33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (2024)

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (1)

Flatbread is, quite simply, flat bread. The traditional version of the bread doesn’t use any yeast. It relies on flour, water and salt.

There are many distinct styles of flatbread out there, with tortillas and naan bread being just two examples. Some types of flatbread even use a little yeast, like naan bread.

The shape of the bread makes it a fantastic choice for cooks. You can use the bread in plenty of different ways. For example, you can simply add toppings to a piece of flatbread to create an easy pizza. You might also heat up a piece of flatbread and serve it with a meal.

This list highlights a selection of keto flatbread recipes that you can try out for yourself. They come in various styles and use their own combination of ingredients.

We focus on the key features in the description for each recipe. You can get a sense of what to expect from the image too.

Table of Contents

Keto Flatbread Recipes

PS. There are many other styles of savory keto bread that would also be great for dinners, including keto corn bread.

PPS. You could also take a look at our list of tortilla recipes. While the authors of those recipes were focusing on tortillas, many of them can be used in a similar way to a more general flatbread recipe.

Wrap-Style Soft Tortilla Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (2)

This first recipe comes from theketoqueens.com. The flatbread is designed so that you can use it as a wrap. This makes it ideal for tortillas.

I’m sure you can imagine plenty of other fillings that would work as well. Interestingly, the recipe does rely on yeast, which gives it a bread-like texture. The yeast does add complexity to the recipe, but the end result is worth it.

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (3)

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33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (4)

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33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (5)

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33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (6)

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33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (7)

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33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (8)

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33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (10)

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Coconut Flour Flatbread

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This flatbread recipe is a vegan friendly choice. This is a very important outcome, as it means that there are no eggs included. Many keto dieters get frustrated at how ‘eggy’ keto bread recipes sometimes taste, so it’s always nice to find ones that don’t contain eggs.

Another feature is that the flatbread uses coconut flour as a key ingredient. The flatbread ends up being low in carbs too, at less than three net grams of carbs in each serving.

You can find all of the details for the flatbread at sweetashoney.co.

Keto Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (12)

Here’s a more complex flatbread recipe to consider. It comes from the site ketogasm.com, has garlic on the top and is packed with spinach. This style makes the flatbread much more nutritious than normal.

It would taste amazing too. The flatbread even comes in at just one carb per serving. It’s easy to imagine the bread being served at a party or as a side to a rich meal.

Legit Naan (i.e. Flatbread!)

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (13)

This flatbread follows the naan style and comes from the site gnom-gnom.com. Paola even mentions that you can pair the flatbread with low carb Indian dishes. Butter chicken is the obvious example, but there are plenty of other recipes to choose from too.

You can also use the flatbread as wraps or in other ways. The recipe post even includes details about the various flours that you can use. This type of versatility is always appealing, especially for anyone who has a dietary sensitivity.

Keto Naan Bread

This recipe comes from wholesomeyum.com and it also follows the naan style. This version uses almond flour, along with a small selection of other ingredients.

If you prepare the recipe as written you end up with six servings of naan bread. Each contains six grams of net carbs and 28 grams of fat. If the number of carbs seems high, you could always eat half a serving instead.

Garlic Flatbread Using Fathead Dough

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The garlic in this recipe makes it an ideal alternative to conventional garlic bread. This style also ends up being much more interesting than simply another flatbread recipe. After all, a bit of extra flavor is often a good thing.

There are two distinct parts to this recipe. The first is the dough, which follows a familiar style. The second part is the topping, which is where the garlic flavor comes in. You can find the full recipe over at forgetsugarfriday.com.

‘Everything Bagel’ Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (16)

This is another great recipe if you’re looking for a bit more flavor. It comes from Heather at hbeardsley.com and takes advantage of the Everything but the Bagel Sesame Seasoning Blend, which comes from Trader Joes.

Heather includes a link for making your own seasoning blend, in case you would rather do that. Either way, you end up with flatbread that is easy to make and tastes even better than you might expect.

Low Carb Naan

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Here’s another recipe that has you making naan bread. This time it is from ketoconnect.net and you’re making six pieces of naan bread from the ingredients. A serving is considered to be three pieces of naan bread and contains just six net grams of carbs.

That’s roughly two net grams of carbs per piece of naan bread, which is pretty good. You also get to choose whether or not you add minced garlic into the mix.

The minced garlic provides extra flavor, although some people might prefer the bread without it.

Keto Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (18)

While this recipe is simply called keto flatbread, it is a little more interesting than many other recipes. The main difference is that there are various herbs included as part of the recipe.

It’s easy to see how this decision would impact the final flavor of the bread. This style could work particularly well if you are serving the bread on the side of a larger meal, such as with a rich beef stew.

You can find details for making it over at arealkitchn.com.

Flaxseed Low Carb Wraps

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (19)

This flatbread recipe focuses on the wrap style. You end up with a type of flatbread that is perfect for rolling up and makes a good alternative to high carb wraps.

