YMltt TWO DUNKTHK KVENWn OHKKKVER STRUGGLING TO DISCOVER HOW MUCH GERMANT CAN Germany, However, Pessimist As to Her Ability to Pay Any Appreciable Amount. j- By A DA8HIELL (United Press SUB Correspondent) 1'arls. April IC-(UI')--Tbt ttrug tin of Germany and her creditors I reach sn agreement of reparation totali. i brilonn at stake, con 1 In sr4 at Hie Hotel Ucorge Fltlh to lar. A two hours' discussion was hcli this morning on ficrmauy'a capacity to par It' annuities suggested In Ibi titled memorandum of list Saturday which vat supplemented yesterday by iripportlni figures concerning (lie costs ot ttie army of occupation.
Tbe conference adjourned at 1 m. until 3 p. m. Dr. lljalmar Krharlit, chief Oerman delegate, Ird molt of the dlsrnsslons.
Germany It Pessimistic frrlln. April 1C--(UP)--Assertion fty allied delegates fo tho conference reparations osperls In Paris that Ihulr recent memorandum to the tier mans was not Intended ai either an ultimatum nr unalterable did little loilay In alia; the pessimism ot Her lln Inward the Figures in New Jersey "Torch Murder" Case pointed oat tbat dciplte tho conciliatory attitude ol the allies to llnnday and deiplle tbe calm at- mnipbrre which preralled at the Plenary session, the tact remained that a wldn dlftcrpncn eilited between Ibe alllrd demands and the tig ore which Germany "it able to pay Tho obverrers maintained tbat It was Henry Colin Campbell, upper right, was called "one ot ln strangest characters lu the annals of criminology alttr his confession at tbe murder of Mrt. Mildred I-owry. An engineer author and amateur surgeon, a man of high Intellectual type, and rlggrous despite hit to years. Campbell admitted marrying Mrs.
Mowry Llgimoasiy and later shooting her to death and setting fire to her body on a lonely road near Crantord. difficult In ho could bo bridged. the difference STOCK MARKET tbe Issie marking time pending outcome ot the directors' meeting of tbe corporation to It held after the close. Customs smellers were offering at II cents a pound delltertd In the domestic market to tbe end ol July, while the foreign price was cut to 18.30 cents a poucd Anaconda declined to a eew low on the moTemcnt ed 3 8 to 7-S and illarni 74 to 43 at 137U riff 31. while Kennecott ear- 38.
International Nickel declined 34 ID (ieneral ilolors held steady at 34; helping sustain price leiel. In Ibe motor trim p. Studcbaker rose rractlunally to SI 7-1. while Hudson beld unchanged at I6H- Yellow Oy ELMER C. WALZER United Press Financial Kdltor Truck raiedTi" point" lo 'llupp Flnjl Brmed up 38 to 17 New York.
April Hallroad shares nlso were steady, though wheat broke nearly five York Central and llalllmore a bashel on Ibe Chicago board of.Ohio held unibanged, but New Haven trade after tbe reading of President eased IS to (I. Hoover's message, to congress, the! American Can, Itadln. Chrysler, stock market appeared to benelll by 'litneral aud National Cash tht mMsare. rallying sharply toward! lleglsler all declined slightly Mont- the close alter a weak showing carl-'gomery Ward rose 1 lo 117 M. ler.
lluslnesB however, was still on I small scale. (Foreign Etchsnge Traders In grains dlsap- New York. April It- (U.P.) -Kor. polnlment over the llonver speech clgn escbango opened lower, which on rat reading tilled to Demand sterling U5 Me oS CO lly a definite tarm rvllet plan. Vnn Me.
were eipressed that larltf would noil Krancs OJSO IS off COCO 18 eome In lime lo aid tbu wboat I.Ira 0113 38 off 0000 1-J. BYMIE era and this frame of mind Icdurei heity selling. On the other hand, stock market traders were- heartened by failure ol the president to bring up the credit situation In his short discourse. During rf tbe day, spiling was better than buying In stocks, but In Ibi- lite (riding recutrry ensued. led by American Can and ilonlgom iry Ward.
