W. Harold Sloan has unnounccd a special series of request sermons to be preached at the i a. m. service during the next five- weeks. The subjects are: Jan.
B. "Wise Men tram the Jan. 16, tirst ot series on prnycr, "The Need of Jan. 23, "Prayer as Jarr NOTICE the difference in Really CLEAN Rugs! in pi-5 will tell you how much softer your rugs are after They'll look newer, too with their brighter. colors and patterns.
But there's an even greater dtt- tnn't or we remove all the embedded that hide deep down in the pile, making your niiary clean and helping them lo wear much longer to resutorly-thc cost is surprisingly low "ihrtft.uahly dusted before NNKIRK LAUNDRY Inc. Phone 2038 PROTECT YOUR INCOME with ACCIDENT INSURANCE Weekly Indemnity iteordtng to Your Neet 1 Low Rntct TREMAINE Agency, Inc. Mi Frtdonla. New York JUST RECEIVED 8, 8 and 12-inch Adjustable Wrenches Also Box and Open End Wrenches WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE Eait Main FREDONIA 30, "Prayer tor Feb. "Prayer in Time ot Trouble," on.
lEiliii OF BUFFALO SPEAKS AIMS DINNER Nearly 80 men from Methodist churches ot Northern Chautauqua attended the meeting ol the Six Point Brotherhood Thursday evening in the banquet room of the Fredonia Methodist church. Supper was served by the women ol the Fredonia church, after which a brief' business session was held. Albert Heighley of Sheridan was elected president succeed Dr. H. F.
Hutchlnson of Forostville, who recently died. Claude R. Dye was general chairman in charge ot the meeting. Robert Sackett of the Fredonia church led the tinging of hymns and rendered a solo. The Rev.
W. H. Sloan conducted a memorial tor Drl Hutchinson after which the speaker, Dr. Leon Randall ot Buffalo, was Introduced. Dr, Rtmdall spoke on the com 1 Ing bishops crusade on the Meth odist approach to post war prob lems.
He spoke briefly of condl tions of the war period and urged all to pay attention through reading and' otherwise to the future A crusade meeting will be held i a next Friday for that area and one in Erie, on Jan. 24 lor the Erie conference of which Chautauqua county is a part. At the Erie meeting, the leaders it was announced, will he Bishop J. Straughn, Bisttbp Paul Kern and Mrs. J.
D. Btagg. president of the National Wom- I en's Society of Christian Service. I The next meeting of the Broth- jcvhood will be Thursday Feb. 3, in Sheridan.
FRIDATVJANTTABY 7,1944 the of the con BOCK LUDWIG 11 Cunadaway Frednnla Plumblni. Heating A raves Trough Phone 413-J Watch Monday's Observer for Announcement of our BIG JANUARY Clearance Event SAVON DRESS SHOP Fredonia, N. Y. DAUGHTERS OF UNION VETERANS INSTALL OFFICERS FOR 1944 Mary B. Gushing tent, of Union Veterans, had dinner in tnc Main Diner Thursday evening- followed by installation o( olficcrs in Sons of Veterans hall.
Miss Mara Wilcox Installing officer with Mrs. Elizabeth Gray as guide. The new officers are: President. Mrs. Harriet LeBaron; senior vice president, Mrs.
Josephine Carlson; junior ivlce president. Miss Clara Rees; chaplain, Miss Mara Wilcox; treasurer, Mrs. May Hack; council members, Mrs. Marie Bishop, Mrs. Jennie Smith and Mrs.
Elizabeth Gray; patriotic instructor, Mrs. Harriet Cole; secretary, Mrs. Anna Dikeman; correspondent, Mrs. Ethel Williams; guide, Mrs. Ruth Bull; Mrs.
Lulu Adams; assistant guard, Mrs. Carrie Horey; musician, Mrs. Laura Abell; color bearers, Mrs. Pauline Tuttle, Mrs. Maude Raynor, Mrs.
Sara Coykendall and Mrs, Doris MAGNUSON OF 1AMESIQWN SPEAKS AT MEETING Llalton With World War 11 Veteran! le Topic of Hit Fritts Magnuson of Jamestown was a guest of the American Legion In rredonia on Thursday evening at tht regular meeting of Fredonia Memorial post In the village hall. Mr. Magnuson i eighth district chairman lor liai son work with World "War II vet-, erans. He declared that amendment of the Legion's constl- 'tution to permit veterans of World War II to join prompted not by a selfish attempt to gain members but by a desire to assist the new veterans in whatever way possible, a mission which the Legion Is qualified to perform by 25 years of experience. Mr.
Magnuaon also outlinred the program of the liaison convmiittee as it applies to post activities. Commander N. Heary announced that- the Legion would undertake to sell at least $75,000 worth of bonds in the next war bond campdlgn and that the post on attaining that goal would be permitted to propose a name for a fighter plane. Inasmuch as no difficulty was expected in selling the required amount of bonds, the post decided on the name "Fre- donian" for the plane. Harry Wlnkleman is chairman of the bond drive committee for the Legion.