The recipe relies on flax seeds instead of a more common low carb flour choice. Don’t worry if you haven’t used flax seeds like this before.

They’re easy enough to work with and Katin provides plenty of detailed instructions. You can find all she has to say at sugarfreelondoner.com.

Vegan Pesto Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (20)

This recipe is a little different, as you’re getting details about how to make the flatbread itself and also the toppings. The flatbread itself is another version that takes advantage of flax seeds.

It also has a simple recipe, with just four separate ingredients. You can then choose whether you want to use the suggested toppings or make something entirely different.

The recipe can be found at meatfreeketo.com, along with all the nutritional information.

Butter Chicken With Naan

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (21)

Idriss from brookefoodies.com doesn’t just provide a flatbread recipe. His post gives you the details for making a full meal, including the flatbread/naan and a butter chicken recipe.

Getting both sets of information at once is very useful, as you can be certain that the flavors will combine together well. The naan bread recipe is one that relies on coconut flour and psyllium husk to create the right texture.

Keto Flatbread With Nutritional Yeast

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (22)

There are a few unusual features with this recipe. The first is that it includes both coconut flour and almond flour. Many keto baking recipes try to include one or the other.

The recipe also uses nutritional yeast flakes (you can include dried yeast instead if you want to). Because the recipe doesn’t include sugar, the yeast doesn’t get activated.

The yeast is simply there to provide some extra flavor. There are more details about this aspect and the recipe itself at ketosummit.com.

Almond Flour Keto Wraps

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (23)

These wraps are mostly designed as tortillas, although you could use them in plenty of other ways too. The recipe comes from lowcarbyum.com and it’s an egg free recipe. Each of the tortillas contains just two net grams of carbs.

Lisa also mentions that the recipe has been changed over time based on the comments of readers. It’s always good when recipe creators do this. The process helps to ensure that you get the best possible version of the recipe.

Dairy Free Avocado Pizza Crust

Even though this recipe is for a pizza crust, you are simply making another type of keto flatbread. It’s an interesting variation on the flatbread idea, as the recipe heavily relies on ripe avocado.

This approach creates an unusual flavor and texture combination, one that seems to work well.

Cat, from mycrashtestlife.com, seems particularly pleased that the pizza crust doesn’t contain cheese. The decision makes the flatbread a good choice for anyone who is trying to cut down their dairy intake.

Pumpkin Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (25)

What about pumpkin-based flatbread? If the idea sounds appealing, look no further than this recipe from thermofoodieandthechef.com. The entire recipe is unusual and contains more flavor than you might expect.

You don’t need to stick with the toppings featured on the site either. You could easily play around and find your own combinations of ingredients. A few options are highlighted on the site.

Cauliflower Flatbread With Pesto And Parmesan

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (26)

While we’re on the topic of veggie flatbread, check out this cauliflower version from savorytooth.com. I know that cauliflower sounds like an odd bread ingredient choice, but it is one that works well.

The main reason is that cauliflower doesn’t have a strong flavor. Because of this, the bread ends up taking on the flavors of other ingredients.

In this case, the flavors include cheddar cheese and oregano. The pesto and parmesan on the top make the bread better still, although you can skip these if you don’t want to include them.

Psyllium Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (27)

I love how this flatbread looks very similar to a non-keto recipe. Honestly, a guest to your table might not even be able to tell the difference. The recipe comes from nutritionrefined.com and it is even suitable for vegans.

Another cool thing is that the post includes a video. The video can help you to follow the recipe precisely and reduces the risk of any issues.

Keto Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (28)

This is a fairly typical recipe from the site mylittleketo.com. It features coconut flour and psyllium to create the desired texture. You’re making four flatbreads at a time.

Each of these weighs roughly 85 grams and contains just 0.2 net grams of carbs. The low carb content gives you plenty of flexibility about the fillings that you include with the flatbread.

Flax Seed Roti

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (29)

Here’s a vegan flatbread recipe from yummytummyaarthi.com. While the site name is a bit of a mouthful, the recipe itself looks fantastic. You end up with a soft flatbread that has a slightly nutty flavor.

This combination would make the flatbread ideal for many fillings. The recipe is also incredibly simple to make. There are only three ingredients and relatively few steps to follow.

The author even includes images of each step in the process.

Nut Free Pizza Flatbread Crust

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (30)

While this recipe is presented as a pizza crust, you could use it simply as flatbread if you wanted to. The recipe sounds similar to the previous example because it only uses three ingredients.

Both recipes even include seed-based flours (sunflower flour in this case). Even so, there are differences.

One is that this recipe uses mozzarella cheese as an ingredient. This means that the flatbread won’t work for vegan or dairy free diets. Regardless, you can find the details at simplysohealthy.com.

Zesty Chicken And Onion Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (31)

This recipe provides you with information about making the flatbread itself and the toppings. The details for both can be found at joyfilledeats.com.

