCHOT TO PROBE TURNER DISMISSAL AT PITTSBURGH U.
Harrisburg, July 11-(UP)Governor. Pinchot has threatened ten invostigation of the University of Pittsburgh 88 result of the diamissal of Dr, Ralph E. Turner, an associate professor at the institution and member of the Pennsylvania Security league, it was learned today. The governor made public a lettor he wroto to John G. Bowman, chancellor of the university, who and gave asked Dr.
him Turner to salary "go somewhere elsa whor* you will be. happler than you are "it the facts are as I understand! them," the governor wrote, "I shall have no choice but to lay them before the noxt regular session of general assembly and recommend a thorough Investigation of Turner's case, and the history University of of academic Pittsburgh, freodom for at the purpose of determining whether the university should continue to receive public funds." Dr. Turner blamed his dismissal on his connection with tho Pennsylvania Security league which has worked for social and labor legislation In the state. HUNDREDS REPORTED. DROWNED IN FLOODS IN JAPAN AND KOREA Toyko, July.
11- (UP) Hundreds of persons were reported drowned today Ag torrential rains drenched Japan, Korea and northorn Manchuria, One hundred and titty persons, wore missing in floods near Kanazawa, on the north coast of Japan, In the last 15. youra, tuberoulosis has docreased $7' per cent, mainly through funds derived from the sale of Christmas souls. FORM: ADVISORY: GROUP: OF CATHOLIO CHARITIES Father Meegan, Director: Diocese, Outlines Work to New Committee. Ad advisory commutes which will work with otticials of Catholic Charities In Chautauqua county has formed, and held Its first meeting this week at the Dunkirk office Washington avenue. Ror, Michael of Jamestown da honorary obalrman and actire chairman named at the next meeting of the committee, He presided at the meeting here.
Other clergymen who attended were the Rev. William Meegan, the' John Rev, L' Leo Lalley A. of Geary Roy, falo, the Rev. Walter Gonter of Fredonia, the' Rov. Edmund J.7 O'Connor of Silver Creek the Rev.
Aidan English of Dunkirk. Father Meegan, director of Catholic Charities In the Buffalo diocese, outlined the activities planned for the coming year and the assistant director, Father Geary, pre sented the budget for the baginning July 1. George Blackmon of Jamestown was named chairman of the children's committee. The next meeting of the committee will be held August 6 at 3 p. m.
at St. Vincent de Paul's health camp at Angola, COUNTY CHILDREN IN CAMP AT CASSADAGA Boys and Girls Will Spend Five Weeks Near Newton Hospital. The Children's Health camp Cassadaga now has a population of 175 childron. and a staff of 25. The children; who went to camp Friday and Saturday, have settled down to camp routine.
All members of the staff are Chautauqua county persons, in general charge of Mrs. Laura Stegmau, executive socrotary of the County Tuberculosta and Public Health committoo. There, is a counsolo: children. in each cottage, eight Corporals have been appointed In cach cottage and rihbong will 1:6 awarded at the end of tho fiveweek camp period to the boys and girls who have been good campers during that time. H.
M. Laughlin, field service adjutant of the American Legion, 19 in charge of the programs which will be given at intervals to entercol-tain the campers. The American Legion band of Fredonia has ready played there. Parents may visit their children at the camp on Sunday. afternoons from 3 to 5, and in the county will be welcome at the camp al any time see the work being dono there to establish permanent health benefits.
Rcont visitors at the camp have been Mrs. Edna Ambrose, of the American Legion Auxiliary of tho department of New York, and Mrs. Ella Finch, direct or of the Cattaraugug county health camp. The county nurses' committee is planning a meeting to be held at the childron's camp Friday, July 20. Tho staff includes, John Gast.
Helon Smith, Phelps, noy McCroskey, Violet Jarvis of Dunkirk; Helen Bentham, Lynn Thies, Marjorie Mary Dunbar, Cecll Goldberg of Fradonla. The whale, in quest of food, goes to the very depths of thei ocean. ELSIE T. WOODWORTH MEDIUM Frawley Cottage ELily Dale New Yorks CHECK UP ON YOUR EYE SIGHT TODAY Make an inventory of the health of your eyes, and make it now before it is too late. Do not think, know that your eyesight is all it should be, and all it can be with the proper care and attention.
DR. GLENN R. FISH Optometrist. $32 Central Phone 6805 Dunkirk, N. Y.
DRINK MORE MILK LIFE'S journey is smoother when health abounds. Drink Bentley Renckens' pure, rich milk at every meal for sound health-building. PHONE 2639 BENTLEY RENCKENS DAIRY PRODUCTS RUGGLES -SERVICE THAT. PLEASES 1 SE 8 BEFORE the disaster is the time to' answer that question to your satisfaction, "Enough Insurance" means an' adequate amount to. place fully the loss of your home, property.
or business. And remember, the present -upswing is increasing stock values, Anything LESS is your loss! And Fire Insurance costa so little per thousand. Al Pfleeger AGENCY INSURING 41 East Fourth Street Mombors of the. Altar guild of St. John's church motored to ford Bay Tuesday night and had dinnor at the Bay toaroom.