American Can rose more than Ihw points as did Montgomery Ward Smaller gains mado by Chrysler. Itadlo. HeHil-aem Steel and teu-ral other Issuei. United Klcel sold off rather sliarply, but It was rallying toward the close. Yotingitnwn Sheet Tobo row to a now high record at 131 up more than four points on ci-ni ot a merger embracing that comjiany iml seieral otber Independent Oil rtare steadied mhllo regained part ot thel early brought on by a decline, lo IS cents llclga 1385 1-1.
Marks :370 1 Gealn MsrVet April (UI')-May wl.Mt driippnl nearly Hr ct'nts a buihel today a Hoover's farm relief UK-stage ha I been delivered to the pralat seslun of congreu. Tim di-clliie at the close nf tbe Chiago Nw 1 ol trade sw'm bad mounted to four and cents, tbe ast sales mad at 11.18 I-8. as Monday, ('orn and a pound In copper metal recovery In tin snd rallies occurro! the railroad group. There, were still Ihr price ot domcilli (Jrreno Cananea led copper section In An.iconda Kennecntt snd ethers had lost heavily earlier. New Haten rose a point lo fcjtnre many loisca at the close, giving the market a high ly Irregular appearance.
North Am erlcan. (inodyrar. Consolidated (las and Congress Cigar were down one to tw points. The recovery lu tho list came after call money had fr.irn the rr- rowa) n'e ot cent to per cent Today's tlrmnes. In credit rcprrfented demsn.l for fund's ti pay checks for In.
lerett and dividends distributed at mid month. previous of 11.23 on oats also clotted lower traders attributing the dccjlnn to dissatisfaction oier the outlook for farm relief. Chicago. April If A poor for- ilemand and generally bearish do- mestlc news was reflected In whrat market hero today, prtcivi falling considerably loner In the opening tra.le Corn was steady to a little higher but iuts loner In tho delivery mouth. Provisions wen unchanged to slightly lower.
farm rtllet legislation still the dominant topic among wheat traders and will prolutily continue 0 until full scope and practicability of the bill Is Corn has been ualnlalnlng a firm tnm. became, of the Increasing strength of caj rrarkets and. with small movements In slgta for some, time, proipect, for Its continuance very favorable. Trade is oats has been rather nar- Formcr Vice President Will 'Be Ambassador to Great Britain. Washington.
April nominations ot former Vlcu President Charles (I. Dawcs to be smbaa ia-lnr to London and former Senator Joseph 1. Dlion, ol Montana, to be assistant secretary ol Interior were confirmed speedily by tbe to- dsy out of respect lo Ibelr former connections with tbat body. A scorn of other importan nnmlna- ons aud TO postmaster appointments referred to committees without action. There was no debate over the nom- nation ot either Dawei or Dlion.
Tbo executive session In which they were rontlrmed lasted only tlve minutes. WIFE IS DECLARED HABITUAL DRUNKARD midgcporl. April --Itt'fore a courtrom crowded i ('airfield county society people, Su- perlo. Court Judge, Newell Jennings today granted Donald O. Perkins; prominent Westport sportsman, divorce from Mrt.
Minnie Iloyd (iallo- way Perkins of Wcstport on grounds of habitual Intemperance. Tbe action was uncontested. Perkins was given custody ot a IS year old son. Uinald nn.l Mrs. Prrklni nf two young daughters, liar- bara and Nancy.
You will be amated at the difference In performance of tbe- "Old Ilus" after yon haro Installed a new Bet of spark plugs. Most owners never (Ire a thought to these until a couple ot cylinders stop firing, but tbois drivers who really understand motors. iw to get the best per-- their gasoline dollars. stick In a new set ot plugs sometimes as often as every 1.000 mile Their Plight Is Considered More Dangerous Than That of the Crew They Tried to Find. Sydaer.