Focusing on the flatbread on its own and skipping the toppings is always an option. However, the combination of flavors that Taryn offers really is amazing.

It would be worth making the flatbread as written at least once. That way you know how the flavors contrast perfectly against one another.

Cheesy Keto Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (32)

Adding cheese to flatbread is a great way to make the bread a little bit different, without causing any major changes. The recipe comes from mamabearscookbook.com.

It includes a few tips for making sure that the bread turns out perfectly when you make it. There are also suggestions about meals and soups that pair well with the flatbread.

Buttery And Soft Skillet Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (33)

Doesn’t this flatbread look amazing? The description of buttery and soft sounds exactly like any flatbread should be. It’s easy to imagine dipping the bread into soup or using it to roll up some fresh fillings.

The recipe comes from inspectorgorgeous.com and it isn’t even that difficult to make. Each serving of the flatbread contains four net grams of carbs. You could cut this down slightly by making smaller flatbreads.

Easy Psyllium Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (34)

As the name suggests, this flatbread relies on psyllium husk powder and is easy to prepare. The entire recipe takes less than half an hour from start to finish. You’re making six pieces of flatbread within this time.

The flatbread is also perfect for many diets. It ends up being egg free, nut free, gluten free and paleo friendly. That’s a great combination and means that most people should be able to enjoy the bread.

You can find the details at castleinthemountains.com.

The Amazing Eight Minute Low Carb Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (35)

The main feature of this flatbread is how quickly you can prepare it. Sammy estimates that there is roughly two minutes of prep time and five or six minutes of baking time. These times make the bread faster than most other recipes out there.

The main limitation is that you’re just preparing one piece of flatbread at a time. Doing so could be perfect if you’re just feeding yourself. It isn’t so good if you’re cooking for a whole family.

Check out the recipe at mouthwateringmotivation.com to decide for yourself.

Fathead Rosemary Garlic Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (36)

What about flatbread that is flavored with garlic and rosemary? That’s exactly what this recipe offers. It comes from the site mylifecookbook.com and relies on the fathead bread concept.

As a result, it is made using mozzarella and cream cheese. Don’t worry though, the finished flatbread tastes really good.

The recipe also ends up being easy to prepare. It only takes 25 minutes from the beginning to the end.

Fathead Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (37)

Speaking of fathead bread, here’s a second recipe that follows that principle. This one comes from thehungryelephant.ca. It is a very simple variation, with just a few ingredients.

You can cut the bread as you want to, although the triangle shapes that are used on the site look like a lot of fun.

Coconut Flour And Psyllium Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (38)

Here’s a recipe from Stephen at lowcarbalpha.com. The combination of ingredients means that the flatbread has a darker color than normal. That color isn’t a bad thing. If nothing else, the flatbread makes a nice change from the other varieties out there.

As Stephen points out, the ingredients are high in fiber. This makes the flatbread an easy way to increase your fiber intake.

Pita Tortilla Naan Bread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (39)

Andrea from forestandfauna.com provides this recipe. It follows a similar style to some other recipes, which includes the use of coconut flour and psyllium husk powder.

Even so, the recipe is a good one to check out. For one thing, the finished bread just looks amazing – like something you’d buy rather than make. The flatbread isn’t difficult to prepare and cook either, which is another advantage.

Three Ingredient Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (40)

This recipe comes from thebigapplemama.com. It uses hardly any ingredients, unless you feel like adding extra spices into the mix.

One thing to mention is that the recipe uses a lot of egg whites – eight in total. You don’t have to waste the yolks. The site even provides information about other uses.

Still, the large number of egg whites may not suit everyone. If you are worried about the recipe being too eggy, then it might be best to try a different one from the list.

Coconut Flour And Psyllium Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (41)

Here’s another interesting flatbread recipe to try. It comes from Angela at divalicious.com. Like many of the recipes on this list, it relies on psyllium husk powder and coconut flour to form the base of the flatbread.

This time you’re making six flatbreads at a time. Each of these contains roughly four net grams of carbs. Because there are two different carb calculations on the site, it’s best to work out your own carbs before trying the recipe.

Homemade Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (42)

This is a simple recipe that takes inspiration from fathead dough. You only need four ingredients and they’re all common keto choices.

The recipe is a great one for beginners, as there are plenty of images for you to follow. The post also highlights an interesting alternative flour that you can use. This flour is relatively obscure, but it does have some interesting advantages.

You can learn more at thesugarfreediva.com.

Five Ingredient Flatbread

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (43)

Steph from perfectketo.com provides this recipe. It is fairly similar to the previous example, except that some ingredients for flavor are also included. You’re also making fewer pieces of flatbread at a time.

The smaller quantity makes this an ideal recipe for serving a single person. The flatbread remains low in carbs too, with close to 0.5 net grams of carbs per serving.

33 Keto Flatbread Bread Recipes That Help You Make All Of Your Favorite Meals | Food For Net (2024)
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