There in tho party. Miss Graco Griawold of Frodonta is president of the guild. Dinner Tuesday and Mrs. Lowly N. Murray Mr.
ontortained guests at dinner Tuos. duy night at their home, Dunkeld. in Lake Shore Drive, West Tha gusts included Mrs. Lyman Van Buron of Pasadona, Mrs. NadJa Embry of Now York; and Mr.
and 0. P. Crandall of Weatple-flold. After dinner there received way bridge Mrs. and Gorald prizos B.
woro Williams, Miss by, Jonale Hillman, Hakoy and Honry K. Williams. Soveral picnics will bo hold this aftornoon and evening. Harrys bourg will be the Mothodiat day coption Hoclety tho ol St. Mary's school, Immaculate Conand tho Sunday school tho Salvation Army.
The Women's Bonefit association and the Protected Point Gratiot hom*o and tho Biblo school Cirelo will of Zion Evangelical church will at Shoridan bay. The first concort of tho Littlo Symphony orchestra will bo hold tonight at Chautauqu" and there will bo a buffet lat Shorewood Country club. Events Tonight RusHoll of Dunkirk. All suasion of tho regional mootMr. and Mr.
Willian J. Ming of the New York atato confer. Kocknoy have returned 10 their forenco of Social work, which 13 dome in Tolodo, and 0., 1. nfter A. boing lion- to be hold Thursday at Shore guosts.
of Mr. Mra, Country club, uro open pubdorson in West Lako rom. lic. Mrs. Robort Robinson is L.
Rowe and Almue man of tho rocoption committeo and Pilcoger left this morning by motor will bo assisted by Mrs. William for Bonfiold, for a flaking J. Sullivan, Thomas P. HofferThey were by nan and Mra. Clivo L.
Hallenbock. Morlo Smith and Guy Branglor of Engono Warner, preaident of the trip. Buffalo. Buffalo Council of Social and Min. Robort McCaw will bo tho spunkor at the ovening Mr.
and Suzanno Steelo of and sona Robert tho Predonta will give a reading. and William Schenoctady are occupying Conference at Shorewood The July mooting of tho Hebrew auxillary was hold Tuos ins night at the home of Mrs. Horbert Star In Summer atroot, rfodonia. During tho, business mooting plans were mado for two ovoning parties to be held at tho community 10480 in Washington avenue. Mrs.
Max and Mrs. Harry Bullotin will be hostesses on July 16, and Mra. Moyor ilallotin and Charles Gaborman on July 24. The next rogular menting wIll ho hoid nl tho home of Mra. Moyer Bal'otin In Englo Ang.
7. Aftor tho business the mombers played carda and Mra. and Mrs. Giaberman rocolved prizos. Hebrow Ladies' Auxillary Society Meetings All mothora of Murray hom*o Fire Hall Thursday al 8 n.
111., 4 aro requested to moot ot tho attond the funoral of thoir into brother, Prank Przbycion. Hoc. Sale Dresses Worth $16.98, Worth $13.98, Worth $12.98, Worth $11.98, Worth $10.98, Misses' Women's Jacket Dresses that will summer with marvelous cost. Prints are in tho sheer, many linen trimmed, make this an important Printed sheers- with Tailored crepes and Colors navy and brown Gay Beach $1.00 and Handy for the beach or ure about 1x2 yards and in 8 good assortmont of stripes. 320 Central Ave.
Unusual Facilities for the privacy of the family are offered by our modern funeral. home. Sleeping rooms; private rooms for the family before and during the gervices; private driveways. Everything is everything is done to insure the utmost seclusion at all times. W.H.
SON FUNERAL: DIRECTORS AMBULANCE 144 E. FOURTH DAY PHONE 2097 NIGHT PHONES 2748 or 2469 Frost cottago at Hickoryhurst. Mr. McCaw gonernl pieco work BUpervlaor for Alco Producta. Mr.
and Mr. Lloyd Bromer of Hornell aro spending a month with Mrs. W. J. Bremor at Greencret.
Mr. Bromor In nt- Rings ands Wedding Rings Combinations Porfect bluo white dinmond! ungaromont ring with diamond (set wodding ring to match. $25, $35 and $50 Combinations Up to $125 Our cortified guarantco la (your protection. Official watch mapecters tor N. C.I.R.
328 Maln Dunkirk, N. Y. "SEAMPRUFE" "SEAMPRUFE" FRENCH CREPE Slips $1,98 All-silk bias and non-bias Slips, made with built-up and straight bodice tops. Trimmed. with lovely laces and embroidery.
Shoulder straps that are adjustable and, above all scams that are rip-proof. Sizes 32 to 52, tearose and white. Summer Drug Needs FACE POWDER Boyer's 39c Williams' SHAVING CREAM 29c Sunburn CREAM FACE Boyer's CREAM 49c 33c Sun GOGGLES WITCH 33c 39c 11; HAZEL PASTE TOOTH 25c Marathon Foot Powder 17c Palm Olive Shampoo GILL and WILL PHARMACY 413 Main Street Phone 5126 Dunkirk, N. Y. A USED CAR SPECIAL 1-1933 Chevrolet Special Sedan (low mileage) 1-1932 Chevrolet Special Sedan 1--1931 Chevrolet Coach Watrous Chevrolet 15 Lake Shore Drive, East Dunkirk, N.
Y. MATTHEW J. SCHOLTES Custom. Tailoring Clothes like bonds, should be considered as an investment. Room 22 Masonic Temple FIGHT THAT COLD WITH RITZ Electric Light Cabinet BATHS They Guard Against Serious Sickness 5th 62072 A.