N. S. April --Although exhausted after two weeks among the dangers of desolate northwest Australia, the four men of airplane Southern Cross eager today to Join the hunt for Keith Anderson and Robert Hitchco*ck. Aus- rallan aviators who disappeared while aearchlns; for the Southern Cross. Capt Charles E.
Kingston! Smith, commander of the Southern Crois, nd his three companions sent warl pilots of planes which landed beside them today that If his piano cccld bo reconditioned be would Join tht search for Anderson and IIUcbcocL Immediately. All tbe crew of the Soatnern Cross, which Includes also Capt. Charles T. P. Ulm.
T. H. UcWIlllams and H. A. Lltchtleid.
said they feared tbe lost men would be In greater danger than they themselves were. Tbe In which the two were believed lost la YOUNG FINANCIER HAD TOO MANY TROUBLE West Onset. N. 1, April It-- (UP --Otto Szanto, 12 year old flnande whose disappearance from home week ago was attributed to "bos ness worries." coupled wllh the a ttit he bad to wish dlsbee (or mother, was found today it Camdeo. N.
Two yean ago otto persuaded not Orange bank to loaa Urn 1 on his JWay note thereupon tshllshed a dot team dellrery servlc Three of bit four don were tick re- centlr ud added to othev burdens, was too much, HI father promised lad he woulda to wuh any more an to Camden to bring him borne considered even wilder and more dei olate tbaa the. aectlon where southern Croji wu forced down. It makes little difference how good jour car's battery may be. or how clean the. spark plus points are kept for It tie battery cable and the li nlllon cables are old.
oil soaked and with cracked Insulation, yonr motor will not get good hot sparks. Leaky cables, like leaky garden hose, permit watte of the- jalce and should be replaced at least every 15.000 miles. Court Holds Property Transferred by Merchant Prince Two Years Before Death Is Not Taxable. Washington, April 16-- (u.p.) Heirs of John Wanamaker won a tlc- tory In a decision of tho board of tai appeals which held that property worth transferred to members of his family by the merchant prince In the two years prior to his death could not be assessed by the government for estate tales. Taxes aggregating J10.0I1.S3! were assessed against this property by the goTenmenL The proceedings were brought to obtain a determination of tbe amount --Subscribe for tbe OBSERVER.
FILED FOR SEATS Defeated Floridian Claims Rutl Bryan Owen Lost ship Through Marriage. i Washington. April JIi contests for seats In tbe bouse were filed with Speaker Longwortli William C. Lawson. Uepn, Fla, who was defeated by sirs.
Itnth Bryan )wea by 31.0CO rotes, has contended he daughter ot the bte William ennlngs Bryan Is not entitled lo her eat because ot her marriage to an Englishman. Harry M. Wunbach. Ilepn. as protested the election of Augus- us UcCloskey.
on the ground McCloskey was an election Juice and berefore had an opportunity to tamer with ballots. William II. Lawrence, flepa. us contested tbe election of Jacob Ullllgan, a former Democratic mem. ler and John Phillip HIM.
as contested the election ot Louis udlow, Ind. The contest petitions will be held Speaker Longworth as e'ectlon mmltlefs may not be organized uu- the regular session next Decem- er. Air like wine: birds twittering la treetops; the warm, sweet aroma earth: shafts ot sanllght through ares; the distant splaih ot rising root; the hum ot bees, hcneybonnda fragrance ot bacon and eggs In- rmlngled with wood smoke; those ng draughts ot crystal waler-- these lights ara for the Gods--and tho rest American Tourist --OBSEIIVER Adrertlsing Pays. GLOVES Silk gloves with cuffs, all colon at Sl.OC pair fancy Biggest Department Store BLOOMERS Girls' rayon bloomers, 8 to 1C, all colors. G9c and G9c GOVERNOR ORDERS AN INVESTIGATION Albany.