Somuel Castilone, who has charge of the Smoke fund which provides gifts for men and women in service gave an extended report of that group's activities which have included the of nearly $1500 arid the m'ailing of cigarettes, candy, and other arti- I cles to all town of Pomfret men and women in service whose addresses could be obtained. mentioned the scores, of letters he has received from men and women in service Indicating their appreciation for this interest the part of their home town whose residents have contributed to "Following the meeting lunch was served. LEAVES FREDQNIA TODAYJOR ARMY The January contingent from Selective Service Distrirt 655, Fredonia, ten in number, left for Camp Upton, L. I. this morning rhis was one of the smallest army contingents to leave here in a long Fredonia; Richard F.
Damon of Gerry; Ernest R- Frost of Hamet; Donald C. Cobbr of Stockton; Wallace E. Bumside of Brocton; ames E. Dennison of Westfield; Charles Samuelson of South Jayton and James R. Cooley, a ransfer from Buffalo.
James E. Denrrison was acting corporal in charge of the group. A group will leave on Jan. 17 for examination. Among them will be Aviation Cadet Anthrny Johnson of Brocton, who has been training with the civilian air patrol at Gowanda.
This training provides preliminary work which hastens acceptance of young men in the aviation cadets cchool. Paragraphs Have That Xmas Present Monogrammed from attacks ofjnfluenw. Ptc Alphonse Nowak of Buff a- lo who Is language a fc Univ-Wty of Missoun Miss Helen Dansco of Buffalo, many friends he-re. Ann HmnUer of West Main street is visiting friends Albany and Troy. in SAMSON Deluxe CARD TABLES W.Ht ttly Molll In Ivory.
TERW1LLIGER SALZER FURNITURE UNDERTAKING Frodonia, N. Y. 22 Gold Billfolds Pass and Key Cases Leather Goods Bibles, etc. Stationery Compacts, etc. Your Name or InitUU Will Make It Eren More Beautiful Minimum Charge 5Qc WILLSEY'S Drug-Gift Shop "The Bert Place to Shop, After All" 12 Wert Main Street Fredonia, N.
Y. Misi Vivian Kobe of the college faculty h.s left the hospita Sehuman at Laona. Mr. and Howard of street attended wie o' the opera Carmer. in Buflalo Thursday night.
a ha. to York city. AuxlUwT The January mtetlng of the L. F. Dorler.
Claw JlERAT FALCONER 4-H aUB STATE PUKE WINNER GUESTJF. ROTARY Miss Laurene Sprague ol Falconer was the guest speaker at the weekly luncheon ofI the Fredonia Rotary at the White Inn, Thursday. Miss Sprague was one of New York state 4-H ub representative. the -H club congress at Chicago, last fall. She gave a review of the meeting including the fine entertainment SIN ess She WM introduced by Kenneth Coombs, county 4-H club agent, who explained the and growth at this of young people Interested In agriculture.
The ro rainM general charge of Francis H. Among the guests were: Harry Carson, plant production an of the Brigham road plant ol the steel company and George Morley, supervising engineer Of the defense corporation. When Mexico City's American; Colony gives a party or 1 ment practically the entire British colony attends. 338 CENTRAL AVENUE we. Tlw refreshments will be chVrg.
of Edward Mau Mn. Merritt Shakeipeare Club The Fredonia Shakespeare club rwunved activltlei Thurid.y, af- th. hoUday rtcesa, meeting at home of Anna Haiklw. The topic, "Science I ion in China," was dls- members. table The meeting next week i will 'be at the residence of Mrs.
C. U. See "City Vi- $1.00 BILE Tablets Bottle 100's 2Bo HINKLE PILLS Bottle 100'a kdHMHOTMiMWMMa.M-iaW AbeiAtae COUGH OR COLO Junior HfLPFOL VICK'S VAPO-RUO Giant Size SMITH 8ROS. COUGH SYRUP 12: COLD TABLETS 174 If A COUGH SYRUP $1.00 IRONIZED YEAST TABLETS Bottle 60's 39c ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL Compound IOC Size 50c PHILLIPS MILK MAGNESIA 12-oz. 75c FITCH SHAMPOO 30c LIFEBUOY SHAVE CREAM ELMO Make-up Kit Contains Powder and Lipstick Photo-Fir'- 11 $3.50 lut FLEET'S CHAPSTICK Softest ft- Easy to UM.
TONIC For Blood Building 60c Luxor Skin TU.u« Cream 20c Best Castile 8 29c TRAVELING BAG with ZIPPER Well Made and Durable $4.00 Value BalePriee LISTERINE ToothParte Toiletries 110c Tincture ol I Iodine, OB. Jlfle Hydrogen --jiKjir 1 Peroxide. 4 JrSKl MM 1 TM Ammonia 22c inn ii.