April It (Ul')-Cor. crnor lloosovclt today ordered an extraordinary Investigation Into Uu town gorernment ot Irondrquolt, Mon- rtw county. The gorcrnor ordered the appoint- mrat ot a spocUl attorney general to conduct tho Investigation and designated Supreme Court Justice Stephen Callaghan as presiding Justice et a special criminal and clrll term ot su- premo court which will be called for that purpose. Watonal'bOW'NTJlb'RlW DRESSIVSAKIMC CONTEST Now you will appreciate why so many of the best dressed women at this community, who hare learned that it IS possible to combine style with economy. hive hastened to our Wash Goods De.
partment to register in the great Borden contest--by aH odds the greatest of its kind that has ever been attempted. Hsnr.e ot stocVe op to ind Icclud Ing 1 p. High Low List A- T. SI? Z17 Atchlson 1SS 1S3 Chrysler 89i S7U Del. Hud lit 71U lelshman 7JH 72 Cen.
MoL 8IH 8JU Lebn rick Sit 55 Kash lIoL N. Y. Cen is: N. r. N.
n. n. Korfolk Wes. 151 Pan. Ser.
Pub. Ser. pc Pfd. 105 Seaboard Airline UVi (tan. OU ot N.
Y. 4IH Unlo Pac, Z1IU UnL Cigar 114 U. 8. Hub C3U D. S.
Steel 1ST'; DHL p. R'es. Ucion New Scotland Yard Is carrying out eimlmenls la the transmission, by wireless, cf and finger prints of criminals. The first book printed In America was the "KUcala de- San Juan Climico." There are no copies of the book known to be In existence. HOOVER APPEALED TO Klliabelhton, April 16- U1')-- A telegraphic appoal to President lloorer to Intercede In behall ot 'the recognised right of labor to organise." was made today by lead ere ot tbe 5.000 striking textile workers at the Dembcrg and ObnitofI rajr mills.
The big plants, operated Jointly I German interests, hare been shut down since the workers walked ont yesterday afternoon and thus far no plans tor reopening them bare bwn this Morning's Mirket: Kew York. April 1C-- Issues declined on the stock ex Asnte In Initial dealings today and the list presented a weak appearance. tales rolume continued llfbL International Combustion was an latstsndlng strong spot, riling 1 lo 74 H. A few ot oils also adtsn ted while coppers dropped on a fur Iher redaction In metal United ftaits Steel held iteadr, traitrs In IViARY.PHILBIN Universal Picture Wearing a Dress of Borden Tabrics. LAURA LA Un'nmal Picture Star a Dress of Borden.Fabrio --If you lose anything let OBSERVER help yon find It.
41H 41 18! DIED PETER EBERLE, Jr. At Corry, IV, April P. beloved husband of Beatrice A. Eberlc, son of Mr. and Peter Ebcrle and brother of Frances Schlchr of Dunkirk, Mrs.
P. M. Smith, of Eric, and Lewis Eberle of Altoona, Pa. Funeral Wednesday afternoon, April 17th, at 2:30 o'clock at the family home 47 West Third street, Dunkirk. Interment will follow in Dankirk cemetery.
Friends are invited ittend. SUPKOSKf A SERVICE Borden Prints Guaranteed fast color, 36-incii Borden American fabrics, prints at, yard Dortlen Zephyr prints in Hue, red and peach, yard wide, at yard Jviu JO-Inch Borden batiste in a variety of new patterns nn. yard. J-J(J Dordcn printed broadcloth, 36 inches wide at yard Borden Tydalk prints, a new material. 36-Inch Borden Ellard novelty fabric, atyard McCALL PRINTED PATTERNS i The Simplest Pattern JfeCall printed patltrni-aro offered by our pattern department as the simplest anil easiest to use.
All names and necessary instructions are printed on the pat- tern pieces and the outline of each piece is a heavy print- id line..